yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
now this one was typed while my eyes tried to shut.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
can't post yesterday coz blogger has this "error" message, haiz. aniwae, i'm getting lazier and lazier. okok, maybe not lazy but i kept postponing the time to do my homework again and again till it got to 12am. so at 12 am, was preparing to do the homework, then i my mind, what da heck, in skool can copy. aiyoh! even if i managed to do my homework, in between, i always do something else. for example playing the guitar, or, RIGHT NOW. yes, i actually have my chem. 10yr series on another table rite now, not even halfway done. and currently also, my eyes are trying to shut. was thinking of getting a cup of coffee, but lazi ah.
so aniwae, skool was as usual. akmal and hidzir quarrelled bcoz akmal claimed hidzir has not yet paid him ONE DOLLAR. juzz bcoz of one dollar, haizz. then biggie boobies gave us a lecture coz less than half the class handed in her homework. well, lit was the best lesson. the bearded one actually knows my name. he even called me by my name, instead of giving me a nick like he does to others. ok, wanna know what witty nicks he came out with. ok, there was sargeant scandal, sitting infront of me. then keldai/kerbau/mulot bau selenger was sitting beside me. this clever innocent classmate of mine was called lady killer. so, lit was the best lesson for todae. then yesterday, mr chan a.k.a. nosedigger gave us this worksheet to complete. its on rice cultivation. mr chan is such a wonderful teacher. not only that he printed worksheets for us to revise(this shows that he care abt us), he even printed the answer sheet behind. now u see how wonderful a teacher he is. ok, a little info for y'all to know abt nosedigger. as his nick says, he digs his nose during class, INFRONT of everyone. then he was also a funny guy. when he coughs, instead of putting the mic further from his mouth, he brought it closer. so the whole class can hear his cough from the speaker.
juzz now, i was surfing MINDEF's web. well, i was tinking of joining this joint-poly SAF diploma scheme. its actualy a scheme where the gov pays for me my poly education plus tuition fees but in exchange i'll have to make this "bond" wif the army as an engineering specialist. so, after the 3 yrs poly, got a diploma, i'll be in ns. bmt some time, then they'll teach all the engineering2 stuff. so after the 2yrs plus ns, i'll haf to stay another 10 yrs i tink. this time its in the army, not ns. dats the catch for the free poly education. the salary is quite gud. so, yar. my mind is on the JPSDS rite now. so in my mind i was thinking, am i able to put 10 yrs of my life into the army. oh well. feels scary coz what if i cannot tahan the first yr eredy. hmm. maybe, i shud juzz let whats gonna happen happen ah. oh well.
(this is gonna be quite a long post)
for u'r info guys, my despo-ration to get an electric is no more. firstly bcoz i used some of the money to buy stuff. tees, shoes and both GOM tix. now, i'm left wif zit from the electric savings. oh well. another reason is bcoz something made some sense in my mind. ok, if i want to play an electric, i must know all the techniques/ways of playing the guitar? you know, memorise most of the scales, the cords, know what is chord progression, make my finger move faster, stuffs like dat. so, my point is, i must be good wif my acoustic b4 going on to electric. EVEN THOUGH THOSE DAMN ELECTRICS HAS BEEN MAKING MY HEAD GO KRAZI. arghh! fenders, squiers, ibanez, samick, pacifica, and especialy guitars dat are signature models, like daron's. oh man. soo, wif my hard earned engineering specialist salary, i can only hope i'd still be interested in playing guitar. not as in join a band or sumthing, but juzz play for fun. then i can fullfill my dream of sound-proofing my room. haha. i can already imagine. one lcd-tv on the wall, home theatre system(when its only in my room), wif the room sound-proofed, its probably a movie theatre in my room. but, its onli my imagination lah. dream3. hmm. may come true.
U, hu has been reading this long post. thnx soo much for doing so. haha, juzz dat i dunno the status of my blog. issit known to many? u guys like my posts?
so aniwae, wif my dreams set, i'm gonna put my guitar aside by next week. less internet and tv. do more revision. its kinda skari wif my combined humans going down the drain. and english, i suck at descriptive compos. malay for now, i'd say its "okok". DnT, hoping to score more in theory. lit, i shall improve on it. maths, i eredy understand but never revise(maths IS fun). chemistry, juzz finished topic on extraction of metals, quite interesting and oso fun. haha, maybe coz of the teacher 8P. physics, understand a bit, so muzz again revise. dats abt all my subs.
ok, to peeps from normal acad and tech. take note dat MOST of the express students are in the stream coz they are ACADEMICALLY good. BUT, when it comes to practical, they SUCK. not all of them lah, but most of them are. these ppl can only memorise txtbks, then vomit them out in exams. i'm not juzz saying this anyhow. one example i can relate is a classmate of mine. ok, he's not an express student but he's the clever nerd all the time. he's taking E and Ad. maths. his marks are all gud. so, in DnT papers, he sort of aced it lah. but, practically, he has NO idea of what to do for the N'level project. his designing skills is bad. his imaginations are limited. when it comes to using the tools, he needs guidence. bottomline is, he suck when putting his knowledge into action. i'm not talking bad abt this guy ok. maybe he can teach in the future or sumthin. so aniwae, dun look up to express students. and express students, hate me coz of what i said above. for all i care, its all facts. and also, for y'all hu know ramesh from the adam khoo motivational talk thingy, he said dat to us oso. so, dun look down on u'rself. if god takes aways something from u, he replaces it somewhere else(haha, if u know what i mean). some of u get it, some of u dun.
so, i hereby end my entry hoping y'all get some hope from reading it.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
u know, when someone broke their neck, then the medic used dat.
ok, this is crap...
aniwae, i juzz got back from PP.
whow, the gig was a kickass.
even better than GOM I.
BUT, i did miss this gig/carnival at fort sumting2. its in a park i tink.
haha, i dunno the name.
okok, juzz now, the kickass band was axed minister, covering megadeth.
haha, they kept saying, "ok, this will be our last song".
a last song after another after another.
the crowd juzz loves them, i think especially the lead guitarist.
he was soo damn good wif his guitar, makes ppl go krazi.
one thing realised is dat MOST of the band members are malay.
and the crowd oso.
so aniwae, i went home without any scrathes, wohoo...8P
okok, got to end eredy.
tomoro is skool, and my undone homework will remain undone unless i do sumting abt it.
8P \00/
note: this entry was written as i was struggling to keep my head upright
Sunday, March 27, 2005
someone give me those neck support thingy.u know, when someone broke their neck, then the medic used dat.
ok, this is crap...
aniwae, i juzz got back from PP.
whow, the gig was a kickass.
even better than GOM I.
BUT, i did miss this gig/carnival at fort sumting2. its in a park i tink.
haha, i dunno the name.
okok, juzz now, the kickass band was axed minister, covering megadeth.
haha, they kept saying, "ok, this will be our last song".
a last song after another after another.
the crowd juzz loves them, i think especially the lead guitarist.
he was soo damn good wif his guitar, makes ppl go krazi.
one thing realised is dat MOST of the band members are malay.
and the crowd oso.
so aniwae, i went home without any scrathes, wohoo...8P
okok, got to end eredy.
tomoro is skool, and my undone homework will remain undone unless i do sumting abt it.
8P \00/
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
5hrs and 15mins of sleep.
wonder what i was doing, homework lah...
u guys should stay awake longer coz great shows are up during dat time.
its more hilarious than shows before 12.
believe me.
aniwae, skool goes on like usual today, neber get any scolding.
nutting hilarious happened.
BUT, i do haf some cool videos to share wif y'all.
okok, y'all know yamakazi?(nutting related to kamikazi)
crazy guy jumping over walls and buildings and made it look simple.
klik here
then theres this really pro skater doing all sorts of tricks.
klik here
this guy is really creative.
dunno wad else to say.
klik here
next is one DAMN hilarious advertisement. must watch.
klik here
hope u guys like it...8P
gods of metal II, here i come...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
slept this morning at 1.30am and woke up at 6.45am.5hrs and 15mins of sleep.
wonder what i was doing, homework lah...
u guys should stay awake longer coz great shows are up during dat time.
its more hilarious than shows before 12.
believe me.
aniwae, skool goes on like usual today, neber get any scolding.
nutting hilarious happened.
BUT, i do haf some cool videos to share wif y'all.
okok, y'all know yamakazi?(nutting related to kamikazi)
crazy guy jumping over walls and buildings and made it look simple.
klik here
then theres this really pro skater doing all sorts of tricks.
klik here
this guy is really creative.
dunno wad else to say.
klik here
next is one DAMN hilarious advertisement. must watch.
klik here
hope u guys like it...8P
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
aniwaes, i'm kinda bored rite now.
juzz got back from johor wif a pair of shoes, some mags, and tons of ching gum.(*chewing gum*, actually not really dat much)
ok, i tok somemore abt wad happened at G.O.M.
guys, u shud never under-estimate girls, especially those hardcore metal ones.
psycho man they all.
maybe in skool they all look decent and quiet, but at gigs, expect the unexpected.
i was at the front banging my head like mad, but u guys know wad they did.
they pulled my shirt ok, then started beating up my back.
one or two even body surfed.
crazy scene.
wah, now my neck is back as usual.
haha, it was aching for two days.
can't wait to go for the second one.
my lovely cradle, metal, children and mega are gonna be played.
(i mean, they're gonna cover my favs: cradle of filth, megadeth, metallica and children of bodom.)
bet there'll be a lot of gothic2 looking peeps.
i'll get the tix tomoro ah, since they all cancel the movie plan.
(haha, movie plan. dunno wad else to call)
so bored..
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
hows the skin?aniwaes, i'm kinda bored rite now.
juzz got back from johor wif a pair of shoes, some mags, and tons of ching gum.(*chewing gum*, actually not really dat much)
ok, i tok somemore abt wad happened at G.O.M.
guys, u shud never under-estimate girls, especially those hardcore metal ones.
psycho man they all.
maybe in skool they all look decent and quiet, but at gigs, expect the unexpected.
i was at the front banging my head like mad, but u guys know wad they did.
they pulled my shirt ok, then started beating up my back.
one or two even body surfed.
crazy scene.
wah, now my neck is back as usual.
haha, it was aching for two days.
can't wait to go for the second one.
my lovely cradle, metal, children and mega are gonna be played.
(i mean, they're gonna cover my favs: cradle of filth, megadeth, metallica and children of bodom.)
bet there'll be a lot of gothic2 looking peeps.
i'll get the tix tomoro ah, since they all cancel the movie plan.
(haha, movie plan. dunno wad else to call)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
y'all know wat subliminal messages are?
well, they are so called "hidden" messages.
for example, when u play a song BACKWARDS, the lyrics make sense.(u understand it)
onli thing is dat the words might be like worshipping setan or sumthing.
so guys, do check out
u'll be amazed.
juzz sharing something cool.
Monday, March 14, 2005
juzz wanna share wif y'all something cool.y'all know wat subliminal messages are?
well, they are so called "hidden" messages.
for example, when u play a song BACKWARDS, the lyrics make sense.(u understand it)
onli thing is dat the words might be like worshipping setan or sumthing.
so guys, do check out
u'll be amazed.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
these are the result of going to a metal gig.(for me)
back from gods of metal.
awesome gig, worthit for the money.
anyway, i got there at 12 coz on the ticket says it starts at 12.
when i got there, theres onli bands doing soundcheck.
sway ah, had to wait for another hour till i go up.
then like another half-an-hour, everyone went out and queue.(collect tickets)
two ppl i know said they're gonna be there, BUT, batang idong pon tak nampak.
aper sajer ah.
during the second band doing iron maiden covers, things happened.
ok, there was this small kid(not so small lah), he got hit in the head i tink when moshing, so he's like blur2 eredy.
then got this tall guy, dunno what serious iron fanatic or what, he headbang and headbang until he fell. like drunk ppl like dat, but he's not drunk. funny thing was he kept standing up and continued.
so i got this poster and a G.O.M. cd.
when going home rite, kimek, sway ah.
okok, i took train from dhoby ghaut, then drop at city hall.
at city hall, i went up one floor.
then i went in the train WHICH I THOUGHT WAS ENDING AT BOONLAY.
BUT it went back to dhoby ghaut, and was ending at jurong.
WTF man.
my head k.o. eredy ah, headbang too much.
-oh yar, i moshed only twice and did serious headbanging at the front line once.
after dat, my head gone kuku.
headache lah, then got blue-black lah.
so i stood all the way from city hall to bukit gombak in the train.
leg cramp.
then bought ramly berger at jurong(which i am currently eating).
note: if u want to try smoking, try going to G.O.M. first.
if u can survive all the passive smoking, then u'll survive smoking.
u can't believe how filled the place was wif CIGARETTE SMOKE.
cuts and scratches, it could haf been worse.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
body aching, cuts and scratches and blue-black. not forgetting headaches.these are the result of going to a metal gig.(for me)
back from gods of metal.
awesome gig, worthit for the money.
anyway, i got there at 12 coz on the ticket says it starts at 12.
when i got there, theres onli bands doing soundcheck.
sway ah, had to wait for another hour till i go up.
then like another half-an-hour, everyone went out and queue.(collect tickets)
two ppl i know said they're gonna be there, BUT, batang idong pon tak nampak.
aper sajer ah.
during the second band doing iron maiden covers, things happened.
ok, there was this small kid(not so small lah), he got hit in the head i tink when moshing, so he's like blur2 eredy.
then got this tall guy, dunno what serious iron fanatic or what, he headbang and headbang until he fell. like drunk ppl like dat, but he's not drunk. funny thing was he kept standing up and continued.
so i got this poster and a G.O.M. cd.
when going home rite, kimek, sway ah.
okok, i took train from dhoby ghaut, then drop at city hall.
at city hall, i went up one floor.
then i went in the train WHICH I THOUGHT WAS ENDING AT BOONLAY.
BUT it went back to dhoby ghaut, and was ending at jurong.
WTF man.
my head k.o. eredy ah, headbang too much.
-oh yar, i moshed only twice and did serious headbanging at the front line once.
after dat, my head gone kuku.
headache lah, then got blue-black lah.
so i stood all the way from city hall to bukit gombak in the train.
leg cramp.
then bought ramly berger at jurong(which i am currently eating).
note: if u want to try smoking, try going to G.O.M. first.
if u can survive all the passive smoking, then u'll survive smoking.
u can't believe how filled the place was wif CIGARETTE SMOKE.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
me conpem going to gods of metal.
juzz got back from peninsula wif the tix.
so now, my "fund" for my electric guitar has juzz gone down to $100 on the dot.
crap man.
shud i find a job during the holiday?
aniwae, when i got back, my kuzz called.
dats when i got the shock of my life.
my 21 yr old ITE student kuzz joined photography.
WTF man.
now he wants to borrow my cam, sway ah.
can't believe he joined photography, aper ni ikot2 orang.
then on sunday i'll be going ALONE, but hoping to meet buang there.
so any of y'all going er not?
hope to see y'all there.
haf u got yer tix yet?
Friday, March 11, 2005 conpem going to gods of metal.
juzz got back from peninsula wif the tix.
so now, my "fund" for my electric guitar has juzz gone down to $100 on the dot.
crap man.
shud i find a job during the holiday?
aniwae, when i got back, my kuzz called.
dats when i got the shock of my life.
my 21 yr old ITE student kuzz joined photography.
WTF man.
now he wants to borrow my cam, sway ah.
can't believe he joined photography, aper ni ikot2 orang.
then on sunday i'll be going ALONE, but hoping to meet buang there.
so any of y'all going er not?
hope to see y'all there.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
if my mom ever sees my nymphetamine album rite, i'm dead for sure.
coz, theres pixs of naked woman innit.
so called "art" lah.
aniwae, term 1 is gonna end soon.
can't wait to get the report slip, wonder how'd i did.
so next week will be the holidays eredy.
boring, boring holidays.
make me stay at home till i get sick (of it).
so today is cikgu wahab's last day teaching us,
then cikgu asnida will b cummin back.
boring sia.
dat asnida always get pregnant, then the students never get proper lessons.
eh, any of u readers going to godz of metal?
coz i think most of the ppl there wud of course be older than me.
maybe i'll ask my kuzz to come along.
is 15 buckz worthit?
(for y'all wondering wads godz of metal, err, its a gig. happening on the 13th and 27th march if i'm not rong. prasale tix are 12 but at the door is 15)
be there ok.
damn holidays are near.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
dammit.if my mom ever sees my nymphetamine album rite, i'm dead for sure.
coz, theres pixs of naked woman innit.
so called "art" lah.
aniwae, term 1 is gonna end soon.
can't wait to get the report slip, wonder how'd i did.
so next week will be the holidays eredy.
boring, boring holidays.
make me stay at home till i get sick (of it).
so today is cikgu wahab's last day teaching us,
then cikgu asnida will b cummin back.
boring sia.
dat asnida always get pregnant, then the students never get proper lessons.
eh, any of u readers going to godz of metal?
coz i think most of the ppl there wud of course be older than me.
maybe i'll ask my kuzz to come along.
is 15 buckz worthit?
(for y'all wondering wads godz of metal, err, its a gig. happening on the 13th and 27th march if i'm not rong. prasale tix are 12 but at the door is 15)
be there ok.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
if i sit any longer rite, get bisol eredy.
hi all.
i'm back from college rockfest @ youth park.
i think i've wasted my whole day there.
the music was, okok lah but kinda bore me, A LOT.
i'll juzz mention my tots on some of the band.
Scar Driven(hardrock): music wise, there is no music. juzz noises they made from the guitar. THEN, the vocalist rite, alamak. damn dat guy. i can't say that he's singing, nor can i say he's saying lyrics. he "sang" wif his voice down is throat. (if u know wad i mean) overall, they suck.(no offence)
Documentary In Amber(avant-garde soundscapes): this band rite, plays nice music eventhough they dun sing. BUT, they're music is so so boring. wif all the different effects. so, D.I.A. is good, but BORING.
USV(emoskapunk rock): to me, this was the best for the day. wif all the skanking and mini moshing in between.
and where i got today's title. the vocalist said dat.(forgot his name)
and he also said, "y'all must enjoy. pass or fail O'level oso must enjoy. if u fail go ite. now ite got swimming pool, so MUST ENJOY."
mostly, the abang2s and kakak2s were there lah. college rockfest wad.
then when coming back home.
kimak, punyerlah bau.
i was from raffles place int. lah, then when the train reach dhoby ghout, guess wad, keleng smuer masok oi. tak tahan seh, bau rempah2 smuer. serious tau!! stupit gov., go n create NEL station at little india.
ok lah, my ramly burger is calling me.
girls go beach must wear??? bikini !!!
Saturday, March 05, 2005
fuyyoh, my butt is soo the aching rite now.if i sit any longer rite, get bisol eredy.
hi all.
i'm back from college rockfest @ youth park.
i think i've wasted my whole day there.
the music was, okok lah but kinda bore me, A LOT.
i'll juzz mention my tots on some of the band.
Scar Driven(hardrock): music wise, there is no music. juzz noises they made from the guitar. THEN, the vocalist rite, alamak. damn dat guy. i can't say that he's singing, nor can i say he's saying lyrics. he "sang" wif his voice down is throat. (if u know wad i mean) overall, they suck.(no offence)
Documentary In Amber(avant-garde soundscapes): this band rite, plays nice music eventhough they dun sing. BUT, they're music is so so boring. wif all the different effects. so, D.I.A. is good, but BORING.
USV(emoskapunk rock): to me, this was the best for the day. wif all the skanking and mini moshing in between.
and where i got today's title. the vocalist said dat.(forgot his name)
and he also said, "y'all must enjoy. pass or fail O'level oso must enjoy. if u fail go ite. now ite got swimming pool, so MUST ENJOY."
mostly, the abang2s and kakak2s were there lah. college rockfest wad.
then when coming back home.
kimak, punyerlah bau.
i was from raffles place int. lah, then when the train reach dhoby ghout, guess wad, keleng smuer masok oi. tak tahan seh, bau rempah2 smuer. serious tau!! stupit gov., go n create NEL station at little india.
ok lah, my ramly burger is calling me.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i'm in lub...
haha, ya rite...
aniwae, i'm back from the hospital.
went there for the checkup.
know what, the doc that "consulted" me was soo chio.
not onli dat, she's an ang moh wif one heck of an accent.(ang moh as in whities)
i still remember how and where she touched me.
the feeling of her hands.
it also tickles sometime.
luckily, my foot din stink.
kwakwakwa, wad were y'all tinking of?
aniwae, she said theres a growth on my foot.
if in 2 weeks neber go away, muzz cut.
not my whole foot lah, juzz the growth thingy.
aniwae, she is such a good doc dat she gave me 2 weeks leave from pe.
okok, some things i've realised about local docs and ang moh docs.
(see, i'm so observant)
local docs always wear smart, BUT, ang moh docs usually dun.
they tend to wear anything formal even if it looks out of fashion.
(i'm referring to female docs)
alamak, i dunno wad to say next.
okok, i'll drop my crap.
haha, left this topic hanging in u'r head.
okok, gtg lah.
chio ang moh doc.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
weehee!!!!i'm in lub...
haha, ya rite...
aniwae, i'm back from the hospital.
went there for the checkup.
know what, the doc that "consulted" me was soo chio.
not onli dat, she's an ang moh wif one heck of an accent.(ang moh as in whities)
i still remember how and where she touched me.
the feeling of her hands.
it also tickles sometime.
luckily, my foot din stink.
kwakwakwa, wad were y'all tinking of?
aniwae, she said theres a growth on my foot.
if in 2 weeks neber go away, muzz cut.
not my whole foot lah, juzz the growth thingy.
aniwae, she is such a good doc dat she gave me 2 weeks leave from pe.
okok, some things i've realised about local docs and ang moh docs.
(see, i'm so observant)
local docs always wear smart, BUT, ang moh docs usually dun.
they tend to wear anything formal even if it looks out of fashion.
(i'm referring to female docs)
alamak, i dunno wad to say next.
okok, i'll drop my crap.
haha, left this topic hanging in u'r head.
okok, gtg lah.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
(sounds complicating?)
becoz today is wednesday, and on wednesday theres pe, i always see wed. as a sway day.
BUT, it all went well todae.
we only did 60 pushups and 2.4 run.
not onli dat, i pass the run.
the first time i ran for this yr and i passed. very amazing.
okok, after the run, vilau(the teacher) wanted to meet my malay teacher.
SOO, like all lazy teachers, they took the lift lah.
this is where it gets somewhat "funny".
so as vilau was waiting for the lift, akmal kinda chatted wif him lah.
he leaned on the wall and was OSO waiting for the lift.
(btw, students are not allowed to take the lift.)
when the lift door opened rite, akmal juzz went in lah.
know wat, vilau din even say a word.
so we all went in lah.(like sheeps)
even more interesting was that vilau actually stepped back and let us move in.
so i tot, he let us take the lift wif him lah, BUT.
halfway up to the 6th floor, he said to us,
"eh, are y'all supposed to take the lift?"
then in my mind was, "dammit, we're busted".
know what vilau did next, he stepped on shafiq's shoes.
haha, dunno how to scold, onli know how to step shoes.
lame man dat guy...
luckily neber kana punish.
okok, i point out one interesting characteristic of vilau.
vilau dun actually know how to show expressions on his face.
angry, joy or laughter, his face is still looks the same.
overall, todae was the best dae lah.
somemore wif the cool rain.
juzz now rite, i got a call from this company.
know what, she told me dat i've won an overseas paid trip.
then i oso won this EXPENSIVE ITALIAN WATCH.(WOW!!!)
so i was like chill lah, coz the prizes are not dat interesting aniwae.
then when she asked me my occupation, i told her i'm a student.
know what she replied, (read the title above).
aiyoyo, wasted man.
if only i'm married...kwakwakwa....
okok, loads of homework to do.
sorry, the prizes are only for married couples.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
today didn't quite turn out to be how i thought it wud haf.(in a gud way)(sounds complicating?)
becoz today is wednesday, and on wednesday theres pe, i always see wed. as a sway day.
BUT, it all went well todae.
we only did 60 pushups and 2.4 run.
not onli dat, i pass the run.
the first time i ran for this yr and i passed. very amazing.
okok, after the run, vilau(the teacher) wanted to meet my malay teacher.
SOO, like all lazy teachers, they took the lift lah.
this is where it gets somewhat "funny".
so as vilau was waiting for the lift, akmal kinda chatted wif him lah.
he leaned on the wall and was OSO waiting for the lift.
(btw, students are not allowed to take the lift.)
when the lift door opened rite, akmal juzz went in lah.
know wat, vilau din even say a word.
so we all went in lah.(like sheeps)
even more interesting was that vilau actually stepped back and let us move in.
so i tot, he let us take the lift wif him lah, BUT.
halfway up to the 6th floor, he said to us,
"eh, are y'all supposed to take the lift?"
then in my mind was, "dammit, we're busted".
know what vilau did next, he stepped on shafiq's shoes.
haha, dunno how to scold, onli know how to step shoes.
lame man dat guy...
luckily neber kana punish.
okok, i point out one interesting characteristic of vilau.
vilau dun actually know how to show expressions on his face.
angry, joy or laughter, his face is still looks the same.
overall, todae was the best dae lah.
somemore wif the cool rain.
juzz now rite, i got a call from this company.
know what, she told me dat i've won an overseas paid trip.
then i oso won this EXPENSIVE ITALIAN WATCH.(WOW!!!)
so i was like chill lah, coz the prizes are not dat interesting aniwae.
then when she asked me my occupation, i told her i'm a student.
know what she replied, (read the title above).
aiyoyo, wasted man.
if only i'm married...kwakwakwa....
okok, loads of homework to do.