yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
hi guys...
if yall dunno, our skool(commonwealth sec)dropped to band 6 for special/express while normal (acd) was in band 5.
dis is VERI BAD.
commonwealth sec, known as an atonomous skool got band 6, wads happening??
so maybe, our skool might not be an atonomous skool anymore.
LIKE I CARE...haha...
please lah, da skool is charging me an atonomous skool fees juzz bcoz i'm studying in an "atonomous" skool.
wad du i get out of paying da extra sum of money??
well, actually its not me paying da money lah, its cummin out of ma edusave,
BUT, dat extra sum of money could be used to further ma education.
OK, i agree dat commonwealth is a gr8 skool and all but da choice of cca(s) we haf SUCKS.
bcoz da skool is an "atonomous" skool, it kinda concentrated it's students on academics, not much on cca(s).
so now, i'm stuck wif photography as ma damn cca.
other skools haf guitar club, different types of ncc, soccer, basketball n many more lah, but wad dus ma skool haf, juzz boring cca(s).
so i was thinking, wad cca wud i be in if i were to be in another (non-atonomous) skool???
well, if i were to be posted to another skool, i wouldn't haf met these "interesting" classmates of mine.(who were mostly chinese which sucks, summore, da mojority of students in commonwealth sec is oso chinese, +PLUS, our skool teaches higher chinese, therefore, they haf chinese foreigns to teach these higher chinese pupils. even wif their lack of english language, they still dare to be a teacher i/c for cca(s).
one gud example wud b ma goddammedmotherfucker cca teacher i/c.
so most of da time during cca meetings, non-chinese students haf a translator beside them. dat is da most stupit thing ever. wan to know wads stupit-er, he even dares to crack jokes in chinese, meaning dat da chinese ppl will laugh first, then they tell us da joke in english, which, if we find it funny, we'll laugh as da extras. so we can see dat non-chinese seems to be the "extras" in commonwealth. wad happened to "multi-racial society of singapore??")
i think i went out of da point for a while, well, lets continue from da point "if i were to be posted to another skool"
ahh..forget about dat.
too lazy to type summore, so i'll juzz highlite some of wad happened todae.
well, dis morning, we haf a "briefing" for da sec 3 "camp".
its not much of a camp coz its juzz a 2 dae 1 nite "camp".
during malay lesson got lisan(oral) test.
i scored 13/20, i think dats gud enough.
then afta skool i stayed back to finish up ma dnt projek.
wohoo..its finally done.
fully functional and working.
dats da happy part, da bad part is dat da foliowork which is to be handed in by this wednesday is not completed. worse, its not even half done. so i haf to rush things a bit coz i oso haf dis damn english projek oso to be handed in by dis wednesday. worse still, english exam is dis friday..WDF..
dun think i can cope wif dis.
all dis rush before da exams.
pressure man...
ok lah, i stop now, ma mother noizy oready, ask me to pray.
i chao first,
actually i was in a gud mood, b4 is stepped in dis fucking house.
juzz now at 7.30 pm, i decided to go to da lib., haf sum peace from ma boring home.
wait for da bus for like 30 mins, aiyoh, feeder service take so long ah...
wads dis??
then when i reach da lib., i tried listening to da radio but da headphones was fucking spoilt, both of it.
which fucking ppl dare use it n leave it in such condition...
then its also da lib.'s fault. how can u let other ppl use it when it's in such a condition...
then i think back, nvm lah, i went there to HAF PEACE n read ma book.
so i took da cushion n treat dat section i was in as my 3rd home.
so i was peacefully lying down reading ma book when a damn announcement came up.
"dear readers, the library will be closing in thirty minutes time"
i was soo pissed off...
first da bus was late, then da headphones in spoilt, now da lib is closing.
i've onli been in there for like 30 mins.
so so...
boring 1st home, 3rd home closed, guess wad i did next...
i went to JE, walk walk, then see da movie time slot.
"the great callenge's" last time slot was at 7.15, so i was too late for dat movie.
then i looked for dodgeball.
there it is..
9.15, juzz nice..
so after gettin pissed of, its time to chill, n watchin dodgeball it soo da rite thing to du.
it was soo fucking funny.
i love da new ratings by MDA, WHY???
dodgeball, which was PG rated has middle finger scenes in it.
in da theatre sumwhere infront of me was two children, happy dat they've learned sumthin new, maybe they can't wait for mondae to show their fwens wad they've learned..haha..
then da movie ended...
pissed-off-me was gone, it was happy me in da inside while i walked to da bus stop.
why inside, bcoz i'll look crazy if i were to smile all da way to da bus stop, duhh...
so i put on this expressionless face which sum of ma fwens say i look serious.
then happy-me went bye2 and
dunno y, ma mom n dad asked me all sorts of question, like:
y u go watch a movie when u know its already night?
juzz now say want to go library, how cum u ended up wachin a movie?
then ma father's turn, but he wasn't tokin abt me cummin home late, he started tokin about ma computer.
wad fuck..
first he said its betta to put da com outside so its easier for ppl to use it,
if u dunno, ma father onli "uses" da com. to play da stupit freecell. out off all da internet where u can get lots of free games, he onli plays freecell. WDF!!!
then he oso said i everytime close da door.
its ma room, i'll du whatever i want.
then i said, "tak salah per tutop pintu?"
wad, think i go porn site ah??
please lah, i dun du dat kinda stuff...
then i oso play LOUD music on da com, dats y lah i close da door.
if i open da door, u say u'r telinger binget...aperlah...
so next time, think b4 u say, kan dah paiseh..(per ni, time cam gini boleh bagi rhyme pulak)
wad happen next, i started typing dis entry lah....
tomoro got madrasah, maybe they play cs, maybe not.
then tomoro oso, me gettin da 2nd hand monitor for ma bro's cpu.
so now, all i can say is,
i hate da weekends.
stuck in ma room da whole dae.
all i did was watch tv n surf da net.
honestly, i dun even even remember where i've been surfing to for da past 4 hrs.
all i remember from dis morning was,
i woke up, ate ma breakfast, watched tv, played ma guitar for a while, then started surfing da net. where i've been surfing to, i dunno...???
and here i am now.
all i haf accompanying me is system's songs.
i'm playing it rite now, FULL BLAST.
ma parents dun seem to mind da loud music.
da exams r cummin near.
one more week to be exact.
i think i'm takin it too lightly.
i got 23/40 for ma maths CT.
juzz dunno wad to say.
well, i still can't wait for system's next album.
ok lah, i chao first ah.
peeps, gud luck fer yer exams.
i can't believe its fridae oready.
soo fast.
i've juzz awoken from ma sleep and man was dat gr8.
skool was usual.
juzz want to highlite some stuff.
during malay was this peribahaser "quiz", so we haf to answer at least one, if not, next mondae muzz stay back. i got da first two rong and da last two rite. actually da one who got it rite is ma fwens lah, they told me da answer..haha.. if not for dem, surely next mondae i kena stay back.
so if yall r reading dis, thnx again eh.. =>
then b4 recess was geog.
we watched a video of natural disasters and dis sphere sphere thingy.
atmosphere, biosphere and all sphere stuff..
the first one was ok, da sphere one was BORING...
i dun get a single shit wad da video is telling us.
atleast we're in da ava theatre, got air-con...
then there was dis gay classmate of mine, start poking at my butt.
dunno if his hormone level was too high makin him feel horny?? ...haha...
then afta geog was recess followed by dnt.
i spray painted ma projek oready.
so fun, but too bad cannot spray anywhere else...
so , i tink ma projek ca be put together by next mondae.
meaning, all i gotta worry is da folio.
damn damn folio.
then skool ended.
i shud b goin for friday prayers but tired ah.
too tired, juzz dunno y.
if i go rite, confirm i'll sleep during da kutbah.
so i went home. (please note dat i went for it last week)
so when i reach home, straight away lepak on ma bed.
tido tido sampai pukol empat.
so when i woke up, straight away to da com.
which is where i am rite now.
still feel like sleeping again. (*yawns*)
ok lah, i wan to sleep summore.
(for da top part onli)
tak penah aku type entry aku dalam bahase melayu eh???
aniwae, tadi klass melayu sway ah..
ader lisan...
topic dier, mak oi...
asal aku bodoh sangat pegi amek nombor 3...
k, korang agak korang boleh jawab tak soalan ni??
"menjaga keindahan alam adalah tanggungjawab kita. Bincangkan"
susah kan...
abeh tadi aku nyer tern pulak.
nak cakap bender, repeat2 sampai mulot berbuih...
abeh biler aku tengah pikir aper nak cakap, silent nak mampos...
sampai bunyik cengkerik(cam betol jer)..haha..
aper boleh buat...
luperkan jer lah...
tak selesa lah pakai bahaser melayu.
tukar pulak ah...
wah, exams is juzz around da corner...
scary ah, but wad i care, if not, i won't be typing ma entry for todae...
juzz now got english remedial.
i juzz dunno y yall dun like mr m.
he's ok wad, except dat he is a bit.....(u know wad i mean)
but yall funny sia, everytime say,"she cum oready"...haha...
nowadaes, i've been bloghopping...
wah, from ppl in jurong to ppl in ang mo kio.
far sia.
quite fun ah reading ppl's entry.
especially gerl's.
they tok abt their crush lah, their guy lah...
u get to see things from their point of view.
ok lah, u may think i'm sick or sumtin, BUT WAD I SAID IS TRUE.
u'll get wad i mean if u're da sort hu tinks of stuff WIDELY....
then their entries over da year can be like sum sort of stori.
first dey tok about their crush, then dey got attached, then dey break...
sum sayin dat they appreciate life lah, sum say dey hate life.
then oso got entries of havin their best friends bcum enemies....
quite interesting...
ok lah...lazy to type summore
i'm back in ma "home sweet home".
juzz now during cme got "gud news".
project work was decreased from 15 pages of articles to juzz two articles plus two ad.
sounds like gud news rite, IT ISN'T.
to me, gud news is either da team members haf to change OR da projek was aborted.
i was SOO the odd one out in da group.
all of dem were concentrating on their F&N during da projek discussions, summore, when it cums to da mag, they wan to make a sports magazine.
those hu REALLY knoe me shud knoe i dun like sports.
i'm da "IT/music/couch potato/dnt" kind of guy.
u can ask me anythin, EXCEPT sports.
so now i'm stuck doin a sports "magazine".
ok lah, so they wanna du a sports magazine, BUT ITS EASIER SAID THAN DONE.
they're all like slackin, dunno if they really plan to du their articles and ad.
did i type articles, i meant ARTICLE.
each of them onli haf to du AN article.
aiyoh, leceh lah...
did i mention the marks given is for an english COMMON TEST...
dun care anymore lah..
lets see, sumting "funny" happened juzz now in skool.
it was during recess.
wad happened was, me n ma fwens were chattin in class when a swarm of bees suddenly appear outside da class. so the girls was like shouting at us telling us to close da windows. so i was like in a rush, tryin to shut da windows but then there was this SPECIAL window without any handle.
so i haf to push the panels to close it when i think i pushed it too hard. one of it came out of da slot n fell 3 storeys down. i was lucky it was a metal one, plus rafeek didn't see wad happened coz he was on da top floor com lab.
tomoro will be da "swayest" dae ever.
ms tay n mrs yip wud OBSERVING da class during english lesson.
dun dey have anythin betta to du??
everyone seems to like OBSERVING our class.
i think i can finish ma dnt projek by dis friday.
can't wait to see it FULLY FUNCTIONAL.
but then, oso must finish da folio work. haiz...
ok lah, i'll stop here for todae.
me now in skool, haf to clean up da damn cca room.
i've juzz realised dat ma notebook was missing.
all da magazine project planning was in it...
plus all ma music list.
then summore sway, now ma stomach is about to explode,
coz juzz now i ate TOO much.
i had two pau(s),a dorayaki, fried rice,
top it off wif a packet drink n a big cup milo.
nuttin SPECIAL happened todae lah, onli dat it rained.
very cold..
then juzz now during maths lesson, SLACK.
boring maths.
yesterday i've found a new song, as in i heard it for da first time.
actually its veri old lah, juzz dat its new to me.
dunno y, i like all system's songs...
ok lah. nuttin else to type.
i've juzz came back from skool.
today n like everi past mondays, was run-run day.
morning muzz run, pe muzz run.
aiyoh, so tiring.
but again, todae's lesson period is veri short.
i got back ma lit. paper back juzz now.
i got
sway man, y dat zhong chi show ma paper to mr singh.
now i haf 56 instead of 62.
then wan to say sori say properly lah, but u say like half dead.
HELLOoo, u've juzz minused 6 marks from ma lit paper.
if u'r marks is minused i dun care lah, but ma marks was minused instead.
(zhong chi, if u'r reading dis, dun take it too hard eh. juzz can't take it man)
other den dat, ma dae went fine.
so afta skool, i stayed back to finish up ma dnt project.
so dats quite all...
currently i'm bored.
so lazy to type animore lah.
i'm home alone AGAIN.
its so boring.
juzz came back from ma grandma's.
juzz now, i haf madrasah.(religious class)
there's an exam.
must memorise niat for wuduk, doa after amek wuduk n smayang subuh.
first two was ok, but the subuh,...dots...
haven't hafal the doa qunut.
complicating lah.
then afta da exam, went to grandma's.
tuition ma kuzz.(how i got money to pay ma fone bills)
then i went home, on da way, saw ma parents went out.
then i reach home.(home alone)
so dats where i m now, typing todae's entry.
actually, i haf nuttin in ma mind rite now, except for one word,
dats y i prefer skool than home.
skool-fun, home-BORING...
then i still haf to plan da magazine project thingy...
anyone wanna cum over to suck da boredom out of me???
weekends sucks...
currently, i'm home alone.
ma parents went out for a wedding...(BORING)
so dat leaves me stuck, bored, alone at home.
coz i got nuttin to du, i juzz decide to post todae's entry...
yesterdae if u folks dunno, at 11pm was linkin park's live in texas...
actually i haf da dvd but ma damn home dusn't haf a dvd player..sway..
so i was watchin the concert (for da first time)halfway when i dozed off...
then i freakingly wake up at at 12+am...the damn concert was over...
makes me sway more...
i know linkin park sucks...they're ok, but not much into the rock genre.
they have all these sounds in their song not made by guitars or drums...
they even have mr han, the one hu dus da easy work in da concert, juzz "scratchin" disks on da turntable...
currently, i prefer those real rock, playin music without "digital sound stuff"...
which includes SYSTEM OF A DOWN(not known to many), metallica, audioslave, slipknot n da list goes on.......
i HATE boy "bands".
they called themselves a "band" but play NO music. the onli friggin "music" dat dey produce cums from they're friggin mouth.
lets take blue for example...
ever seen them playing music, i mean, play REAL MUSIC...
i've onli seen them ONCE in a concert close to sumtin dat makes music.
da piano, BUT, it's d gr8 elton john playin it. wad does da "band" du, they release all these horrible sounds from they mouth...
so y make a "band" when u dun play any music.???
so if U, r a GUY(boy, man, male), n u like listening to all these boy "BANDS",
wad a nice morning for ditching ppl...=>
well, not much stuff to say,
onli wondering if any of u peeps know hu da fark sang "so confused"???
can't seem to find info from da net..
soo, i tink i'll stop here.
may all u peeps haf a nice, pissful weekend..=>
lex, one more thing happened yesterdae,
as i was watchin tv, sumone sms'ed me.
kater nak kenal2...then da person asked me whether i'm a gal dat juzz now was from masjid blaja dari ustaz...aper ni...if its a prank, please lah...u'r prank dah lamer outdated...soo, person wif no. 91667338, (if u happened 2 b reading dis)
kalau ko pompuan, nak kenal2, cakap betol2(sori kalau bahaser kasar eh), TAPI, kalau kau jantan maner n'tah sesat jalan, amek nombor pompuan pon salah, lagik bagos lah pegi kenal2 dengan tuhan dulu. pompuan maner gi blajar kat masjid nak kenal2 ngan laki2 takder ilmu untok akhirat...
N, one more ting to add.
veri funny stuff..
when watchin tv, there's this advertisement for perfect 10 98.7 FM. its da one on da beach wif da guy n da gal. look closer at da gal when she's runnin towards da beach.
at da butt to be precise. its wet..
maybe yall wun think its funni but man dat gerl embarrased herself...
ok lah, tu jer..
ever felt dat time was moving so fast???
well, i did...
last mondae felt like it was yesterday, starting of skool...
now, its da back2 da weekend...
if onli there was no such thing as weekends, dunno if u peeps wud like dat...
time juzz fly soo fast when u'r enjoying u'rself...
YES, i can't deny it anymore, SKOOL IS FUN!!!
i meant, onli in secondary skools, primary skool???
teachers treat us like kids...(which we were)
but i prefer being treated like adults, more freedom dat way...
so skool is fun to me, how bout u???
u'd probably think it sucks...
well, 2 more weeks till EOY exams...
bet it'll juzz fell as if its 2moro...
well, dats dat wif fast time...
todae skool was usual,
climax for todae was english...
mr m told us dat our class project for da term was to make a magazine...
maybe he didn't realise it but, HELLOoo....
its 2 more weeks to da exams n u gave us a farkin project to be completed within two weeks...u'r either sick of sumone or sick in da head to give us a project in these times...i onli felt dis way afta thinkin abt it while walkin home, but at class juzz now, i was having dis enthu feeling...first time makin a magazine...sounds fun, but den, u haf to think abt da page, how u want it to look like, wads in da contents, izzit enough to fill the page...all these suddenly popped in ma more thing i didn't tell yall, I WAS THE LEADER!!!!
so we decided to haf sports(soccer n basketball), music n, ermm...forgot oready lah..
i left ma farkin file in i haf to wait 2 days to start da research coz all the plannings is in ma damn file....aiyoh!!!
dats all lah...
ma brain is currently empty, dunno wad tot type next...
so, i end todae's entry here...(munching on ma mushroom burger)
todae, things happened veri fast...
not dat time was speeding lah...
ok, lets see....
started ma dae wif a lit test paper....
quite easy lah, but da last question, i wrote like 4-5 lines...
actually, i didn't even read da book, but its a bit fresh in ma mind...
three questions worth 25 marks...WDH...
then, afta lit test was lit lesson...
sway man...
(When marimba rhythms start to play, Dance with me, make me sway)...haha...
den next lesson was social studies....
damn ms k came again, dis time, her mouth neva open, coz she's juzz OBSERVING...
ok, finish studying, time for
the time where age dun matter coz everyone's runnin to Q up...(childish freaks)
me on the other hand, took my own sweet time n walk to the back of da line...
i bought this sambal ikan, veri small but cost $1....
afta recess was geog...
spent 1 period doing shit coz mr c was late for class...
wads dis...staff corrupting izzit...
then he came on the 2nd period....
told us dat damn ms k wud b OBSERVING the class 2moro....
so he told us to studi weathering coz he's gonna question us tomoro...
funny thing is dat, we haf already finish our syllabus...
then it was malay...
cikgu ramli told us a veri meaningfull stori...
long stori lah, so lazy to type...haha...
then it was english wif mr m again....
oh man...
next was boring maths...
muzz hand in our exercise-book, but lazi me, neva
so i tot of a gr8 idea...
i took all da books from damn lazi classmates hu neva du da homework n hand it in to mr c...
one for all, all for one...haha...
den class finish...
wan to know sumtin, i had a wonderful "conversation" wif ms vanessa lim...
for about 5 mins...
then she ask me this gr8 question...
"can u tell me about the 3 girls on the left??"
HAHA!!!!lol!!! 8p
its oral u dodo....
i was the 2nd last to be orally tested...
i even killed a lizard while waiting for ma turn....
its stuffings came out.....
fun huh???
dats ma dae in skool....
(forgot to add, it rained, so cold)(freezing)
dats all lah...
buaiz... 8p
wah, today i was damn lucki man.
i was TEN mins late for morning run.
if not for the trainee p.e. teachers hu kept mr choo bisi, confirm i kener punish...
well, then afta morning run was geog.
dat ms k. say she'll be observing the class, but neva turn up.
then geog, we didn't learn anytin, juzz du some recording (which we juzz copy from a paper mr C. gave us n transfer to our book).
afta "recording", all of juzz mind our own business.
some peeps toking, some sleeping.
me, scribbling shit on paper....
then next was CME...
we listened to this rock/metal??? song....
the singer "sang" the front part of da song then shout wadeva shit in da chorus part....
dun actually get the music.
nest was maths which was soo boring.
veri complicating.
then it was recess.
i stayed in ma bloody classroom to read ma stupit white man book.
afta recess was english wif mr m again.
wad loud voice dat guy has...
he asked akmal to leave the bloody classroom
dunno how it'll b 4 the next 2 weeks..
ok, then when its time to go for malay.
BORING....muzz rite a letter to the principal coz ma family member was in an accident.
afta malay was DNT....
another BORING period coz we listen to mr s tok ALL da time.
juzz wan to complete ma project ASAP so lata can du evaluation for ma folio.
then another BORING period, CME AGAIN....
so akmal muzz go out of da BLOODY class again...
dis time sumtin happened,
mr singh, HAPPENED to walk past our class.
so akmal got skolded lah, AGAIN...
then the dae ends wif no teachers messing wif me..
so fun ah...
summore, it rained...
veri coooollll...
then when going home, akmal got lectured at again.
dis time at the staff room by mr m.
dunno y dis guy can't keep out of trouble one...
one clever guy but attitude wise, u might wan to think again...
so, like ms k, u oso muzz change u'r attitude lah....
dats all for todae...
well, todae nuttin much happen so i dun haf much to type.
juzz wan to tel yall about this relief teacher.
ms k. was reliefing the class for chemistry.
ok lah, so our teach. was not here, so we tot there's no stress for the last period lah,
but we were RONG...
she was the noiziest RELIEF teacher i've ever had.
first she said to ma classmate, "Oi!!! how cum u'r not in u'r skool uniform??"
then she asked us to take out a piece of work n du it.
ok, dats wad most relief teachers wud ask us to du, but then she "leceh" man.
wonder wad she does next???
our class tables was in the arrangements for da exams lah.
so the teacher's table was stuck to da side of the wall.
she mati2 (die die) ask us to move our table behind juzz so dat she can use the teacher's table.
wad, isn't the chair gud enough.
still dat was not enough for her,
during dat free period, i was quietly reading ma "stupit white man" book lah
she was shouting Oi!!! all da time.(not for 1 hr lah)
Oi!!! why is u'r shirt tucked out.
Oi!!! why r u sitting like dat.
Oi!!! why u never pick up dat litter.
Oi!!! why r u'r tables together.
i got fed up man....
i was trying to enjoy ma book n she was Oing here n there.
man, if onli michael moore(writer of stupit white man) was in ma class, she wud be critisized to the max.... maybe, he'll even write a chapter on her. -"relief teacher, juzz to much..."
dats not all,
at the end of the class, she summore ask us to straighten the rows of the tables.
after dat was done, she asked us to straighten the colum of the tables.
lame sia the teacher...
she's orite ah(if u knoe wad i mean) but the attitude, I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!
still haven't end yet, its time to go home(for some)
but she say must wait till the bell ring...
i know u want to bcum a teacher lah (she's a trainee i think) but dis way, NONE of u'r future students will like u...
ok lah, i end it here. still haven't finish ma maths homework.
lazyness, sumtin ALL humans haf...
cannot skold me kay..
cher, if u'r reading dis,( juzz in case, u neva know) dun take it too hard lah. juzz try, no no, dun try, do change u'r attitude, its for u'r future relationships wif u'r future students.
ok lah...
i've typed todae's entry b4 but the com juzz went nuts.
so now i haf to type again. u can't trust computers anymore.
lata it'll becum one of those scenes in i-robot.
aniwae, ma dae went juzz nice.
wad i tot wud b hell was actually, ok.
there was no punishments nor any teacher shouting like mad (except for one)
well, i started wif ma morning run ON TIME.
then i haf pe.
then it was chem,
followed by eng.
man i hated english.
english was ok last time but now dis new teacher is takin over.
it's bad enough dat the first ms tan was gone, now the second ms tan is gone.
she was posted to crescent gerls.(so if any of u peeps from there, tell her i appreciate her coping up wif ma attitude n "sloppy" work)...hehe..
now this mr M. is takin over.
the first thing he said to us in class, more like shout to us was to ask us change into proper skool
uniform. leceh man...
so he's our third english teacher for this year.
wad, dus dis skool haf no more concern for normal acad. sudents???
well, enough wif eng.
then it was recess.
followed by malay.
since cikgu hanita didn't cum todae, cikgu ramli took over.
or maybe atok ramli...haha...(i'm not being rude lah, he told us dat he's oready in his 60s)
dis guy is veri funny.
i think most of the lesson time was spent on him crackin jokes.
then malay ended.
afta malay was physics.
cause mr sim was wif the O'level peeps duing practical, mr elfie took over the class.
he's active on stage, but in our class, he juzz sat there reading a book.
dunno wad happen to him lah...
then this melodious sound i always love sounded...
skool bell lah....
its time to go home...
well, wad i tot wud b hell actually turned out ok...(juzz repeatin wad i said earlier...haha...)
dunno about tomoro.
ok lah, dats about it.
hope u'r day turn out fine..8) (i mean it)
well, here it its.(might be a bit lame lah, but hu cares)
ma list of "what makes me sick of this holidae"
1) stumbled upon a pic of this gerl, she's been stuck in ma head since then.
2) since then, watever i did seems to be boring.
3) i kept listening to this particular song again n again.
4) then i haf no mood to eat.
5) bcoz of dat, i haf stomache ache the following day.
6) i had a fever which makes me heat up till 39.1 degrees.(but i'm like, "freezing")
7) during the fever, i had this cough.
8) when ma fever was gone, i still haf the cough, PLUS++
9) i got this terrible sore throat
10) i haf to go to johor wif the damn sore throat
11) ma trip to johor was useless
12) juzz last nite, i had a dream dat me n ma fwens were in this theatre or sumtin.
then ma fren(guy) was wif ma ex-pri skool classmate(gerl). i kinda had these feelings for her(dat was in pri. skool lah). so both of them were a couple in ma dream. they dun even match. wad a nitemare.
(anyone can tell the meaning of this dream of mine???)
well, dats wad makes me sick of the holidae.
can't wait for 2moro. back 2 skool.
happy2 oso, 2moro sure die, coz never du homework..haha...
ok lah, i admit dat eversince i saw her foto,
ok, todae was juzz, "ok". nuttin special happened.
yar, juzz wanna tell yall dat ma baby kuzzin has finally came home for first time of his life.
(like u guys give a damn)
back to ma dae...
oh yar, i tell yall abt yest. first.
yest. at 7.45pm, i was so damn bored (eventhough i'm juzz back from johor) dat i decided to get out of the house. so i decided dat i was going to popular bkshop n get a music cd.
b4 i went to popular, i stopped by the lib. first to c whether i haf any overdued book. ma status was ok. then i decided to walk around n c if ma fwens r there. i saw suhaili (pri. skoolmate), but i dunno whether he saw me. if he did, its so rude of him not to say hi.(haha, actually i was the rude one lah coz i never say hi when i saw him). the word library shud onli include the first 3 floor coz it doesn't suit the 4th floor. it was more like a hangout place than a reading place. ppl listening to music lah, ppl lying down on the big cushion lah, ppl fooling around lah. if onli they'd open a mini fast food shop or sumtin up there dat sells real cooked food, then the top level is open 24hrs, onli accesible to teenagers. wouldn't be gr8 , its heaven for me...
k, enough abt the library.
i then went on to popular.
went in the cd rama.
guess wad, i saw system's "steal this album" cd. dat cd was realeased like centuries ago yet its still there.
too bad coz i'm currently waiting for system's latest album cummin out dis december, i think.
aniwae, i browse n browse n browse yet i dun haf any interest in any cd.
so i got out of there n looked at the non-fiction sectioned books. then i stumble upon this veri gr8 book called "stupid white men" written by michael moore.
flipped to a page n read a paragraph.
then there's dis sentence. it was farkin funny.
goes sumtin like dis.
"......yet the taliban members n osama hated clinton.(SEX!!BAD!!)"
get it?? the taliban ppl n osama hated bush bcoz clinton had sex wif monica lewinski.
if u guys dun get it, better check u'r sense of humor.
well, if u get the joke, then u'll get the meaning of the book. so, i recommend yall this gr8 book..
so instead of buying a cd, i bought the book which, was actually cheaper then cds.
wah, tok so long abt yest., wad happen abt todae...
well, nvm lah, today nuttin much happen.
juzz drew(scribble) sum grafitti or wadeva u call it on a piece of paper.
dats all lah.
it was so pure boredom there.
even b4 i reach johor, boredom has already came for me.
c, we were all ready to leave the house when ma atok was searching for sumtin in da house.
so we all haf to wait for him.
on the journey to johor by this cab, sumone called ma atok(on his hp.). i dunno y my atok must speak VERI loud one. i know his ear has gone a bit kuku lah, but others can still hear without anyone shouting at them.
still in the same cab when there was this accident on AYE.
so when there is an accident, there is ALWAYS traffic jam.
so sumone took out bread and.....ya, ya...wadeva...(lame..dun feel like luffing)
if u wanna cause an accident, there are still lots of other expressways.
why muzz it b on AYE...
then at jb, we went to this kotaraya mall or sumtin.
went to maybank.
wanted to open a new account but i need a malaysian relative to do so.
farking malaysian bank.
so now i can't deposit ma cheque.
so the purpose of me goin to jb was useless.
knew i should stay home.
then we went to eat.
the delicious food, eventhough less than 2 s'pore dollars still didn't make ma dae ok.
instead, it made me have this vomitting feeling.
still haf it rite now.
i hate ma holidae!!!
ma holidae sucks!!!
peeps, by this sunday, i'll complete ma, "wad makes me sick of this holidae" list.
hope u enjoy u'r holidae...(in ma head, hope u'r holiday was worse than mine)
i decided to catch up on since they always haf this
radio which plays all this gr8 songs, mostly those unknown to s'poreans.
then i got stuck wif this song by three days grace.
its called "i hate everything about you", still the song reminds me of "HER".
maybe cause there's the word love innit.
dunno lah...
aniwae, the song kinda get ma mind of her for a while but now, i'm stuck with dis song.
anyone wants this song, juzz tell me at msn. if u dunno ma e-mail, its or if u dun haf an hotmail account, tag me n give me ya
e-mail add n i'll send it to ya.
i dun even know why the heck i'm tellin this to u.
well, doesn't hurt to give out free music.
aniwae, i didn't download it from any website, i got it from
windows media player.
i juzz came back from the doc, i meant the clinic.
went there coz i haf a sore throat, cough and runny nose.
dunno y the person hu gave me the "drugs" for runny nose wrote it as "running" nose.
noses can't run.
how can the doc even employ such ppl.
wad if they gave me sumtin rong, if it makes me feel high i dun mind ah(lol!!),
but wad if sumtin bad happen to me.
then there's this tablet which is like a small grain of rice.
i think its even smaller..???
tomorrow is gonna be really boring.
i'm going to johor.
how worse can ma holidae get.
first i saw a pic of this gerl, n till now, still can't get ma mind of her, maybe bcoz of dat, watever i du is boring, then i haf no mood to eat, then i haf this fever makin me heat up till 39.1 degrees, which then i haf cough followed by a sore throat. now i haf to go to johor wif a sore throat. y on earth muzz humans haf this crushy2 stuff....
really can't wait for skool.
dun care abt the h/w lah.
never finish oso never mind.
i juzz want skool, not this holidae nightmare....
dunno hows mah dae gonna b today but last night SUCKS. i was like having this damn fever. felt like i was in a fridge or sumtin. i was freezing man eventhough i haf mah jacket, cargo pants n even mah cap on. then mah mother stood at the door of mah room. she shouted,"hanif!! apasal pakai jacket, lepastu kipas pegi on."(in english, "hanif, y r u wearing a jacket with the fan on") i can't stand it man, then i reply lah, i told her to to cum in mah room n c whether the fan is on... aiyoh....then she paiseh lah, mah grandma even scolded her. please lah, ppl here sick n u dun even know dat i am. then i go offline lah. went to sleep with my jacket on, then i covered myself wif blanket. juzz dunno how to describe how i felt lah. then suddenly at 11+, i woke up. quickly took off mah jacket n stuff, went to the toilet n pee lah. then i took mah temperature. wanna know how high it is, 39.1 degrees. then i went back to sleep lah. i woke up every 30mins wif these memories of mah dreams. my stupit dream was dat i m one of the characters in ah lien vs. predator. stupit dream. i kept waking up, went back to sleep again n again. it totally sucks... then i woke up for the last time, its 7+am. my stomach was grumbling, its empty man. then i haf this stomach ache, wat a great holidae huh??? went for shower, feels great, like mah fever is gone but its still 39.1. now its a bit better.38.8. currently mah back is aching due to sitting too long in front of the com. can't wait for mah dae to get worse.... :(
this morning, i had a veri terrible alarm clock. it was mah mom. she was like pushing me left n rite while i was sleeping to wake me up for subuh(prayers). man dat sucks. after the prayers, my bro was screaming coz he wanna play com. games. wanna know wat game it is, it Grand Theft Auto. IF i was his father rite, i'll juzz say no, let him cry his heart out, coz, 3 yr olds n Grand Theft Auto juzz dun mix. please lah, he's onli 3 but he oready played shooting games. i dun mind if he plays one of those learning softwares but this...luckili, the com. oso got bored wif GTA lah, dunno y, onli can see black screen. then he juzz went out n play wif his toys. then a chance came by, like usual lah, go online, check fwenster, check blog, synchronize favourites. then while online, mah grandma called me. she want me to send her to hospital wif mah aunt lah. i dun mind lah coz if there was no her, there wun even b a me...hehe... k, one interesting thing i du every morning when i go online. i was always playing this "love song".(ok lah, sounds like silly rite, its tittled love song by 311) not dat type of really slow music. dunno wad genre it iz. ok lah, i stop here. haven't even shower ah.(itz juzz 8.30 a.m.) k, me now back from sending mah grandma to hospital. on the way rite, we visited mah new baby kuzzin. veri small, veri cute. k, then now rite, read sum ppl's blog. most of them said they oready started revising for the examinations. dunno wat to du, "to revise or not to revise. dat is the question".(lame) dun haf much to say lah for todae. and, yay!!! mah grandma gave me 10 bucks. wow, must send her to hospital everyday man...haha, juzz kiddin lah...sori eh nek... kay, dats about it. i'll try start mah folio tomoro. yar, dats all lah...
buaiz..n gud luck in yer revision.
(for u'r info., its now official dat mah name is anep. started wif mah fwens calling me dat, but mah grandma even called me dat. instead of hanif, they call me anep or nep. wads the world bcummin into)
okay, this morning was....ok lah. i woke up to the music of power rangers. my bro was watching it at 7 in the morning. i was like, "wdh is dat noize....", then i went back to sleep coz i juzz can't listen to the damn noize. covered my ears wif pillow then back to dream world, but no dream came lah. wake up again at 8, happy to hear dan n grace's sweet voice instead of the noize. c, my radio has this "on" function so it'll on at the time u set lah. eventhough happy to hear them, the show was much better wif sheik haikal. juzz can't get over it u knoe. hu the fark go complain abt sheik. if u hate him, y on earth did u call him. u can atleast juzz listen to other radio station rite, better still, dun listen to radio. go watch cna. wow, felt better man... ok, back to my dae, like usual, go online, log in fwenster n stuff... then i decided to join unkymoods. dats where u can put u'r moods in u'r blog. kay, then its breakfast... dis time, mah mom never buy food, she juzz cook prata mah grandma made...the prata is VERI delicious but i haf no mood for prata. then my mom toasted bread(roti bakar) wif butter n sugar, but this time, its not like usual. know y, she used "roti prancis"(dunno wat u call dat in english, french toast izzit???), spread the butter, sprinkle "some"(not really some, maybe the correct term for it it, "a lot") sugar, n put it in the toaster (which u press the two sides together n compress the bread). usually ppl onli put bread as in, bread..bread, those flat ones not roti prancis. BUT, when it's done rite, its veri the crispy. VERI delicious, but i onli ate a piece. maybe u shud try it. after da small breakfast n stuff, told joseph in msn that i'll b following him to the cinemas, watch ah lien vs. predator. then lata amir, mah old buddy asked me at msn how to make a blog. chicken mc dodol lah. want instant blog, go blogskins. kay, then help him a bit lah. after dat, i went to bkt batok. watch movie lah. want to know sumtin, the women in the movie actuallu said "FUCK" and "MOTHERFUCKER"(but the fucker part cannot hear ah coz got explosion). gr8 to hear such nice words in movies...hehe... then after the movies, i went home. by the way, i 8 2 shrooms burger in da theathre. shrooms was all over my shirt, not really lah..haha..and dats mah breakfast n lunch.(brunch) back home, my buddy amir asked me to help him on his blog again lah.... lata on, i check out mah fwens blog, while reading ct's blog, she wrote sumtin abt homework. then, it totally made my mah "sum wat exciting dae" down. coz all mah homewerk juzz popped up in mah mind. actually not much lah but dnt man....haven't even started on mah folio n i haf 2 weeks to get it done. man, u dun juzz get a folio done in one day. ok lah, dats dat. then mah grandparents arrived. they're stayin here for a while... my atok(granpa) then tell me dat he's gonna buy me a new 17"(dats 17 inch) monitor. coz my old monitor was so cocked up. the colours kinda run away. i haf to hit it so hard, i mean relly hard juzz to get it back to the correct colour. well, felt like jumpin lah but guys dun du dat, its juzz a way of speech. then here i m lah finishing my post for todae. wanna know sumtin, i actually typed a summary of the movie i watched for this post but it was long dat i decided to delete it.
oklah, dats all for todae.
please tag ok....
haloo.... juzz to tell yall, my morning started wif a really bad stomach ache, maybe due to yesterday's "diet". then i realised, how cum i'm awake at 7.30 yet mah mom is not nagging abt madrasah, then i think back, oohh, its the holidays... feel like jumpin lah but me still have stomach ache. madrasah is ok lah but really boring. especially the part when the ustazah teach arab, i was like, "wat did she juzz said"..... today i ate mee siam. dunno y dey call it siam. it was very not nice.(forgot one word to describe it). so stupit me, go n eat mee siam, which was spicy n drink carbonated drinkwhich was fizzy, an extreme nono for u'r stomach when u haf a stomach ache. so after the stupit thing i did, it was toilet, toilet n toilet. felt really bad man. after relieving myself, its back to the net. wohoo!!! i found the "love song by 311" i was toking abt yest. got it from media player. if u peeps r clever enough, u can get free songs juzz by using windows media player. okay, then i chatted wif iman for a while. whole morning was total boredome.... like yesterday oso, mah parents went to a wedding. oso like usual, i didn't follow them. juzz as i was surfing the net, i juzz realized dat i had tot less about her. well, dats gud. lata on, me juzz go here n there in the net until one point i dun even know wdh i was doin. well, it was a very boring dae. then mah parents were back n guess wat, mah aunt passed fifty bucks to mah mom to pass to me. haha, so happy but cannot forget abt mah phone bill lah. its 30 bucks so i'm left wif 20. so sad.... lata me goin to ask mah mom for allowence for this holidae week. i still dunno wat to du wif the money, maybe go watch predator vs. ah lien 2moro wif mah classmates or buy a new bike. man i miss cycling to west coast park. did i mention in the night. juzz imagine cycling from jurong to pandan to west coast. enjoying the cool breeze of the night. then, i've also been to bkt timah then to jurong kecil or wat lah.(forgot the name) at bukit timah, me and mah fwen once tried to went up the nature reserve but too bad cannot, its closed at nite. summore there's a security guard. please lah, its juzz a "forest". wad can ppl steal from there...then lets continue about mah day. well, before mah parents came back, i "cooked" myself roti prata.(instant) juzz shove it in the mic. oven n presto. fresh hot prata. then i add sambal sardine, juzz when the first bite touches my tongue, ohh man!!! the sambal sardine has decomposed, becum basi, turn sour.
not a gud day n definitely not a gud lunch....then i decided to take a pic. of mahself for frenster. juzz when ppl think dey know how mah hai actually looks like, think again. oklah, i used hair jell during skool....actually i wanna try make an afro hairstyle but the sideburn, skool rules...
(i meant rules when u'r in skool, not dat, skool rules) dunno if the dicipline teachers allow afro.
well, maybe i'll try dat when i'm in poly...(insya'allah)
oklah, dats all for now.
u'r boring neighbourhood anepman.haha..lame..
ok, today was so boring. wake up at 6.30 to pray. then on the com, go online n wow!!!
i was the onli one online in my contacts man.( except for this gerl from the states lah.)
then juzz surf the net, check out peeps on frenster, then go from blog to blog. i found
out this gr8 song. its called love song by 311. den sumwhere around 8.30 or so, mah
mom ask me wat i want to eat for breakfast. dunno y rite, she seldomely cook for breakfast
nowadays. always buy from the coffeeshop.(buy food lah, not coffee) then lata i ate
fat rice(nasi lemak) wif chicken, paru n bagedel wif x-tra sambal. F.Y.I., dats wat i've been mostly eating for the past 8 months every saturday. juzz dun seem to get used to it.
after eating, at around 10 like dat, looks like more peeps r online, so i chatted wif some of
them. lata on at abt 1+, mah mom ask me whether i wan to go to a wedding. duhh, weddings are so, so, so boring... u juzz go there, eat briyani(still puzzled y most malay weddings "feed"
the guests briyani.), then go c the married couple, give money to the couple's parents n go
home. wats the point of me going there, juzz to fill my stomach izzit. b-coz i didn't go to the wedding, i was supposed to cook fried rice to feed myself, but then, there's no mood to cook, cooking suddenly b-cums boring so therefore, i decided to "diet"...haha...i still haven't eat rite
now but dunno y my stomach can take it...tell yall sumtin, life seems to b-cum boring each day since i saw dis gerl's pic at frenster... stupit rite...if its a crush, its a stupit thing coz, havin a crush juzz by seeing a pic of sumone is totally stupidity. life so sucks rite now...lucky at skool got fwens, can take my mind off sumwhere else....kutok2 sini, kutok2 saner, orite jugak... but then must always apologize to the person lah.... me always make fun of this person, HALIM...of his big ears lah, his skin lah. of course u cannot forget how the person u made fun of feel lah. try to look through his point of view. everyday go to skool, kener kutok. kutok, kutok, kutok, laen takder. if i'm him rite, i really can't take it he's a gr8 sport lah. juzz take wat ppl say to him n keep quiet. ok lah, me sori to whoever i haf offended to. i know how it feels lah when sumone say stuff abt you. juzz keep cool. then one more thing, my com. is confirmed to be infected with adware. this "search miracle" thing seems to pop up all the time.
---well, dats all for now---
means the end of skool n the beginning of the holidae lah...
haha..lame rite...
ok, today skool wat like usual onli a bit of rush here n rush there.
in the morning rite, sway man...i go stomach ache, so came to skool late ah.
cumming to skool late oso mean morning run has oready started.
lucky when i see mr choo, he juzz quiet2 n ask me to c him during recess.
after that i quickly go up 2 class n start on my malay homework.
walau, must rite a letter 2 japan n tell my "fren" that i joined a malay traditional cooking competition.
the topic was so like boring...not much to rite abt....then quickly2 du until finish.
after the assembly, my problem was not yet over. still haf to finish eng compre, dis time its the summary.
du from yest. still haven't then completed the summary during maths class...
still my prob was not more homework, but dat one no need to tell ah....
then during recess i ate chicken rice fom the mama ting came across my mind,
the class rite, which sell the ice-cream rite, very cheap-skate u know. never give back my change.
ok lah, i know its for donation but if i give them 10 bucks how???
then cums dnt lesson, actually never learn anytin lah todae cause we all du practical. then mr soh remind
us abt the folio...need to pass up within 2 weeks man n i haven't even started on it. the paper he gave us,
dunno where oready...then time to go for prayers, but got no mood ah, like got headache or sumtin, so
i juzz go home n here i am, juzz ending my post for todae..buaiz...
today rite, very boring u know....
firstly, i dunno dat todae got geog common test,
secondly, we was asked to stay back after skool coz we make noiz during common test,
thirdly, william hung(mr chang) was the i/c of our class during common test,
forthly, i didn't du my english compre,
fifth, i forgot to bring malay textbook,
sixth, during malay class i dunno how to make a sentence wif "wawasan",
lastly, ms ridz made us du compo on the topic,
"why we make so much noiz" no. of words,
then b-coz of her kindness, those never du till 250 can oso pass up.
...fark man!!!! first day after one day holiday b-cum like dis,
wat if dec. holiday finish, can die man....
anyway, juzz made this blog....dunno wat yall tink lah...
twyin to make some adjustments to it....
dats all lah...