yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
fact of the day
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
woo. dark, gothic looking blog skin, playing chill music. kwang3. this song is soo emo. dun u think so? "but its time to face the truth, i will never be with you". kiwaak. jiwang dok. mampos!i'm gonna start this "fact of the day" thing where i will type "the fact of the day" in (hopefully)every post i made. so, heres the first one.
FACT OF THE DAY: in movies, ONE man can shoot and hit some out of TWENTY running men BUT TWENTY men cannot shoot ONE running man.
hope u understand that, coz i'm also a bit blur about what i've typed.
friggin teachers day concert was like a friggin hot dancefloor. who knows sec 3 express gerls can dance so well. i mean, WAY WELL! they're like those professional babe dancers. haha. seriously, i mean it. and my eyes was juzz stuck, staring at this "person". i'm totally surprised ok. i mean, i mean, ARGHH!!! i hope THAT performance was recorded by the film and video peeps. aniwae, this yr's concert was much better than last yr's.
after skool, i gave up pizza to meet peeps in yuhua pri. well, only met amir and, err, alamak, forgot the name ar. kwakwakwa. aniwae, apart from amir, i din see any ex-classmates of mine. their concert was quite, err, entertaining. cute little gerls performing to "dun funk with my heart", then theres this "hip hop boys" who performed, then keep doing the windmill again and again. but for primary skool kiddos, thats quite good lar.
aniwae, might go to library tomoro for revision. time cannot be wasted away animore. especially when SS's Ns is this coming monday.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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k ar, gtg. soo worned out.
... And Sanitarium IV All
Saturday, August 27, 2005
i'm a bit disappointed abt the gig. theres juzz too little audience, but the bands were great, especially Zeotz. ermm, Metalheadz were also ok ar, they did some slow metallica covers. oh yar, its my first time at the sub btw. rite now, my ears still haf this "ringing" sound due to the loud blast of music from the speakers. damn. so, i went home after the band that played after Zeotz. the train was PACKED! luckily i get to stand by the door. and opposite me was this gerl.k ar, gtg. soo worned out.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
from juzz now rite, theres juzz this "feeling" lah dat sumthing is not right. like got butterflies in my stomach like dat. hmm. hard to explain.
aniwae, my mom is gonna go to KL AGAIN for another wedding. but this time, my dad is not going. sian. but i got the whole monday to myself lah, since he'll onli come home around 6. so, any classmates of mine wanna "hang out" at my place, watch "vcds" or sumthin. haha.
arghh!!! am i sick or what.
something's juzz not right
Friday, August 19, 2005
oh gawd, today's papers was like fuck you know. i think i'm gonna do well for the letter writing, but composition, dun tink so. the paper was more assfuckin questions. the passage is too complicated, and so are the questions. btw, the current song is an offspring cover by norther. nice huh. aniwae, after the papers, shafiq wanted to play the piano AGAIN. so we went there lor. then went for prayers. then back to skool. was supposed to complete and hand in literature stuff, but time was not on our side. haha, blueks XP. from juzz now rite, theres juzz this "feeling" lah dat sumthing is not right. like got butterflies in my stomach like dat. hmm. hard to explain.
aniwae, my mom is gonna go to KL AGAIN for another wedding. but this time, my dad is not going. sian. but i got the whole monday to myself lah, since he'll onli come home around 6. so, any classmates of mine wanna "hang out" at my place, watch "vcds" or sumthin. haha.
arghh!!! am i sick or what.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
okok, during the day rite, nuttin much happened. ermm, got scolded by sunit singh coz we revised social studies during his lesson and not do what he told us. so, we're expected to hand it in by tomoro afternoon instead. then it was malayu, geog then mathsm, followed by recess. then english. mr chia gave us this comprehension paper form the 1980s! the language was veri simple. and they even have half mark questions. and then it was social studies prelim. oh gawd. i'm gonna fail i tell you. whatever i write in the paper is crap. lets hope my lit is high enuff to balance my combined humans.
after the papers, went to DnT workshop with shafiq to complete the folio. for me, i just anyhow write down the evaluation, then stick the foto to the folio. aniwae, below is some pics of my completed project.
abt 2.40, we went back up to mother tongue room. tot got remedial or sumthin, but no one came. shafiq then wanted to play the piano for a while. so, we were there playing. i made my own version of second heartbeat's intro with the piano. then tot it to shafiq. we're actually at the place which is said to be haunted by a gerl. -.-
dun haf anything else in mind ar.
so long...
the "powder food" dispenser

woo... ghosts.... scary....
Thursday, August 18, 2005
juzz got back from nite stardi. oh man, more like ghost story telling nite. everyone was telling ghosts stories, abt why the school got a zig-zag staircase lar, the ghost of the toilet behind the stage lah, the ghost outside the FnN corridor lah. aiyar, as if they're real like that. aniwae, tonite was fun-ner than before. it was group stardying, unlike previous ones. guess this word, guess that word.okok, during the day rite, nuttin much happened. ermm, got scolded by sunit singh coz we revised social studies during his lesson and not do what he told us. so, we're expected to hand it in by tomoro afternoon instead. then it was malayu, geog then mathsm, followed by recess. then english. mr chia gave us this comprehension paper form the 1980s! the language was veri simple. and they even have half mark questions. and then it was social studies prelim. oh gawd. i'm gonna fail i tell you. whatever i write in the paper is crap. lets hope my lit is high enuff to balance my combined humans.
after the papers, went to DnT workshop with shafiq to complete the folio. for me, i just anyhow write down the evaluation, then stick the foto to the folio. aniwae, below is some pics of my completed project.
abt 2.40, we went back up to mother tongue room. tot got remedial or sumthin, but no one came. shafiq then wanted to play the piano for a while. so, we were there playing. i made my own version of second heartbeat's intro with the piano. then tot it to shafiq. we're actually at the place which is said to be haunted by a gerl. -.-
dun haf anything else in mind ar.
so long...
the "powder food" dispenser

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
you believe that a deck of poker cards would cost up to 15 bucks?
ok lar, they're not just any poker cards. one is called the black deck. go to google, then search for an image of black deck. it looks great i tell you. so aniwae, i already haf one, but hakim told me that he can get one from his fren for 12 bucks. so i was like, wtf? cheap lar. 3 bucks less than the previous black deck i bought. so, i asked him to get me one, along with a pink pastel coloured deck, which is 8 bucks. i haf no friggin idea why i want them. haizz. guess i'm 20 bucks lighter now. no recess for me next week.
Friday, August 12, 2005
holy believe that a deck of poker cards would cost up to 15 bucks?
ok lar, they're not just any poker cards. one is called the black deck. go to google, then search for an image of black deck. it looks great i tell you. so aniwae, i already haf one, but hakim told me that he can get one from his fren for 12 bucks. so i was like, wtf? cheap lar. 3 bucks less than the previous black deck i bought. so, i asked him to get me one, along with a pink pastel coloured deck, which is 8 bucks. i haf no friggin idea why i want them. haizz. guess i'm 20 bucks lighter now. no recess for me next week.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
The Matches

E Von Dahl Killed The Locals
Sick Little Suicide
discovered yet another nice song. mostly coz of the lead ar. this is really fun you know. u get to listen to songs from bands which most of the ppl here haf never heard of.
aniwae, speechday juzz now was totally sick. not dat i'm sick, but the event was just, err, CRAP! ok lar, its fun and all coz i can walk around, snap snap, but if i were to sit down, it'll be down right boring. then cikgu asnida said this, "alright people, we have two guest artistes today. one from jurong and the other from bukit batok. Rui En and Taufik Batisah!" so everyone was like, "serious?" they started screaming and all. then cikgu asnida continued, "on the screen!". then they started playing this year's NDP music video. LOL!!! XP haha. crap lar her. make ppl get excited over nuttin. after the whole thing, get to eat at the reception room. cool huh. well, skool will start on thurs. 2 days holiday.
my fingers are hurting again. only stopped playing the guitar for 2 weeks, but the "season-ness" of my fingers are gone. oh well.
_____ sick little suicide
Monday, August 08, 2005
E Von Dahl Killed The Locals
Sick Little Suicide
discovered yet another nice song. mostly coz of the lead ar. this is really fun you know. u get to listen to songs from bands which most of the ppl here haf never heard of.
aniwae, speechday juzz now was totally sick. not dat i'm sick, but the event was just, err, CRAP! ok lar, its fun and all coz i can walk around, snap snap, but if i were to sit down, it'll be down right boring. then cikgu asnida said this, "alright people, we have two guest artistes today. one from jurong and the other from bukit batok. Rui En and Taufik Batisah!" so everyone was like, "serious?" they started screaming and all. then cikgu asnida continued, "on the screen!". then they started playing this year's NDP music video. LOL!!! XP haha. crap lar her. make ppl get excited over nuttin. after the whole thing, get to eat at the reception room. cool huh. well, skool will start on thurs. 2 days holiday.
my fingers are hurting again. only stopped playing the guitar for 2 weeks, but the "season-ness" of my fingers are gone. oh well.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
not only dat i'm gonna type abt some reflections i made, worse, i typed it while listening to Pergi Tak Kembali by Rabbani.
i've been flipping through the 3 yearbooks i haf. sec 1, 2 and 3. looking at the pictures of the sevens, which is my class, 1/7, 2/7, 3/7 and now 4/7. from small little nerds, now very young adult looking. seriously. i dunno why in secondary skool, very big changes happen. and those around u are u'r best buds. to have known them for 3 yrs, some even since primary skool. i bet my tears are gonna roll down during prom nite i tell you. its like, we've gotten so close juzz in 3 yrs.
oh gawd, listening to rabbani while typing this makes me feel so emo. my eyes are soo watery rite now. haha. aniwae, after the O's, hope we'll still keep in touch. haf a reunion at least once a year or sumthin. oh man. i'm gonna give them a good hug during prom nite i tell you. i'm crazy ok. i'm already crazy enuff to be typing this stuff.
ok lar, now gonna pray, coz this person in msn asked me to.
oh man, i feel soo religious rite now.
k lar, gtg.
Friday, August 05, 2005
okok, todays post is gonna be somewhat crap to u guys.not only dat i'm gonna type abt some reflections i made, worse, i typed it while listening to Pergi Tak Kembali by Rabbani.
i've been flipping through the 3 yearbooks i haf. sec 1, 2 and 3. looking at the pictures of the sevens, which is my class, 1/7, 2/7, 3/7 and now 4/7. from small little nerds, now very young adult looking. seriously. i dunno why in secondary skool, very big changes happen. and those around u are u'r best buds. to have known them for 3 yrs, some even since primary skool. i bet my tears are gonna roll down during prom nite i tell you. its like, we've gotten so close juzz in 3 yrs.
oh gawd, listening to rabbani while typing this makes me feel so emo. my eyes are soo watery rite now. haha. aniwae, after the O's, hope we'll still keep in touch. haf a reunion at least once a year or sumthin. oh man. i'm gonna give them a good hug during prom nite i tell you. i'm crazy ok. i'm already crazy enuff to be typing this stuff.
ok lar, now gonna pray, coz this person in msn asked me to.
oh man, i feel soo religious rite now.
k lar, gtg.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
aniwae, malay was like a pain in the ass today. cikgu asnida sounded me for not taking the mock exam, so i did it during lesson lar. when the bell rang, i quickly end it. pass it up to her. then, "hanif", she called me back. told me that my compo was too short, and this and dat lar. haf to complete it after skool. so, after completion, went home ar.
nite stardi: dunno why, got this stomach ache. aiyah. so, cannot concentrate. didn't even do any stardying. theres no dessert sia. only got donuts and biscuits. i dun even recall what the heck i did there for 2 whole hrs.
tomoro, my parents are gonna take the train and go far2 away. they're going to KL for a relative's wedding if i'm not wrong. so, that leave me at home, with my grandfather. man, it sucks u know. hes supposed to go together in the first place.
lets hope upcoming stuffs dats gonna happen to me works out well.
what i thought, was not to be. why?
Thursday, August 04, 2005
oh man, hate it when these kinda feelings come. ok, i dun usually talk abt these stuff to my frens. god knows if they even read my blog. juzz that, when u think u'r having these feelings for this someone, it falls right back into u'r face. its crap i tell you. the world is soo unfair. haizz.aniwae, malay was like a pain in the ass today. cikgu asnida sounded me for not taking the mock exam, so i did it during lesson lar. when the bell rang, i quickly end it. pass it up to her. then, "hanif", she called me back. told me that my compo was too short, and this and dat lar. haf to complete it after skool. so, after completion, went home ar.
nite stardi: dunno why, got this stomach ache. aiyah. so, cannot concentrate. didn't even do any stardying. theres no dessert sia. only got donuts and biscuits. i dun even recall what the heck i did there for 2 whole hrs.
tomoro, my parents are gonna take the train and go far2 away. they're going to KL for a relative's wedding if i'm not wrong. so, that leave me at home, with my grandfather. man, it sucks u know. hes supposed to go together in the first place.
lets hope upcoming stuffs dats gonna happen to me works out well.