yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
home sucks...
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Avenged Sevenfold - Betrayed
[i realised that some ppl haf this in their posts. wth.]
as the title says, home does suck. wake up, straight to the com, listen to music, play guitar. then after an hour or so, off to shower. so, basically everyday, i download atleast an album. but i dont actually listen to all of them. its juzz like a collection/hobby thingy i think. so far, i've got the whole collection of AFI albums. now need one or two more albums to complete Greenday's. aniwae, the list is below. u might wanna check it out. so if u wanna request any of the albums, drop by my list @ (i wont take requests here)
u haf to sign up first in order to request. oh yar, my nick there is "crap". now you know why i type crap as my nick in msn sometimes.
so aniwae, heres the list:
3 Doors Down - Better Life
3 Doors Down - Away from the Sun
3 Doors Down - Seventeen Days
3 Inches of Blood - Advance and Vanquish
AFI - Sing The Sorrow
AFI - A Fire Inside EP
AFI - All Hallows EP
AFI - The Art of Drowning
AFI - Answer That and Stay Fashionable
AFI - Black Sails in the Sunset
AFI - Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes
AFI - Very Proud of Ya
Atreyu - The Curse
Atreyu - Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses
Audioslave - Audioslave
Audioslave - Out of Exile
Avenged Sevenfold - Waking the Fallen
Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil
Avenged Sevenfold - Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
Billy Talent - Billy Talent
Black Eyed Peas - Monkey Business
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Children of Bodom - Hate Breeder
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace
Dreamtheater - Train of Thought
Dreamtheater - Octavarium
Evanescence - Fallen
Gavin Degraw - Chariot
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Greenday - Dookie
Greenday - Nimrod
Greenday - Shenanigans
Greenday - American Idiot
Greenday - Warning
Greenday - Bowling Bowling Bowling Parking Parking
Gwen Stefani - L.A.M.B.
Headbangers Ball Vol. 1
Headbangers Ball Vol. 2
Hot Hot Heat - Elevator
Interpol - Antics
Jimmy Eat World - Futures
Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American
Jimmy Eat World - Jimmy Eat World
Kalmah - Swampsong
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing
King Diamond - Conspitracy
King Diamond - Them
Marion Raven - Here I Am
Maroon 5 - Songs About jane
Metallica - Master of Puppets
My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love
Nickelback - The Long Road
Norther - Death Unlimited
Norther - Dreams of Endless War
Norther - Mirror Madness
Punkorama Vol. 1
Punkorama Vol. 2
Punkorama Vol. 3
Punkorama Vol. 4
Punkorama Vol. 7
Punkorama Vol. 8
Punkorama Vol. 9
Slipknot - Vol. 3 Subliminal Verses
Story of the Year - Page Avenue
Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler
Sum 41 - Chuck
System of a Down - Mesmerize
System of a Down - Steal This Album
System of a Down - System of a Down
System of a Down - Toxicity
The Killers - Hot Fuss
happy requesting...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
oh yar, when u'r reading this, u might haf probably realise that u've heard the song before. yerp. its from one of those tv ads. from a motorolla ad if i'm not rong. its titled "feel good inc" by gorillaz. nice huh? haha. aniwae, i juzz like the chorus, dats all. okok, chaoz...
shouldn't have been to skool...
Monday, June 27, 2005
oh man. skool so sucked today. the so called "be yourself day" meant to be fun and all wasn't. well, today started with a walk to skool. okok, my foot is not fully healed yet ok. so, when i reach the carpark, alamak, my feet feel like sticky2 like dat. then take of my slipas. alarmak, bleeding ar. but not painful. maybe docs cut my pain receptors? aniwae, limped to skool. morning assembly was crap. then back to class. maths no lesson. geog, so called "revision" lar. then social studies. kimek, Png start lesson. boring siot. btw, Png is her name. then dnt, juzz asked mr soh to cut the wood, dats all. i've got 3 more weeks to complete the folio. haizz. okok, b u'rself day cum youth day celebration SUCKED!!!! most performance was done by the teachers. student performers? NAH! crap. last time was great, when the seniors would perform on stage. anything lar. sing song lar, play guitar, PLAY a song lar. guess kiddos are getting less sporting every year. aiyar. skool is getting crappier aniwae. then i went home lar, regretting coming to skool. haizz. oh well, looks like i'm gonna be at home till next tues completing my homeworkS.oh yar, when u'r reading this, u might haf probably realise that u've heard the song before. yerp. its from one of those tv ads. from a motorolla ad if i'm not rong. its titled "feel good inc" by gorillaz. nice huh? haha. aniwae, i juzz like the chorus, dats all. okok, chaoz...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

how? haha....
u guys would have probably think that i'm crazy right?
aniwae, dats the op after the stitches were taken off juzz now.
nice closeup huh? want a bigger one? =D
2 pics of my foot!!! must see!!! Xp
Saturday, June 25, 2005

how? haha....
u guys would have probably think that i'm crazy right?
aniwae, dats the op after the stitches were taken off juzz now.
nice closeup huh? want a bigger one? =D
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

was bored, so i did this. quite cool huh?
cool huh?
Friday, June 24, 2005

was bored, so i did this. quite cool huh?
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

there u go. thats my foot u'r looking at. believe me, the incision they did was juzz a small bit at one area on my foot. its the place u put pressure to when u walk. BUT, they bandaged my whole foot. as if it was a big surgery. currently, my foot dus not hurt. YET! the anaesthetic is still there. i cant feel my last toe u see. so it must be the anaesthetic. however, if the anaesthetic is already gone, it can only be one thing. the damn surgeons cut my nerves!!!. haizz.
the surgery was great. they juzz put the mask on me, breath in some whatever gas it is, sleep, wake up, TADAA!!! surgery is done. then theres this nice kakak nurse. =>
oh yar, they put that water thingy inside me sia. okok, u know those liquid bag thingy where u put on stands, then got this tube connecting to this needle stuck on u'r hand? then the liquid drips one drop every second. dat one ar. hah. quite cool ar. okok, then IF u were to haf a surgery, be prepared ro answer the same questions again and again and again. here are some of the question they'l ask MANY times. do you wear braces? is there any loose tooth in u'r mouth? contact lens? jewellery? u haf any metal stuff in u'r body? when did u last eat? did u drink any water this morning? u haf any sickness? flu? asthma? high blood pressure? then they'll show u the form u signed and ask. who signed this? and this? u know what why u are here?
believe me, almost ALL the nurses and docs that attends to you will ask you the questions. BUT, its kinda fun ya know. honestly, i feel like having the whole operation thing again. haizz. i miss it already.
ok lar, want to watch csi.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

there u go. thats my foot u'r looking at. believe me, the incision they did was juzz a small bit at one area on my foot. its the place u put pressure to when u walk. BUT, they bandaged my whole foot. as if it was a big surgery. currently, my foot dus not hurt. YET! the anaesthetic is still there. i cant feel my last toe u see. so it must be the anaesthetic. however, if the anaesthetic is already gone, it can only be one thing. the damn surgeons cut my nerves!!!. haizz.
the surgery was great. they juzz put the mask on me, breath in some whatever gas it is, sleep, wake up, TADAA!!! surgery is done. then theres this nice kakak nurse. =>
oh yar, they put that water thingy inside me sia. okok, u know those liquid bag thingy where u put on stands, then got this tube connecting to this needle stuck on u'r hand? then the liquid drips one drop every second. dat one ar. hah. quite cool ar. okok, then IF u were to haf a surgery, be prepared ro answer the same questions again and again and again. here are some of the question they'l ask MANY times. do you wear braces? is there any loose tooth in u'r mouth? contact lens? jewellery? u haf any metal stuff in u'r body? when did u last eat? did u drink any water this morning? u haf any sickness? flu? asthma? high blood pressure? then they'll show u the form u signed and ask. who signed this? and this? u know what why u are here?
believe me, almost ALL the nurses and docs that attends to you will ask you the questions. BUT, its kinda fun ya know. honestly, i feel like having the whole operation thing again. haizz. i miss it already.
ok lar, want to watch csi.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

yerp, slipknot is cummin to singapore ol'rite.
aniwae, i juzz wanna spread the word out.
and tomoro is my op.
wish me luck.
slipknot in singapore? hell yeah!!!
Monday, June 20, 2005

yerp, slipknot is cummin to singapore ol'rite.
aniwae, i juzz wanna spread the word out.
and tomoro is my op.
wish me luck.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
when i got there, arnd 8.++, the crowd was already so big. maybe bigger than yesterday's. boring thing was a chinese/j-rock band was currently playing. so i sit my ass down and sit facing the stalls, not the stage. i was probably the odd on out there. anione saw me? so aniwae, when it was electrico's turn to play, i stood lar, then tried to move to the front. THEN, the organizer, mr heartrock asked the crowd to move forward. aper lagik, aku pegi depan ar. so at the front, there was this damn group of chinese gerls. damn. ok lar, they're energetic, but like crap ar they all. i'm a bit disappointed when electrico played. was expecting better lar, but hey, the only song i know from them is i want you and runaway. they played some songs from the next album to come. and also played the first time for one of the song. next was ronin. alermak, the highlight of the night ar. they started with do what thou wilt. then up to the time when the beat is set, the moshing starts. what else, i join in ar. hah, then straight away got elbowed on my cheek. a bit onli lar. but crap sia the guards. they thought its sumthing serious, so it ended quickly. so, thats the only moshing for me tonite. oh well. so, all in all, it was a great show. you missed one heck of a fun if u weren't there. aniwae, here are some fotos from last nite of fatskunks. coz my cam is made for indoor foto taking, the shots are crap at nite. so, here goes.

dats all...
aniwae, goodmorning guys...
(its 12.39 oredy)
2nd and last day of rock on singapore
Sunday, June 19, 2005
the whole event was a kickass.(minus all the damn chinese bands. no offence)when i got there, arnd 8.++, the crowd was already so big. maybe bigger than yesterday's. boring thing was a chinese/j-rock band was currently playing. so i sit my ass down and sit facing the stalls, not the stage. i was probably the odd on out there. anione saw me? so aniwae, when it was electrico's turn to play, i stood lar, then tried to move to the front. THEN, the organizer, mr heartrock asked the crowd to move forward. aper lagik, aku pegi depan ar. so at the front, there was this damn group of chinese gerls. damn. ok lar, they're energetic, but like crap ar they all. i'm a bit disappointed when electrico played. was expecting better lar, but hey, the only song i know from them is i want you and runaway. they played some songs from the next album to come. and also played the first time for one of the song. next was ronin. alermak, the highlight of the night ar. they started with do what thou wilt. then up to the time when the beat is set, the moshing starts. what else, i join in ar. hah, then straight away got elbowed on my cheek. a bit onli lar. but crap sia the guards. they thought its sumthing serious, so it ended quickly. so, thats the only moshing for me tonite. oh well. so, all in all, it was a great show. you missed one heck of a fun if u weren't there. aniwae, here are some fotos from last nite of fatskunks. coz my cam is made for indoor foto taking, the shots are crap at nite. so, here goes.

dats all...
aniwae, goodmorning guys...
(its 12.39 oredy)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
aniwae, hope u'r u'r going tomoro. it starts from 6.
so long.....
hohoho, my first rock on singapore....
Friday, June 17, 2005
woots. juzz got back from orchard. fyi, there a show there, "Rock On Singapore". featuring all local band. so juzz now, it was really great. my first time going to "rock on singapore". hmm, nice ones are, zebra crossing, chou pi jang(enventhough they're chinese rap band, their music is great), rudra and fatskunks. the best two chou pi jang and fatskunks. alermak, fatskunks the great. really nice music. hmm, looking forward to tomoro's 2nd "rock on s'pore". of course, i'l be looking out for ronin and electrico. hmm. oh yar, anabelle francis was the host!!! haha, she loks great in person. an she shook her butt... => aniwae, hope u'r u'r going tomoro. it starts from 6.
so long.....
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
okok, yesterday, went to sim lim to buy mouse. nowadays, opticals are damn cheapos. as low as 10bucks, u can get an optical mouse. for those of u hu dunno what is an optical mouse, its a mouse without the ball. aniwae, i got a black one for 16bucks. then i went to orchard, outside cineleisure. theres supposed to be some bands playing for the streetfest. when i got there, the crowd is not that big. hah, not even a crowd. the band was playing some samurai song i've never even heard of. then they covered michelle branch(not sure). so when they ended, i went to hmv coz i thought WGB are gonna play at 7.15. so at hmv, looked at some albums. cant seem to find a7x's city of evil but i did see system's mezmerize, loads of them, maybe s'poreans are not too familiar wif them. aniwae, i got metal hammer. its a magazine btw, of metal content of course. know what, in the magazine rite, theres these two ladies, wearing as little clothing as possible, SHOWING THEIR BOOBS! they're at this motley crue show. haizz. firstly, i cant believe theres such pics in the magazine, secondly, WHY DUN THEY MAKE SHOWS LIKE THIS IN SINGAPORE?!?!. soso, went back to the show. WGB are already playing. sian. hmm, their music is quite ok. nice. then they ended wif yellowcard's ocean avenue. really nice. i dun actually look at them, playing, instead, i read metal hammer, but still listening ok. during the show, either my eyes are "spoilt" or i paiseh-ed myself here, i think a gerl kept looking at me. ok lar, i saw her first. her face looked kinda familiar. aniwae, when i looked at her, she turned back, then i quickly read the magazine. but, when i lift my eyes to look at the stage, she quickly turn her head to the front. hmm. haizz. ok lar, enuff abt yest.
today, went to hospital for appointment wif PROF Des De. funny name arh? aniwae, he'll be my surgeon on 21st. hmm. wonder how it feels like to to be put on gas. am i gonna sleep straight away or what. haizz. today's appointment and x-ray cost a bomb. without gov subsidy would be 105bucks. luckily i was refered by the polyclinic, so they minus 60. paid onli 45. still a lot ok. aiyah, end oredy, so sian typing this.
operation "cut lump from foot" next tues.
Monday, June 13, 2005
^.-? hmm...okok, yesterday, went to sim lim to buy mouse. nowadays, opticals are damn cheapos. as low as 10bucks, u can get an optical mouse. for those of u hu dunno what is an optical mouse, its a mouse without the ball. aniwae, i got a black one for 16bucks. then i went to orchard, outside cineleisure. theres supposed to be some bands playing for the streetfest. when i got there, the crowd is not that big. hah, not even a crowd. the band was playing some samurai song i've never even heard of. then they covered michelle branch(not sure). so when they ended, i went to hmv coz i thought WGB are gonna play at 7.15. so at hmv, looked at some albums. cant seem to find a7x's city of evil but i did see system's mezmerize, loads of them, maybe s'poreans are not too familiar wif them. aniwae, i got metal hammer. its a magazine btw, of metal content of course. know what, in the magazine rite, theres these two ladies, wearing as little clothing as possible, SHOWING THEIR BOOBS! they're at this motley crue show. haizz. firstly, i cant believe theres such pics in the magazine, secondly, WHY DUN THEY MAKE SHOWS LIKE THIS IN SINGAPORE?!?!. soso, went back to the show. WGB are already playing. sian. hmm, their music is quite ok. nice. then they ended wif yellowcard's ocean avenue. really nice. i dun actually look at them, playing, instead, i read metal hammer, but still listening ok. during the show, either my eyes are "spoilt" or i paiseh-ed myself here, i think a gerl kept looking at me. ok lar, i saw her first. her face looked kinda familiar. aniwae, when i looked at her, she turned back, then i quickly read the magazine. but, when i lift my eyes to look at the stage, she quickly turn her head to the front. hmm. haizz. ok lar, enuff abt yest.
today, went to hospital for appointment wif PROF Des De. funny name arh? aniwae, he'll be my surgeon on 21st. hmm. wonder how it feels like to to be put on gas. am i gonna sleep straight away or what. haizz. today's appointment and x-ray cost a bomb. without gov subsidy would be 105bucks. luckily i was refered by the polyclinic, so they minus 60. paid onli 45. still a lot ok. aiyah, end oredy, so sian typing this.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
okok, i had this most wonderfullest dream.
so, the dream was like this:
there was this primary skool "reunion". so me and my fren were walking around the skool. then when we walked into this room. i saw her. shes the gerl hum i kinda liked in primary skool lar. been a long time since we've met. so aniwae, we sat down on tables and chat. she was beside me. i was leaning on the wall behind me, then slowly slouch. then dunno why, it gets cold. so my hands were like freezing cold at that moment. what appened next was an unforgettable one. she kinda slowly leaned towards me till shes leaning on me. then she slowly move her hands towards mine, then grabbed my hand. she told me how cold it was. haizz. and dats it. thats the best dream ever. it feels soo soo real. haizz. if onli this dream tells the future huh. well, lets hope it does. so, am i in need of someone? u see, shes different from other gerls. its her attitude. haizz. i'm really krazi aren't i?. firstly for still liking this gerl when we've not met 3.5 years. wonder how she looks like nowadays. and another is for typing this kinda things when i dun even know know hus reading it. or is anyone even reading this. anihow, i'll hope when i'm 20 or sumthing, i'll be able to read back all the previous posts i've typed. haizz. reminds me of the song "dream". its an old song, by the ...... brothers. haizz. i'm feeling so emo rite. not to the extreme lar, but coz of the dream, haizz...
again, lets hope it comes true.
wonderfull i need someone?
Sunday, June 12, 2005
oh heck. i'm typing this just as i woke up fyi.okok, i had this most wonderfullest dream.
so, the dream was like this:
there was this primary skool "reunion". so me and my fren were walking around the skool. then when we walked into this room. i saw her. shes the gerl hum i kinda liked in primary skool lar. been a long time since we've met. so aniwae, we sat down on tables and chat. she was beside me. i was leaning on the wall behind me, then slowly slouch. then dunno why, it gets cold. so my hands were like freezing cold at that moment. what appened next was an unforgettable one. she kinda slowly leaned towards me till shes leaning on me. then she slowly move her hands towards mine, then grabbed my hand. she told me how cold it was. haizz. and dats it. thats the best dream ever. it feels soo soo real. haizz. if onli this dream tells the future huh. well, lets hope it does. so, am i in need of someone? u see, shes different from other gerls. its her attitude. haizz. i'm really krazi aren't i?. firstly for still liking this gerl when we've not met 3.5 years. wonder how she looks like nowadays. and another is for typing this kinda things when i dun even know know hus reading it. or is anyone even reading this. anihow, i'll hope when i'm 20 or sumthing, i'll be able to read back all the previous posts i've typed. haizz. reminds me of the song "dream". its an old song, by the ...... brothers. haizz. i'm feeling so emo rite. not to the extreme lar, but coz of the dream, haizz...
again, lets hope it comes true.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
nono, not coz of the movie. juzz dat, i think i ate too many nachos, WIF CHEESE. then add ribena and sweet popcorn. BLUEKS!!!
ok, madagascar.
i can say its veri hilarious. love the penguins and this small animal(whatever it is), veri cute. the chimps(or izzit monkeys) are farni also. aiyoh, the whole movie is farni lar. but, i'll give it juzz 4 out of 5. i prefer human comedy rather than animation. but, u guys should watch it. tickets too expensive? i din say must watch in cinema rite?
ok, on the way to J.E., if i'm not rong, i think i saw maisarah. dats IF i'm not rong. wearing tudong. haha, maybe its juzz my eyes. then after the movie, my bro wanted to play at Mac.d's play"ground". then i saw yati. maybe its her, maybe its not. haizz. been a long time since i've met all good ol' ex-classmates. HELLO!!!! GUYS!!! where are y'all??
aniwae, still got 2 more weeks till skool reopened. home sucks. download albums, chat, play guitar, watch tv,watch porn[juzz kidding]....
all soo boring. haizz.
ok guys, rock on singspore[a gig btw] is nearing. dun worry, its free. confirm the place will be packed like hell. electrico is performing guys. not to forget ronin, rudra and FATSKUNKS. got some other bands oso lar.
performing schedule as follows:
17th June 2005
Time Band
6.00pm - Bhumiband
6.40pm - Side Show
7.20pm - Zebra Crossing
8.00pm - The Raindogs
8.40pm - Chou Pi Jiang
9.20pm - Rudra
10.00pm - Fatskunks
10.40pm - Kadaba Kadaboom!
11.20pm - Cesspit
18th June 2005
Time Band
6.00pm - The Observatory
6.40pm - Throb
7.20pm - Ugly In The Morning
8.00pm - LGF
8.40pm - Electrico
9.20pm - Ronin
10.00pm - Fireflys
10.40pm - Tiet
11.20pm - B-Quartet]
see you guys there.
(as if i even knoe hus reading this, and how u guys even look like)
madagascar? ermm....
Friday, June 10, 2005
i feel like vomiting.nono, not coz of the movie. juzz dat, i think i ate too many nachos, WIF CHEESE. then add ribena and sweet popcorn. BLUEKS!!!
ok, madagascar.
i can say its veri hilarious. love the penguins and this small animal(whatever it is), veri cute. the chimps(or izzit monkeys) are farni also. aiyoh, the whole movie is farni lar. but, i'll give it juzz 4 out of 5. i prefer human comedy rather than animation. but, u guys should watch it. tickets too expensive? i din say must watch in cinema rite?
ok, on the way to J.E., if i'm not rong, i think i saw maisarah. dats IF i'm not rong. wearing tudong. haha, maybe its juzz my eyes. then after the movie, my bro wanted to play at Mac.d's play"ground". then i saw yati. maybe its her, maybe its not. haizz. been a long time since i've met all good ol' ex-classmates. HELLO!!!! GUYS!!! where are y'all??
aniwae, still got 2 more weeks till skool reopened. home sucks. download albums, chat, play guitar, watch tv,
all soo boring. haizz.
ok guys, rock on singspore[a gig btw] is nearing. dun worry, its free. confirm the place will be packed like hell. electrico is performing guys. not to forget ronin, rudra and FATSKUNKS. got some other bands oso lar.
performing schedule as follows:
17th June 2005
Time Band
6.00pm - Bhumiband
6.40pm - Side Show
7.20pm - Zebra Crossing
8.00pm - The Raindogs
8.40pm - Chou Pi Jiang
9.20pm - Rudra
10.00pm - Fatskunks
10.40pm - Kadaba Kadaboom!
11.20pm - Cesspit
18th June 2005
Time Band
6.00pm - The Observatory
6.40pm - Throb
7.20pm - Ugly In The Morning
8.00pm - LGF
8.40pm - Electrico
9.20pm - Ronin
10.00pm - Fireflys
10.40pm - Tiet
11.20pm - B-Quartet]
see you guys there.
(as if i even knoe hus reading this, and how u guys even look like)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

guys, u have to get city of evil NOW! eventhough theres not much screaming, the songs are ALL great. my fav pick, seize the day, currently playing. if onli i haf some extra cash to get the album. anyone want city of evil? i'd be glad to upload it for u guys.
ok, now i'm back saving money for a guitar. hope this time, the money dusn go anywhere else. lucky for me, rock in singapore is FREE! if not, some cash is gonna go missing from guitar savings. hmm. coz of this guitar, i've missed A LOT of gigs. metal industries, black box,... dun forget, tix for godz of metal 1 and 2 both came from the PREVIOUS guitar savings. buy tix, some tees, then bought nymphetamine s.e..
BURN ONE HUGE HOLE!!! dats what happened previously. if onli i din spend the money, i'd haf the guitar by now. haizz.
juzz now, went to NUH for my appointment. haizz. so its like this. i went to polyclinic, polyclinic refered me to NUH podiatry, first time met doc kathryn, veri chio ang moh. then second doc, i din get his name, oso an ang moh. so this doc then refer me to orthopedic clinic. haizz. from one to another. so then, i'll be having another appointment on the 13th, this monday. then the following friday, another appointment at general med. coz of my elevated blood pressure. haizz. then my mom said, onli 16 got appointments at hospital eredy.
tomoro, going to library, group stardi with the rest. then friday, off to watch madagascar with my bro. my aunts buying the tix of course =>
ok lar, stop my crap.
city of evil is some awesome shit
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
guys, u have to get city of evil NOW! eventhough theres not much screaming, the songs are ALL great. my fav pick, seize the day, currently playing. if onli i haf some extra cash to get the album. anyone want city of evil? i'd be glad to upload it for u guys.
ok, now i'm back saving money for a guitar. hope this time, the money dusn go anywhere else. lucky for me, rock in singapore is FREE! if not, some cash is gonna go missing from guitar savings. hmm. coz of this guitar, i've missed A LOT of gigs. metal industries, black box,... dun forget, tix for godz of metal 1 and 2 both came from the PREVIOUS guitar savings. buy tix, some tees, then bought nymphetamine s.e..
BURN ONE HUGE HOLE!!! dats what happened previously. if onli i din spend the money, i'd haf the guitar by now. haizz.
juzz now, went to NUH for my appointment. haizz. so its like this. i went to polyclinic, polyclinic refered me to NUH podiatry, first time met doc kathryn, veri chio ang moh. then second doc, i din get his name, oso an ang moh. so this doc then refer me to orthopedic clinic. haizz. from one to another. so then, i'll be having another appointment on the 13th, this monday. then the following friday, another appointment at general med. coz of my elevated blood pressure. haizz. then my mom said, onli 16 got appointments at hospital eredy.
tomoro, going to library, group stardi with the rest. then friday, off to watch madagascar with my bro. my aunts buying the tix of course =>
ok lar, stop my crap.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
oh well....
abt last week, my family went to this carnival[if i'm not rong] at al-irsyad. on the way there right, i sort of chat wif my mom lar. so, i told her that i'm gonna sign up to SAF's joint-poly scheme. then after poly, i'd haf a 10yr bond wif SAF as an engineer. then my mom tell me lar, coz shes now like 40+ and my bro is onli 4, i'll haf to take care of my bro. according to my calculations, if i am 25yrs old, my bro will be 13yrs old. by that time, i'll be working and he'll be in sec 1 and my mom would probably be 50+. so if my dad stopped working by then, this means that, I'LL BE THE ONE WHO'LL BE SUPPORTING MY BRO!!! all the way till he finish his education. this is like a very HUGE responsibilty. so if my education is crap, not onli it'll affect MY future but my bro's as well. hmm. what do u think?
what the fark!!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
can't believe it, my mom is actually gonna send my bro to one of those madrasahs, FULL-TIME! aiyoh. shes already been planning although my bro is onli 4. haizz. if he goes there, he'll be like different from most peeps. no offence to any of u peeps reading this eh. its juzz dat, i want him to go through what i did. normal pri. skool, then sec. then slowly learn those "languages". then he'll also be those religious type of ppl. wonder what type of songs he'll be listening to. hmm. nvm, I'LL teach him what song to listen to. maybe i'll teach him guitar as well. => oh well....
abt last week, my family went to this carnival[if i'm not rong] at al-irsyad. on the way there right, i sort of chat wif my mom lar. so, i told her that i'm gonna sign up to SAF's joint-poly scheme. then after poly, i'd haf a 10yr bond wif SAF as an engineer. then my mom tell me lar, coz shes now like 40+ and my bro is onli 4, i'll haf to take care of my bro. according to my calculations, if i am 25yrs old, my bro will be 13yrs old. by that time, i'll be working and he'll be in sec 1 and my mom would probably be 50+. so if my dad stopped working by then, this means that, I'LL BE THE ONE WHO'LL BE SUPPORTING MY BRO!!! all the way till he finish his education. this is like a very HUGE responsibilty. so if my education is crap, not onli it'll affect MY future but my bro's as well. hmm. what do u think?
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
juzz now, we had 3 remedials. dat was english, literature and chemistry. ended at 3.30. haizz.
[my head is soo empty rite now. dunno what to type]
been listening to punk lately. afi, billy talent, a7x, ....... then i remembered, ALTAR OF THE KING! its a nice song, but was gone when i reformat my com. its punkrock, really old punkrock. hmm. now waiting for psychoism to get online, ask him for the song again.
yesterday went jogging to bukit batok nature park at nite. quite fun. then on the way home, theres this shop selling bubble tea at only ONE DOLLAR/$1. this is really cheap, but why arh? and guys, DUN BUY ALMOND MILK TEA! it taste like crap. tonite, going jogging again, but to pandan reservoir.
hmm, ok lar, dun tink i got anything else to add.
and btw, if u'r looking for a certain album or song but juzz cant seem to find it in the net, maybe u can leave the album title at the tagboard and maybe i might have it, then i can upload it for u. onli metal and punk rock. [NOT emo punk] however, i do haf mcr's albums =>
not much of a holiday
Thursday, June 02, 2005
its not called holiday when u haf to come back to skool everyday. okok, only for the first 2 weeks but dat still sucks.juzz now, we had 3 remedials. dat was english, literature and chemistry. ended at 3.30. haizz.
[my head is soo empty rite now. dunno what to type]
been listening to punk lately. afi, billy talent, a7x, ....... then i remembered, ALTAR OF THE KING! its a nice song, but was gone when i reformat my com. its punkrock, really old punkrock. hmm. now waiting for psychoism to get online, ask him for the song again.
yesterday went jogging to bukit batok nature park at nite. quite fun. then on the way home, theres this shop selling bubble tea at only ONE DOLLAR/$1. this is really cheap, but why arh? and guys, DUN BUY ALMOND MILK TEA! it taste like crap. tonite, going jogging again, but to pandan reservoir.
hmm, ok lar, dun tink i got anything else to add.
and btw, if u'r looking for a certain album or song but juzz cant seem to find it in the net, maybe u can leave the album title at the tagboard and maybe i might have it, then i can upload it for u. onli metal and punk rock. [NOT emo punk] however, i do haf mcr's albums =>