yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
back, i am.
Friday, May 27, 2005

been 9 days since i've last posted. home was soo sickening without net. okok, forget abt the past, now the present.
this morning, went to school for an environmental seminar by mr shaw from this environmental org. in singapore. mr singh picked me and benson tak fotos. crap rite. sec 4 still haf to take foto. aniwae, the seminar was quite educational. after the seminar, he was supposed to pronounce the recycling corner OPEN. let me tell u sumthing abt this "recycling corner". its juzz 3 bins located at a "corner". not atually a corner, more like a curve. so to pronounce the recycling corner open, mr shaw, the speaker, was given this stick to burst some baloons.(which is totally a silly way to "open" something.
then it was break time. there was a food fair by the PTNs. the food is quite boring, not that interesting but there is this "12 small packets of cheezel" sold for juzz one dollar. insanely cheap. so i bought one lar. BUT, when i tried the cheezel, it was soo damn salty. and fyi, i haf an elevated blood pressure. haha. was taken during the skool checkups. now i haf to go hospital for checkup. and again fyi, salt is a nono for high blood i gave some of the cheezels to my "free stuff is good stuff" friends.
after the break, we have to make make this plan thing. i'm not so sure coz i'm bizi snapping shots of everyone. then after the presentation, went to class for meet-the-parents session. so this time, i got 8th in class. not bad arh? haha, 8th position but got 60.1% for total marks. AND, i passed combined humans. thank god. so my best 3 subjects all adds up to 9. for u guys who've been saying u need 10 points to get to sec 5, ITS 9 OR LESS! not 10! actually, its really a waste. if onli i got an A2 for malay and maybe a B4 for maths, add up with the A1 i got for geog, i can get 7 points man. what a waste. so, i cant wait for the holidays. cant wait to revise all this subjects and all. can go krazi.
ok lar, ending oredy.
juzz a word of advise, DUN WATCH STAR WARS EPI. III
its VERY draggy. too much yapping away, little action.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i won't be updating and be online for quite some time!
damn net is not working
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
guys, my freaking internet is not working. i'm at this "cyber cafe'" at JE. oh man, actually juzz got back from sim lim. was actually looking for a hard disk to backup my precious mp3s before re-formating the whole computer but got my eye on this 40 bucks samsung cdrw! dat is soo damn cheap. might be getting it tomoro. aniwae, i'll posting this short coz me still haf other sites to surf. so, be reminded dat,i won't be updating and be online for quite some time!
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
[aziha] yar, i linked anyone who dropped by [eka] wow, u who dun listen to metal seems to know more than i do. hmm.
know what, i was listening to going under juzz now and it juzz reminds me of how fun headbanging was. seriously, i tink i'm addicted to headbanging. okok, rite now y'all must be thinking, what crap is this guy talking about. krazi izzit, headbanging.
its fun ok, i recommend y'all try it. be at the front, the band rite infront of u, the beat of the drum beating in u'r ears. argh!! can't wait for metalindustries II. got suicidal. maybe they'll do another cradle cover. then on 29th will be monsters of rock, got axed minister. it can't be any better than this.(maybe someone will get me an elect guitar for me)
haha, talking about suicidal. know what, suicidal plays black metal rite, so they wear serious gears. studded belts, chains, barb wires(rubber) and this small crucifix on their wrist. if u look them perform rite, they look like really non-islam already, BUT, when i went to their website, know what, theres a picture of them during hari raya in baju kurong.
kwakwakwa. ingatkan betol2 serious lar black metal, tapi celebrate rayer. hah, n'tah puaser ker tak.
on the topic of religion, me and my fren were making up jokes lah. then he said one farni joke. okok, ader atok ni tengah nazak, lagi siket mati lah ni. jadik anak dier suroh mengucap, "pak, mengucap pak." pasal atok ni ngah nazak, nak cakap pon susah. tapi, dier dapat "summon" kekuatan dier, teros dier bukak mulot lalu melafaskan, "astaghfirullah". teros dier meninggal. innalillah. korang paham tak? kalau ni tengah ketawer korang nyer agamer orite2, kalau tak ketawer, gi tobat skarang.
ok lah, dah penat jari2 aku ni.
STILL cookies deactivated, haizz...
Sunday, May 15, 2005
i still can't post a message on MY tagboard. i tell you, if i cannot post a message or not get a reply from myshoutbox support, i'm getting another taggie.[NOT from myshoutbox] aniwae, heres the reply: [aziha] yar, i linked anyone who dropped by [eka] wow, u who dun listen to metal seems to know more than i do. hmm.
know what, i was listening to going under juzz now and it juzz reminds me of how fun headbanging was. seriously, i tink i'm addicted to headbanging. okok, rite now y'all must be thinking, what crap is this guy talking about. krazi izzit, headbanging.
its fun ok, i recommend y'all try it. be at the front, the band rite infront of u, the beat of the drum beating in u'r ears. argh!! can't wait for metalindustries II. got suicidal. maybe they'll do another cradle cover. then on 29th will be monsters of rock, got axed minister. it can't be any better than this.(maybe someone will get me an elect guitar for me)
haha, talking about suicidal. know what, suicidal plays black metal rite, so they wear serious gears. studded belts, chains, barb wires(rubber) and this small crucifix on their wrist. if u look them perform rite, they look like really non-islam already, BUT, when i went to their website, know what, theres a picture of them during hari raya in baju kurong.
kwakwakwa. ingatkan betol2 serious lar black metal, tapi celebrate rayer. hah, n'tah puaser ker tak.
on the topic of religion, me and my fren were making up jokes lah. then he said one farni joke. okok, ader atok ni tengah nazak, lagi siket mati lah ni. jadik anak dier suroh mengucap, "pak, mengucap pak." pasal atok ni ngah nazak, nak cakap pon susah. tapi, dier dapat "summon" kekuatan dier, teros dier bukak mulot lalu melafaskan, "astaghfirullah". teros dier meninggal. innalillah. korang paham tak? kalau ni tengah ketawer korang nyer agamer orite2, kalau tak ketawer, gi tobat skarang.
ok lah, dah penat jari2 aku ni.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
[fieks] hey, thnx...8D [mimi] no prob.. [eka] ermm, maybe arh. wads lucifer? [aziha]i linked up anyone who dropped by the blog. 8D
cookies deactivated?
Friday, May 13, 2005
oh man, been trying to reply the tagboard but juzz can't seem to coz this "cookies deactivated" message pops out. haizz. funny thing is dat i even lowered the cookies settings to the lowest, yet, still the same. so, i'll haf to reply here. [fieks] hey, thnx...8D [mimi] no prob.. [eka] ermm, maybe arh. wads lucifer? [aziha]i linked up anyone who dropped by the blog. 8D
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
physics paper was damn hard. maybe i should look at it from another perspective. the physics paper was not hard, its me dat dunno how to do it. tell you, i'll flunk my physics for sure. LUCKILY, i took combined science. so physics plus chemistry, i MIGHT pass science. haizz. while doing the paper, my mind was totally blank. thnx to not revising yesterday.
aniwae, do any of u guys know nearfatalexplosion. alah, a local punk band lar. juzz got to know dat, ONE OF THEIR BAND MEMBER IS MY FREND'S BRO! ain't dat cool. haha. coz i like their "my final agony", the others, i dunno lar. =>
weird feeling
Thursday, May 12, 2005
i've been having this weird feeling since i woke up this morning. feels like i'm missing something.(something, not someone) yesterday, hidzir sent me this email abt missing ayat from the al-quran. maybe dats why i'm feeling like dis. scary sia.physics paper was damn hard. maybe i should look at it from another perspective. the physics paper was not hard, its me dat dunno how to do it. tell you, i'll flunk my physics for sure. LUCKILY, i took combined science. so physics plus chemistry, i MIGHT pass science. haizz. while doing the paper, my mind was totally blank. thnx to not revising yesterday.
aniwae, do any of u guys know nearfatalexplosion. alah, a local punk band lar. juzz got to know dat, ONE OF THEIR BAND MEMBER IS MY FREND'S BRO! ain't dat cool. haha. coz i like their "my final agony", the others, i dunno lar. =>
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
basically, the place where i spend MOST of my time at home is on a chair staring at the screen. seriously, i spend hours infront of the com. sometimes till my eyes blurr out, or my shoulders ache. oh well. firstly, i am a very messy sort of person. my mother kept asking me to clean my room. then she everytime say, when i got married, my wife is gonna get pissed coz the room will be in a mess. haizz.
____so this is the right side of the com table. see that half a bottle, thats my "piggy bank". haha, budget rite. oh well. then that gold cup there, won it during pri skool. the cup is now full. i filled it up with candle wax, now its hardened. its one big candle in case another blackout happens.

____this is below the monitor. messy3.

____then theres the top where unnecessary stuffs are kept. at the side, theres a bunch of letters i kept. hp bills, library reminders, fliers. all sorts of stuff. then theres four empty bottles of ROOT beer. haha, reminded me of the time i went to bugis. was drinking the ROOT beer and those who passed me kinda stare at me. haha, underage drinking beer. hello its ROOTbeer. so there they are, hope they dun fall and break.

here is another side. theres abt half a container of blank cdrs and my albums. know what, i haf more albums in my com than the albums i legally own.(me buy)

____poor cdrs left alone. if not for jackass me who plays wif lighted candles in the room on top of a cd, whereby the wax hardened on reading side the cd thereafter which i inserted the cd not knowing that theres candle wax on it spoiling my cd writer making it impossible to backup all my downloaded mp3s.

____this is like half the page of what i haf currently. tell u what, only one quarter(maybe less) of this page is what i had bought, the rest? illegal?

____and lastly, without it, life would sucky to the max. its 7 yrs old(haha) and has been been through ups and downs, literally. (ermm, not the black radio, my speakers lah deng. the radio sucks)

dats all.
currently veri bored, so i decided to snap stuff.basically, the place where i spend MOST of my time at home is on a chair staring at the screen. seriously, i spend hours infront of the com. sometimes till my eyes blurr out, or my shoulders ache. oh well. firstly, i am a very messy sort of person. my mother kept asking me to clean my room. then she everytime say, when i got married, my wife is gonna get pissed coz the room will be in a mess. haizz.
____so this is the right side of the com table. see that half a bottle, thats my "piggy bank". haha, budget rite. oh well. then that gold cup there, won it during pri skool. the cup is now full. i filled it up with candle wax, now its hardened. its one big candle in case another blackout happens.

____this is below the monitor. messy3.

____then theres the top where unnecessary stuffs are kept. at the side, theres a bunch of letters i kept. hp bills, library reminders, fliers. all sorts of stuff. then theres four empty bottles of ROOT beer. haha, reminded me of the time i went to bugis. was drinking the ROOT beer and those who passed me kinda stare at me. haha, underage drinking beer. hello its ROOTbeer. so there they are, hope they dun fall and break.

here is another side. theres abt half a container of blank cdrs and my albums. know what, i haf more albums in my com than the albums i legally own.(me buy)

____poor cdrs left alone. if not for jackass me who plays wif lighted candles in the room on top of a cd, whereby the wax hardened on reading side the cd thereafter which i inserted the cd not knowing that theres candle wax on it spoiling my cd writer making it impossible to backup all my downloaded mp3s.

____this is like half the page of what i haf currently. tell u what, only one quarter(maybe less) of this page is what i had bought, the rest? illegal?

____and lastly, without it, life would sucky to the max. its 7 yrs old(haha) and has been been through ups and downs, literally. (ermm, not the black radio, my speakers lah deng. the radio sucks)

dats all.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

aniwae guys, wad'd u think of the new skin?
maths paper juzz now was fuckin tough. i'm confident enuff dat i'll fail. lucky for me, they dun count in mid-yrs for "graduation" to sec 5. well, tomoro is chem and physics papers, BUT, i've been online from since i came back. aniwae, juzz wanna wish sepol a happy b'dae. the present? give him "pau" enuff arh. (hopeu know what pau i'm referring to)
my previous skin is now up for download.
click here
please comment on my new skin arh!!! 8p
i juzz realised something freaky. okok, last night had this dream. i was in a building, then theres these dead bodies. so i cut up the dead bodies. then i somewhat touched it. suddenly my veins juzz pop out and they happen to be black in colour. WTF! then "someone" told me i got rabies. i might die anytime. it felt insanely real.
in skool, i told my frens abt it lar. then abt a minute ago, i right clicked on my blog.
(again)HOLY SHIT!!! is this some kind of coincidence or is there a meaning behind it?
its exactly as what i had typed for the no-right-click thingy. juzz right-click anywhere, it'll pop out. does it mean that i'm hideous? haizz... this is verrry freaky. and, I DIN MAKE THIS UP. oh man.
new skin
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

aniwae guys, wad'd u think of the new skin?
maths paper juzz now was fuckin tough. i'm confident enuff dat i'll fail. lucky for me, they dun count in mid-yrs for "graduation" to sec 5. well, tomoro is chem and physics papers, BUT, i've been online from since i came back. aniwae, juzz wanna wish sepol a happy b'dae. the present? give him "pau" enuff arh. (hopeu know what pau i'm referring to)
my previous skin is now up for download.
click here
please comment on my new skin arh!!! 8p
i juzz realised something freaky. okok, last night had this dream. i was in a building, then theres these dead bodies. so i cut up the dead bodies. then i somewhat touched it. suddenly my veins juzz pop out and they happen to be black in colour. WTF! then "someone" told me i got rabies. i might die anytime. it felt insanely real.
in skool, i told my frens abt it lar. then abt a minute ago, i right clicked on my blog.
(again)HOLY SHIT!!! is this some kind of coincidence or is there a meaning behind it?
its exactly as what i had typed for the no-right-click thingy. juzz right-click anywhere, it'll pop out. does it mean that i'm hideous? haizz... this is verrry freaky. and, I DIN MAKE THIS UP. oh man.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
norther, really dunno how to tell u guys how great they are. their music is kinda similar to children of bodom, but they're DIFFERENT bands. AND, they're better. i dun actually listen to the lyrics. i'm more of a music person. well, i got two of their albums. when i say "got", i meant, downloaded them. this guy al filefury recommended norther saying dat "if u like CoB, u'll like norther". fuck yeah, hes goddamn rite.
ok guys, what the heck is filefury? its actually is a "file-sharing" website. obviously, they share mp3s. not one by one, but by the album. isnt dat cool. [oh god, how i wish i din spoil my "burner".]
so u guys should give the site a visit.
another site is, like it's name is also a place where ppl share "stuff". "stuff", from sharing mp3s to user and key to guitar pro 4 software. its much simpler to use than filefury. give it a try oso.
lately, these are the two sites i've been going to. know what,
system's mesmerize, an album to be released on 17th may has already leaked.
ain't dat great. so now, i'm listening to mesmerize. its free, plus, i got to listen to it even b4 it got out in stores. haha.
however, i'm still getting the album lar, coz, ermm, i like system lar. maybe one of u guys can get it for me huh? its released on the 17th, my b'dae is on the 18th. juzz nice rite. =>
okok, be sure to check out norther, filefury and mp3megamart yar.
god bless "free" music.
norther, one heck of a band
Saturday, May 07, 2005
currently playing: dream by northernorther, really dunno how to tell u guys how great they are. their music is kinda similar to children of bodom, but they're DIFFERENT bands. AND, they're better. i dun actually listen to the lyrics. i'm more of a music person. well, i got two of their albums. when i say "got", i meant, downloaded them. this guy al filefury recommended norther saying dat "if u like CoB, u'll like norther". fuck yeah, hes goddamn rite.
ok guys, what the heck is filefury? its actually is a "file-sharing" website. obviously, they share mp3s. not one by one, but by the album. isnt dat cool. [oh god, how i wish i din spoil my "burner".]
so u guys should give the site a visit.
another site is, like it's name is also a place where ppl share "stuff". "stuff", from sharing mp3s to user and key to guitar pro 4 software. its much simpler to use than filefury. give it a try oso.
lately, these are the two sites i've been going to. know what,
system's mesmerize, an album to be released on 17th may has already leaked.
ain't dat great. so now, i'm listening to mesmerize. its free, plus, i got to listen to it even b4 it got out in stores. haha.
however, i'm still getting the album lar, coz, ermm, i like system lar. maybe one of u guys can get it for me huh? its released on the 17th, my b'dae is on the 18th. juzz nice rite. =>
okok, be sure to check out norther, filefury and mp3megamart yar.
god bless "free" music.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
bubye black box
Friday, May 06, 2005
today's MT paper was 50/50. i think the letter writing is much more easier than the compo. my language in the compo was juzz soo berterabo. aniwae, i wanna say that MR PEJAL is such an asshole. it was during the paper 2. dis guy juzz came in, ask everybody to shuddup. SO RUDE! is this a how a "role model" supposed to be. then after, he showed us his asshole-ness. after giving out the QUESTION papers, he said, "u may start u'r papers, good luck." good luck MY FOOT! what, write on the table izzit. haizz. i soo hate his attitude rite now. haha, then i looked at his staff pass. his face was like crap. NONO, IT IS CRAP!!! with his strand of hair at the front, like superman like dat. puih!
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
must rite narrative, must rite narrative, must rite narrative. haha, if i keep on typing in this type of english, i'm surely gonna flunk. okok, must speak poroper engrish. argh, wadever. so skool ended so quickly todae. this lesson, dat lesson, RING!!! end of skool.
haizz, actually hor, i got no topic arh. XP
okok, gonna start type crap.
u know during hari rayer rite, u visit relatives or u'r parents's friends or sumthin.
dun u ever get bored of hearing, "ehh, dah besar eh anak engkau". isn't this stupit. like, DUHH!!! its been one whole yr, maybe even more. of course lar i grow big sia. haha, then once, theres this auntie, she asked, "maner satu bapak, maner satu anak?" oh man, dun u feel gud when u'r bigger than u'r parents. haha.
lately, peeps haf been toking abt the "be u'rself dae". pls lar, its still far away. they've been planning what to wear oredy. then some ppl haf been toking abt our new security guard. every friday, as we're going to the mosque to pray rite, this guy din. instead, he remained in skool. if i recall correctly what my ustaza said, we should never miss a friday prayer bcoz of work. if possible, find a work dat allow u to go for friday prayers. haizz, dunno lar abt him.
aniwae, gud luck guys for u'r exams.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
tomoro is gonna be the english papers. hope i dun screw myself by writing argumentative like last yr. hmm. i'm totally concentrated on narrative rite now.must rite narrative, must rite narrative, must rite narrative. haha, if i keep on typing in this type of english, i'm surely gonna flunk. okok, must speak poroper engrish. argh, wadever. so skool ended so quickly todae. this lesson, dat lesson, RING!!! end of skool.
haizz, actually hor, i got no topic arh. XP
okok, gonna start type crap.
u know during hari rayer rite, u visit relatives or u'r parents's friends or sumthin.
dun u ever get bored of hearing, "ehh, dah besar eh anak engkau". isn't this stupit. like, DUHH!!! its been one whole yr, maybe even more. of course lar i grow big sia. haha, then once, theres this auntie, she asked, "maner satu bapak, maner satu anak?" oh man, dun u feel gud when u'r bigger than u'r parents. haha.
lately, peeps haf been toking abt the "be u'rself dae". pls lar, its still far away. they've been planning what to wear oredy. then some ppl haf been toking abt our new security guard. every friday, as we're going to the mosque to pray rite, this guy din. instead, he remained in skool. if i recall correctly what my ustaza said, we should never miss a friday prayer bcoz of work. if possible, find a work dat allow u to go for friday prayers. haizz, dunno lar abt him.
aniwae, gud luck guys for u'r exams.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
been bloghopping lately. looks like everyone's having stress. some even got other problems making them stress-er. haizz.
xtreme music 2, haizz...
Sunday, May 01, 2005
damn! i missed xtreme music 2, which was todae lar. how stupit of me. was actually thinking of revising todae, dats y i din went. BUT, i only did one chapter of physics. stupit rite, then the rest of the day, watch tv and surf net. i really want good grades ok. the past tests was juzz so-so. even failed some. so now, mid year muzz score a lot. i was thinking of wishing y'all a happy mayday, but what the heck, as if y'all are working like dat. tomoro, got my day planned. will be going to the lib ard 10-ish, the revise social studies, do english compre and hopefully re-read ordinary magic again. combined humans, who the heck made it compulsory huh? have been flunking them most of the time. been bloghopping lately. looks like everyone's having stress. some even got other problems making them stress-er. haizz.