yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
u believed i cried?
Friday, February 25, 2005
my eyes are quite swollen rite now,after all the crying at skool.
wad, think i sisi ah, anyhow cry.
actually its part of the adam khoo "camp".
out trainer actually say out damn horrible stuff,
like our parents dying lah, etc... CHOY!!!
so everyone was crying, not softly u know, its dos type where u dun care abt wad others think.
nono, actually, they dun even care what ppl will think.
for me rite, tears start to come out slowly when the lights is still on.
but i tahan ok, tears are there but never drip.
then my heartbeat was increasing, still i tahan.
dun wan to pai seh lah.
dat time rite, most of the gerls were already crying.
so i tot lah, how come these gerls damn emo one?
okok, remember when my tears are in my eyes but never drip?
i was actually waiting for dat guy to give us a dinner break or sumthin, but instead, he got the lights off and continued.
even asked us to put our heads down.
then he tok abt all the dying2 crap.
wad else, my tears start rolling down lah.
not onli roll down ok, its those real crying tears.
while in dat state rite, i seriously told myself dat i'll hug my mom once i got home lah.
but, after the crying was over, i went back to my usual self.
no more hugging thoughts. =>
tomoro wud be the last camp.
can't wait for it to end, coz now, i dun haf time to du my "stuff".
oklah, bubyezz...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
dun want to elaborate on it coz my mind very chaotic rite now.
only one thing i eanna tell u guys.
u guys've seen an act whereby a guy supports his head and his foot on chairs then lies down wif no part of his body touching the floor at all?
if y'all haf seen it on the tv, it might look like a trick rite.
BUT, i juzz saw it wif my own eyes.
this guy closed his eyes, then our trainer said all positive stuff to him.
not onli dat he used his head and foot to be in dat position, but this 85kg guy even sat on him.
after it was over, my friends shouted, "ilmu hitam oi!".
maybe, maybe not.
okok, this is making me very irritating.
my com has restarted may times eredy.
meybe i'll tell y'all more lah, TOMORO.
whole day in skool
Thursday, February 24, 2005
wah, juzz got back from skool from this adam koo motivation talk thingy.dun want to elaborate on it coz my mind very chaotic rite now.
only one thing i eanna tell u guys.
u guys've seen an act whereby a guy supports his head and his foot on chairs then lies down wif no part of his body touching the floor at all?
if y'all haf seen it on the tv, it might look like a trick rite.
BUT, i juzz saw it wif my own eyes.
this guy closed his eyes, then our trainer said all positive stuff to him.
not onli dat he used his head and foot to be in dat position, but this 85kg guy even sat on him.
after it was over, my friends shouted, "ilmu hitam oi!".
maybe, maybe not.
okok, this is making me very irritating.
my com has restarted may times eredy.
meybe i'll tell y'all more lah, TOMORO.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
now, i still haf two type of mints wif me.
one is the impact mints, the other one is clorets.
so then i was thinking, maybe i can buy different types of mints and put them together lah.
yar, maybe i shud do dat.
no no, i muzz do dat.
ok, u guys might tink its kinda lame, but hey, err...
okok, this is lame.
but aniwae, i'm still gonna du it....bluekz..Xp..
okok, i start wif saturdae.
saturdae was flag.
alamak, told y'all abt it eredy.
sunday eh?
oohh, went to grandma's.
my kuzz was there, so i brought my guitar along.
he said he was gonna teach me some songs, BUT!!!
i ended up practicing do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do
okok, dat was the most basic thing for ANY musicians out there,
but embarrassingly to say, i dunno how to play it.
dat was before lah, now, okok eredy.
(and i still haf a damn weak pinky, iyerr...)
-alamak, planned to take some time off to type this entry, but seems to be taking longer than i tot. okok, gotta make it quick. -
today was lessons like usual, then afta skool got scrabble competition which i took part in and sadly lost. bluekzz..
competition was fierce ok.
like real...haha..
basically dats all lah.
still haf loads of hw to du.
i cabot dulu.
(lol!! it Xp)
i'm addicted to youmints...
Monday, February 21, 2005
aiyoyo, i've been eating mints continuosly for more than a month, i still haf two type of mints wif me.
one is the impact mints, the other one is clorets.
so then i was thinking, maybe i can buy different types of mints and put them together lah.
yar, maybe i shud do dat.
no no, i muzz do dat.
ok, u guys might tink its kinda lame, but hey, err...
okok, this is lame.
but aniwae, i'm still gonna du it....bluekz..Xp..
okok, i start wif saturdae.
saturdae was flag.
alamak, told y'all abt it eredy.
sunday eh?
oohh, went to grandma's.
my kuzz was there, so i brought my guitar along.
he said he was gonna teach me some songs, BUT!!!
i ended up practicing do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do
okok, dat was the most basic thing for ANY musicians out there,
but embarrassingly to say, i dunno how to play it.
dat was before lah, now, okok eredy.
(and i still haf a damn weak pinky, iyerr...)
-alamak, planned to take some time off to type this entry, but seems to be taking longer than i tot. okok, gotta make it quick. -
today was lessons like usual, then afta skool got scrabble competition which i took part in and sadly lost. bluekzz..
competition was fierce ok.
like real...haha..
basically dats all lah.
still haf loads of hw to du.
i cabot dulu.
(lol!! it Xp)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
collected donations for s'pore heart foundation.
actually we're asked to go to JP but we went to boon lay instead.
so aniwae, the response was much better.
we were the only ones collecting donations there and the passerbys are soo very the generous.
so if you guys are having a flag day or sumting, try boon lay.
not the interchange ok, its the marketplace.
u know, the place wif a Mc'D and a swimming pool close by.
juzz wait outside the fairprice in the morning.(no one shops for groceries in the afternoon)
so, maybe i got like 20 bucks in coins.
okok lah...
now, i seriously want to get my hair cut, but no time lah.(and lazy)
its so hot, then its very irritating wif the fringe touching the face all the time.
dunno how u gerls do it.
oh yar, toking abt hot weather.
u guys realise dat its hazy outside?
u can smell burnt trees.
maybe its another wild fire in s'pore coz of the weather.
and the skool field is getting drier and drier every day.
may not be long until the field goes botak...haha...
ok, lets see how much i saved this week.
err...dat wud be, -$4.
oh man, if this continues, there might not be an elctric guitar for me this march.
okok, from next week onwards, its diet in skool.
soo, err... 15 bucks a week dat makes it 90 bucks in 6 weeks.(am i rite?)
so much for saving huh.
maybe i shud juzz spend the $150 i already got.
i've already missed godz of metal 1 coz i want to "save".
godz of metal 2 wud be tomoro.
should i or shouldn't i go?? (kwakwakwa, like wad a friend of mine always asks)
tix are at 6 i tink, and theres a lot of goodies.
can ayone tell me wad to do??
eh, wad u tink of the song playing?
nice er not the solo.
okok, i know the quality is not dat nice but its a gud solo rite.
the song was actually divided into 3 parts, so each guitarist plays one part of the song.
i dun actually know wad song they're playing to but its nice.
oklah, want to eat my telor masak kicap.
izzit juzz me or is hazy outside....
Saturday, February 19, 2005
well, i did some community work today.collected donations for s'pore heart foundation.
actually we're asked to go to JP but we went to boon lay instead.
so aniwae, the response was much better.
we were the only ones collecting donations there and the passerbys are soo very the generous.
so if you guys are having a flag day or sumting, try boon lay.
not the interchange ok, its the marketplace.
u know, the place wif a Mc'D and a swimming pool close by.
juzz wait outside the fairprice in the morning.(no one shops for groceries in the afternoon)
so, maybe i got like 20 bucks in coins.
okok lah...
now, i seriously want to get my hair cut, but no time lah.(and lazy)
its so hot, then its very irritating wif the fringe touching the face all the time.
dunno how u gerls do it.
oh yar, toking abt hot weather.
u guys realise dat its hazy outside?
u can smell burnt trees.
maybe its another wild fire in s'pore coz of the weather.
and the skool field is getting drier and drier every day.
may not be long until the field goes botak...haha...
ok, lets see how much i saved this week.
err...dat wud be, -$4.
oh man, if this continues, there might not be an elctric guitar for me this march.
okok, from next week onwards, its diet in skool.
soo, err... 15 bucks a week dat makes it 90 bucks in 6 weeks.(am i rite?)
so much for saving huh.
maybe i shud juzz spend the $150 i already got.
i've already missed godz of metal 1 coz i want to "save".
godz of metal 2 wud be tomoro.
should i or shouldn't i go?? (kwakwakwa, like wad a friend of mine always asks)
tix are at 6 i tink, and theres a lot of goodies.
can ayone tell me wad to do??
eh, wad u tink of the song playing?
nice er not the solo.
okok, i know the quality is not dat nice but its a gud solo rite.
the song was actually divided into 3 parts, so each guitarist plays one part of the song.
i dun actually know wad song they're playing to but its nice.
oklah, want to eat my telor masak kicap.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i dun actually know who or how many ppl are reading my entries continuously but to those hu does, wads so interesting abt my entries aniwae...hurhur...
well, i juzz got back from polyclinic and was the second-last person to get consulted.
ok, my problem was this "lump" at the bottom of my feet.
its kinda painful when i walk lah.
so the doc said it was nuttin serious, juzz xtra piece of skin.
then he asked, "want to remove or not?" then i answered lah "yes!"
todae i was like despo eredy. one month ok, having to tahan pain every step i took.(chey, like so painful like dat)
so aniwae, the doc took out this slip of paper lah, then write down stuff.
when he's done, he asked me to go to room 6 to register.
in my mind was, "register wad?".
when i was out of the room, i read the piece of paper.
'Referral to Hospital'
i was like, wtf? ooo, sure die one...haha..
ok lah, after the registration, went to pay for doc's fee.
4 bucks juzz for touching my stinking foot and writing down some stuff.
oh yar, forget to add, A LEAVE FROM PE for tomoro....hurhur...
eh, actually rite, dat was kind of the main reason why i went to poly...kwakwakwa...
so tomoro, vilau guy wun be able to order me do stuff.
actually when i asked for the leave, the doc said, "dun wan mc?"...(mc as in leave from skool)
wah, doc power seh.
skool eh?
err, like usual lah.
had lit. common test in the morning.
the poem is very difficult, but made easy for us due to some particular reason. =>
then we got a relief teacher for ss.
a very stoink teacher.
an ex-css student which aileen leong "properly" picked for us.
afta skool was damn cca...err, BORING....
looked at fotos, fill up competition forms etc...
then went home.
ok lah, now need to do h/w.
12am eredy...
referred to hospital? holy crapz...
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
wooots....i dun actually know who or how many ppl are reading my entries continuously but to those hu does, wads so interesting abt my entries aniwae...hurhur...
well, i juzz got back from polyclinic and was the second-last person to get consulted.
ok, my problem was this "lump" at the bottom of my feet.
its kinda painful when i walk lah.
so the doc said it was nuttin serious, juzz xtra piece of skin.
then he asked, "want to remove or not?" then i answered lah "yes!"
todae i was like despo eredy. one month ok, having to tahan pain every step i took.(chey, like so painful like dat)
so aniwae, the doc took out this slip of paper lah, then write down stuff.
when he's done, he asked me to go to room 6 to register.
in my mind was, "register wad?".
when i was out of the room, i read the piece of paper.
'Referral to Hospital'
i was like, wtf? ooo, sure die one...haha..
ok lah, after the registration, went to pay for doc's fee.
4 bucks juzz for touching my stinking foot and writing down some stuff.
oh yar, forget to add, A LEAVE FROM PE for tomoro....hurhur...
eh, actually rite, dat was kind of the main reason why i went to poly...kwakwakwa...
so tomoro, vilau guy wun be able to order me do stuff.
actually when i asked for the leave, the doc said, "dun wan mc?"...(mc as in leave from skool)
wah, doc power seh.
skool eh?
err, like usual lah.
had lit. common test in the morning.
the poem is very difficult, but made easy for us due to some particular reason. =>
then we got a relief teacher for ss.
a very stoink teacher.
an ex-css student which aileen leong "properly" picked for us.
afta skool was damn cca...err, BORING....
looked at fotos, fill up competition forms etc...
then went home.
ok lah, now need to do h/w.
12am eredy...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
2nd post: friggin parents are back and i hate it.
Sunday, February 13, 2005
looks like i'm back to the shouting-at-home mood.
my dad started yapping away once he got in the house.
i'm soo friggin pissed rite now.
not in the mood to tok abt it.
juzz wan to tell y'all that my family is an example of a friggin unbonded family which shouts to each other once there is a debate and all the faults are pointed to their fuc*kin pissed son.
YAR!!! everything is my fault.
got hp dun wan to use.
fuc* ah!!!
my dad started yapping away once he got in the house.
i'm soo friggin pissed rite now.
not in the mood to tok abt it.
juzz wan to tell y'all that my family is an example of a friggin unbonded family which shouts to each other once there is a debate and all the faults are pointed to their fuc*kin pissed son.
YAR!!! everything is my fault.
got hp dun wan to use.
fuc* ah!!!
(sori for the language)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
today wud be my last day of home alone-ness.
my parents wud probably be back by 10ish.
well, rite now, i'm enjoying some unused calories.
okok, what the heck am i saying.
u know this love letter "biscuits".
yar, u shud try dipping them in nutella.
they taste great.
so then, i was thinking of todae's double chin episode,
you know, the kids central show...haha...
its kinda educational ok.
well, it's about the food you eat.
the calories you take in turns into fat if they're not used up.
so, by eating nutella and sitting on my fat ass the whole day, i'd probably gain weight by next month.
alamak, u guys know wad i'm tokin abt er not?
aiyah, nvm..
forget abt it.
eh, do you happened to haf a song titled gloomy sunday?
its a song wif a very very spooky history.
well, the song was written by two hungarians in 1933.
wads so spooky is dat the song was connected to many suicides in hungary(a place).
the song was then BANNED in Hungary and America juzz bcoz of its MANY connections to suicides.
the suicides was said to be commited after the listener listened to the song.
they were then found with "gloomy sunday's" sound sheet and/or their death notes with lyrics of "gloomy sunday" innit.
u think dats spooky?
the song writers themselves commit suicides later on.
why commit suicides?
the inspiration of the music actually came from one of the writer's gerlfren who committed suicide.
y'all want more info, juzz go to
ok lah, got to stop.
need to do a cerpen.
its to be handed in by tomoro.=>
okok, buaiz...
love letter wif nutella wud be my last day of home alone-ness.
my parents wud probably be back by 10ish.
well, rite now, i'm enjoying some unused calories.
okok, what the heck am i saying.
u know this love letter "biscuits".
yar, u shud try dipping them in nutella.
they taste great.
so then, i was thinking of todae's double chin episode,
you know, the kids central show...haha...
its kinda educational ok.
well, it's about the food you eat.
the calories you take in turns into fat if they're not used up.
so, by eating nutella and sitting on my fat ass the whole day, i'd probably gain weight by next month.
alamak, u guys know wad i'm tokin abt er not?
aiyah, nvm..
forget abt it.
eh, do you happened to haf a song titled gloomy sunday?
its a song wif a very very spooky history.
well, the song was written by two hungarians in 1933.
wads so spooky is dat the song was connected to many suicides in hungary(a place).
the song was then BANNED in Hungary and America juzz bcoz of its MANY connections to suicides.
the suicides was said to be commited after the listener listened to the song.
they were then found with "gloomy sunday's" sound sheet and/or their death notes with lyrics of "gloomy sunday" innit.
u think dats spooky?
the song writers themselves commit suicides later on.
why commit suicides?
the inspiration of the music actually came from one of the writer's gerlfren who committed suicide.
y'all want more info, juzz go to
ok lah, got to stop.
need to do a cerpen.
its to be handed in by tomoro.=>
okok, buaiz...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i've been farting from morning.
the cause, is this "concoction" i made.
u guys know dat if u take too many mints, it'll give u "lexative" effects rite.
well, yesterday i bought this impact mints and a vanilla coke.
so i was bored at home lah.
decided to "re-invent" the vanilla coke.
so wad i did was put in 8 tabs. of mints in the coke.
then shake3 until theres no more fizz.
the end product was an unfizzedmintyvery minty vanilla coke.
when it gets in u'r mouth, u taste the vanila coke.
BUT, once u swallow it, u'r mouth will be left with bittery minty flavour.
aniwae, i managed to finish the drink.
god knows how.
and DATS why i've been farting since morning.
luckily i'm onli farting, if i shit all the time how.
leceh man.
okok, yesterday was marhaban and grandma's.
my kuzz got his hair cut for the first time.
everyone was bizi.
me and my older kuzz were oso bizi ok.
bizi listening to metal..Xp..
heard kalmah for the first time.
they're ok lah.
like most death metal bands.
oh yar!
lately, i've been listening to death metal.
from "dimmu borgir" to "cradle of filth" to "children of bodom".
now its "kalmah".
today, i celebrated CNY at home all day.
boring man.
was thinking of going out, but to where???
seriously man, i'm like stuck in a class where everybody's different.
some slack at home play ps, some play soccer, some watch porno.
aiyoh...(i'm referring to the malays ok)
we've never like "bonded".
only like twice i tink.
boring man.
ok lah...
gtg eredy.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
i've been farting from morning.
the cause, is this "concoction" i made.
u guys know dat if u take too many mints, it'll give u "lexative" effects rite.
well, yesterday i bought this impact mints and a vanilla coke.
so i was bored at home lah.
decided to "re-invent" the vanilla coke.
so wad i did was put in 8 tabs. of mints in the coke.
then shake3 until theres no more fizz.
the end product was an unfizzed
when it gets in u'r mouth, u taste the vanila coke.
BUT, once u swallow it, u'r mouth will be left with bittery minty flavour.
aniwae, i managed to finish the drink.
god knows how.
and DATS why i've been farting since morning.
luckily i'm onli farting, if i shit all the time how.
leceh man.
okok, yesterday was marhaban and grandma's.
my kuzz got his hair cut for the first time.
everyone was bizi.
me and my older kuzz were oso bizi ok.
bizi listening to metal..Xp..
heard kalmah for the first time.
they're ok lah.
like most death metal bands.
oh yar!
lately, i've been listening to death metal.
from "dimmu borgir" to "cradle of filth" to "children of bodom".
now its "kalmah".
today, i celebrated CNY at home all day.
boring man.
was thinking of going out, but to where???
seriously man, i'm like stuck in a class where everybody's different.
some slack at home play ps, some play soccer, some watch porno.
aiyoh...(i'm referring to the malays ok)
we've never like "bonded".
only like twice i tink.
boring man.
ok lah...
gtg eredy.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
so now i update kay.
okok, i juzz got back from religious class.
learn a lot of stuff.(duhh..)
yesterday, skool was like usual lah.
study n study.
then we had chinese new year celebration.
then lata in the afternoon i went to central.
buy guitar strings and some picks.
it was damn cheap man.(the strings)
onli $7.50 when it cost like $8.++ over at causeway.
so then at nite i went to sleep lah.
at abt 4.30AM, woke up.
stomach ache oi.
so dat the reason why i din came to skool today lah.
in the morning, was thinking of getting the mc lah,
in my mind was, "if i dun haf mc, then lata kana scold by Mr Singh sia"
then i tink again, "EH!! he's no more my cm wad. like irene lim will even remember i din came to skool today. so, what the heck".
at nite, went to religious class, then went home.(and dats where i started the entry)
its all updated now.
devil woman
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
alamak, someone sound oredy ah.
so now i update kay.
okok, i juzz got back from religious class.
learn a lot of stuff.(duhh..)
yesterday, skool was like usual lah.
study n study.
then we had chinese new year celebration.
then lata in the afternoon i went to central.
buy guitar strings and some picks.
it was damn cheap man.(the strings)
onli $7.50 when it cost like $8.++ over at causeway.
so then at nite i went to sleep lah.
at abt 4.30AM, woke up.
stomach ache oi.
so dat the reason why i din came to skool today lah.
in the morning, was thinking of getting the mc lah,
in my mind was, "if i dun haf mc, then lata kana scold by Mr Singh sia"
then i tink again, "EH!! he's no more my cm wad. like irene lim will even remember i din came to skool today. so, what the heck".
at nite, went to religious class, then went home.(and dats where i started the entry)
its all updated now.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
juzz got from republic poly. for music nation 05'.
i've been there from 2.30
actually the place is not dat far lah,
can walk from redhill mrt.
oh shit, my ear now aching...
okok, so when i got in the room, the whole place was like empty.(onli 5 peeps)
so i was like afraid it'll be like rockin' resolution lah.
aniwae, the crowd number increased after some time lah.
the opening band was "the propellers" playing indie-rock.
know wad, they suck.
i nearly fell asleep, seriously.
so after "the propellers" was this punk/screamo band i tink.
they wanted everyone to stand up while they play.
leceh man.
then before they actually play, the crowd started surfing eredy.
aper dah.
so then bands after bands play.
the moshing was actually started by some young chinese brats who actually moshed to a slow music.
like extra like dat.
the real moshing started at nite.
havock man.
then they surfed until one of the ceiling styrofoam thingy cracked.
all in all, its a great gig lah but mostly my type.
saw some familiar faces from the net.
the band i'd prefer is the one which did covers of evanescence.
(didn't get their name.)
then they played an instrumental.
alamak, the guitarist, dunno how to say ah.
he play like damn pro like dat.
so i went back after the second-last band finished.
alamak, dat time rite, i stand rite infront of the speaker.
for like 20 mins u know.
dats why my ear is aching rite now.
wad a day.
wokies, end the entry ah.
music nation 05'
Saturday, February 05, 2005
i'm worn out man.
juzz got from republic poly. for music nation 05'.
i've been there from 2.30
actually the place is not dat far lah,
can walk from redhill mrt.
oh shit, my ear now aching...
okok, so when i got in the room, the whole place was like empty.(onli 5 peeps)
so i was like afraid it'll be like rockin' resolution lah.
aniwae, the crowd number increased after some time lah.
the opening band was "the propellers" playing indie-rock.
know wad, they suck.
i nearly fell asleep, seriously.
so after "the propellers" was this punk/screamo band i tink.
they wanted everyone to stand up while they play.
leceh man.
then before they actually play, the crowd started surfing eredy.
aper dah.
so then bands after bands play.
the moshing was actually started by some young chinese brats who actually moshed to a slow music.
like extra like dat.
the real moshing started at nite.
havock man.
then they surfed until one of the ceiling styrofoam thingy cracked.
all in all, its a great gig lah but mostly my type.
saw some familiar faces from the net.
the band i'd prefer is the one which did covers of evanescence.
(didn't get their name.)
then they played an instrumental.
alamak, the guitarist, dunno how to say ah.
he play like damn pro like dat.
so i went back after the second-last band finished.
alamak, dat time rite, i stand rite infront of the speaker.
for like 20 mins u know.
dats why my ear is aching rite now.
wad a day.
wokies, end the entry ah.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
theres nutting on tv rite now, so i type sumting crappy stuff ok.
well, today is eredy thursday.
tomoro would friday, then begins the weekend.
izzit juzz me or is time kinda moving faster.
okok, next week will be total freedom for me.
firstly, tuesday is a half-day, then wednesday and thursday is a holiday.
difference between u and me is dat,
my parents are going to malaysia on wed and they'll be back by sunday.
meaning, HOME ALONE!!!!
and, i haf the whole house to myself.
might sound boring rite,
actually eh,
yar, it does sound boring.
aiyah, forget abt the holiday lah.
lata, wad happen happens lah.
no need to plan.
(ok, this sounds crappy)
okok, this saturday is music nation 05' @ republic poly.
thinking of going coz the line up is kinda ok, but then, i'll be going alone ah,
juzz now in class, i got a "debate" wif my fren.
we're toking abt music and concepts lah.
so basically, commonwealth is FULL of hip-hop bastards.
no offence but i dun get any significance of hip-hop.
ok, i do like u'r breakdancing, rapping, graffitis etc. but theres juzz too many of y'all in css lah.
wheres all the punk, metal and gothic followers????!!!!
oh man, i'm so not in the rite place.
(oh yar, i'm referring to the type of music, not concept crap eh)
so most likely i'll be going to the gig lah.
okok, typing mood finish eredy.
now i'm bored.
ok lah,
time can fly meh??? ^.-
Thursday, February 03, 2005
theres nutting on tv rite now, so i type sumting crappy stuff ok.
well, today is eredy thursday.
tomoro would friday, then begins the weekend.
izzit juzz me or is time kinda moving faster.
okok, next week will be total freedom for me.
firstly, tuesday is a half-day, then wednesday and thursday is a holiday.
difference between u and me is dat,
my parents are going to malaysia on wed and they'll be back by sunday.
meaning, HOME ALONE!!!!
and, i haf the whole house to myself.
might sound boring rite,
actually eh,
yar, it does sound boring.
aiyah, forget abt the holiday lah.
lata, wad happen happens lah.
no need to plan.
(ok, this sounds crappy)
okok, this saturday is music nation 05' @ republic poly.
thinking of going coz the line up is kinda ok, but then, i'll be going alone ah,
juzz now in class, i got a "debate" wif my fren.
we're toking abt music and concepts lah.
so basically, commonwealth is FULL of hip-hop bastards.
no offence but i dun get any significance of hip-hop.
ok, i do like u'r breakdancing, rapping, graffitis etc. but theres juzz too many of y'all in css lah.
wheres all the punk, metal and gothic followers????!!!!
oh man, i'm so not in the rite place.
(oh yar, i'm referring to the type of music, not concept crap eh)
so most likely i'll be going to the gig lah.
okok, typing mood finish eredy.
now i'm bored.
ok lah,