yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
Friday, September 30, 2005
what the heck. i'm so pissed right now. dun care if "someone" reads this then spreads around abt this post. juzz now, i was supposed to collect some deck of poker cards from the illusionist guy. so i waited at burger king with my kuzz waiting for the illusionist guy. and we even bought a meal. when the illusionist guy arrived, we asked him for the decks lah. first, my kuzz asked him for a black tiger. he said dun haf. like wtf? then i saw that he has this post it note. on it is a nick and what decks they ordered. so i tot he should have mine. so i asked him for my decks. then he think for a while. he said, my ghost deck was with larry. ok, that i know. but what abt the other decks that i ordered and confirmed many time on the ORIGINAL thread. he said, i should have posted it in the ghost deck. like, WTF? my ghost deck was with larry. why the fuck must i post there. so i wasted 4 bucks for a single BBQ turkey student meal. fuck siar. then my kuzz, he PMed the illusionist guy for the black tiger. PM ok. ass lar that guy. so pissed already, we went to golden landmark and buy the decks there instead. i dun care abt the money aimore. so i ended up paying 29.50. 2 decks less from what i intended to buy. today was such a FUCKING day i tell you. i'm never gonna buy a thing from that illusionist guy again. and i hope A LOT of ppl went through what i did just now so all will haf this pissed feeling towards the illusionist guy.aniwae, today received dnt paper. guess what, i top the class. got A1. however, even after getting 2 top in class, i onli get 6. whereas shafiq, no top in class or whatsoever, onli get 4. wtf right? haha.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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you think getting an A2 for english helps my top 3. think again.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
yeah yeah, happy2 and all that coz i got ferst in class for english. but its only an A2. if i add geog, B3 and maths, B4, its a friggin 9. dat is so sick. everything is sick. bluergh.--anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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and worst, i'm spending my time blogging instead of revising. wohoo. great plan to pass the Ns huh.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
like today's title, today was quite a disapointment. first, it was maths. was hoping to get a 70+, but got a 62 instead. next was chemistry. i got 16 out of 30 for paper 2. luckily i got 17 for mcq. total was just 33. then comes physics. got 24 sia. dats really bad. i'm one of the more-than-half who failed. but combined with chemistry, i passed, with 57. and thats a c5. i was hoping i could count on combined science for N levels. haizz. then geog, i got 67, a b3. was expecting 70+ though. this all sucks. confidence for english, but bad feelings for other subs. this is NOT good. gonna get lit papers tomoro. hope its atleast 27 coz my ss is 23. dat'll balance it and give me a just pass. ONE BIG HAIZZ. things didn't turn out how i hoped it would.and worst, i'm spending my time blogging instead of revising. wohoo. great plan to pass the Ns huh.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i got 17, out of 20. and 17 was the highest that my class got. so, it was quite good. ms lim actually got the result slip with her, but refused to tell. then she tried to act cute by looking at the slip. she called my name, that my friend, beside me, shafiq, then asked him whether he think he can pass. like, wtf? see the result, then never tell. haizz. i think i passed, but still got a bit yes no yes no feeling. so, thats abt it. yerp.
55 out of 80
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
today was the "lex" skool day. no lessons. only 2 subs of going through paper, which was english and chemistry. for english, i got 55 over 80 for paper 2. its above average, ok enuff for me. but, dats still bad. i really hope my compo on abortion was not a bad idea. it was an argumentative. i dun know why ppl always go for those "make your own story" kind of essay. sorry ar, forgot what its called. i used to do it last time, but dunno, i cant seem to imagine how the story is gonna be like. oh yar, its an imaginative essay btw. i might be stuck to it coz of social studies, coz bla bla bla bla, HOWEVER, bla bla bla bla. well, thats how you answer ss Qs right. yar, i'm more into it right now. after my previous english failure for the, i sort of lost confidence sia. in english. and it would be a waste if that was to be my N paper, coz my top 3 subs, i got 6. thats a good thing, if u dunno. if fail english, then cannot go to sec 5. like, wtf? so, yar. getting 55 sort of boosts my confidence of passing. i know i know, "boosts my confidence", sounds like crap. what the heck is this guy talking about, boosting his confidence. crappy it sounds, but the truth it is. okok, enuff abt english. chemistry paper, got back paper 1, mcq.i got 17, out of 20. and 17 was the highest that my class got. so, it was quite good. ms lim actually got the result slip with her, but refused to tell. then she tried to act cute by looking at the slip. she called my name, that my friend, beside me, shafiq, then asked him whether he think he can pass. like, wtf? see the result, then never tell. haizz. i think i passed, but still got a bit yes no yes no feeling. so, thats abt it. yerp.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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kk, what is the movie abt?
its about a negro couple long time ago who practised vodoo, then used it to live until the present day. by sacrifising others. and sacrifice doesn't mean kill, juzz trade.
tell you guys sumthing. horror movies will NEVER end how you it it will. and basically, the movie has nutting to do with ghosts. so, its not a citer hantu.
skeleton key
Sunday, September 25, 2005
juzz got back from The Padang. was there for the "nokia starlight cinema" with my kuzz. the so called "starlight cinema" dun even have stars in the sky. so aniwae, by the time we got back from 7-eleven to the padang, it started raining. damn. dat time, its juzz drizzling. then i told my kuzz juzz sit in the rain lar. wet, so what. so we went to the front, quite close to the screen and put out sheets of straits times i got from 7-eleven on the floor. dat time, the floor was already wet. if was a bit sandy, not much grass. luckily i pick out straits times sia. my kuzz actually pulled out a thin soccer paper, then i told him to get straits times. but even straits times is not thick enuff. later on, the paper was all wet, and i'm sitting on it. aniwae, we got a place at the front and sat. the rain then stopped for a while. my kuzz said with confidence, its juzz passing rain, something like that. NOT. the rain came back, but it continued and got quite heavy. for like half of the movie, it was raining. so i was there, wet, soaked in rain. even my cargo pants were soaked. we were watching skeleton key btw, if you dun already know. when the rain finally stopped, it was during the climax of the movie. so then, theres this gerl from the back who kept screaming. haizz. want to watch horror movie but scared. when the movie ended, went home lor. on the train, found out that my black deck got wet. the corners are like crap. luckily i didn't bring vipers sia.kk, what is the movie abt?
its about a negro couple long time ago who practised vodoo, then used it to live until the present day. by sacrifising others. and sacrifice doesn't mean kill, juzz trade.
tell you guys sumthing. horror movies will NEVER end how you it it will. and basically, the movie has nutting to do with ghosts. so, its not a citer hantu.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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isn't the song awesome.
cant wait to headbang with the crowd to this song one day.
Deathsynth - Divine Retribution
Cold winds of north can only benedict the brave
It was my fate to be fallen
My throne denied, was it to become my fate
No, I shall fight back my own destiny
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
The flames shall touch the sky
Soar into eternity
Bursting down full of darkness my destiny
Ride on the thunder and proclaim my divinity
Retribution, shall be mine
Now, proceed
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
(Guitar solo)
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
Deathsynth - Divine Retribution
Friday, September 23, 2005
lyrics for the currently playing song by our own local band.isn't the song awesome.
cant wait to headbang with the crowd to this song one day.
Deathsynth - Divine Retribution
Cold winds of north can only benedict the brave
It was my fate to be fallen
My throne denied, was it to become my fate
No, I shall fight back my own destiny
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
The flames shall touch the sky
Soar into eternity
Bursting down full of darkness my destiny
Ride on the thunder and proclaim my divinity
Retribution, shall be mine
Now, proceed
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
(Guitar solo)
Chorus: (x2)
Striking hard, pounding on, and on
The gates of heaven shall now fall
We descend to the skies high above
The world shall cry, as they bathe in sin
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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today was a bore. woke up, straight to the com. send bro down. more com. fetch bro. more more com. play guitar here and there. realised that i've actually heard 3 songs from scorpions; alien nation, still loving you, (and the best of all)when the smoke is going down. there'll be a make up for music revolution, now called metal revolution coz all the bands that didn't get to play last week, all metal, are gonna play this week. somemore, its free. yeah. singaporeans' fav. word. but the turnoff is that it'll be held at beat merchants. somewhere i've never been to before. damn. if i were to go to the gig, then later on will be at the padang for the free movie i won. still dunno who to bring. haizz. maybe i'll juzz go alone, like usual. haizz. if only my class has the same interest in "something".
Thursday, September 22, 2005
(note: read this entry as if you just got botox. no expressions. juzz read.)today was a bore. woke up, straight to the com. send bro down. more com. fetch bro. more more com. play guitar here and there. realised that i've actually heard 3 songs from scorpions; alien nation, still loving you, (and the best of all)when the smoke is going down. there'll be a make up for music revolution, now called metal revolution coz all the bands that didn't get to play last week, all metal, are gonna play this week. somemore, its free. yeah. singaporeans' fav. word. but the turnoff is that it'll be held at beat merchants. somewhere i've never been to before. damn. if i were to go to the gig, then later on will be at the padang for the free movie i won. still dunno who to bring. haizz. maybe i'll juzz go alone, like usual. haizz. if only my class has the same interest in "something".
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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today was chemistry paper. all i can say is that it's "do-able". not much confidence though.
okok, i have one thing to brag about. dunno if i might get in trouble for posting this. kwang3. aniwae, you NA guys must have already finished and got back your prelim papers right? but us? we still haf some more papers to do. my last paper will be this monday. DnT. i mean, they should have let us take the papers earlier, so we can prepare for the n'levels. but nooo. i dun understand their "plan". haizz.
lastly, i won a pair of tickets to watch skeleton key this sunday at the padang. cool huh.
anep_skinmaker is back....
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
ok guys. u must have already realised the new skin. and this new skin means that, me, also a skinmaker if u dunno, is back. yes! my unc burnt a copy of microsoft office 2000. but, it might be some time till i make another skin coz the Ns is just around the corner. so, do comment on this new skin was chemistry paper. all i can say is that it's "do-able". not much confidence though.
okok, i have one thing to brag about. dunno if i might get in trouble for posting this. kwang3. aniwae, you NA guys must have already finished and got back your prelim papers right? but us? we still haf some more papers to do. my last paper will be this monday. DnT. i mean, they should have let us take the papers earlier, so we can prepare for the n'levels. but nooo. i dun understand their "plan". haizz.
lastly, i won a pair of tickets to watch skeleton key this sunday at the padang. cool huh.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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could have revised geog, which is tomoro, but didnt. haizz.
k lah.
my eyes are screaming for me to start sleeping so i can be dreaming about that girl who made my world swirl.
degil siot....
Sunday, September 18, 2005
wtf! juzz got back from sembawang cc, music revolution. it was total CRAP! place was filled with skinheads. and the idea of bringing the cultures together(what some ppl said) did not work. and it ended with cops, YES, COPS in the building it seems that skinheads are rockheaded(kepaler batu). correction, the bands, most of them are rockheaded. kanina. when they're numbers are up, they continued playing. ppl give one more, they want two. ass. such waste of my money. and, theres some "heat" here and there. firstly, a group of gerls, if i'm not wrong, juzz finished playing, got something thrown at. not sure what it is though. might be a paper ball with spit inside. yucks. and guess what, i saw who threw it. haha. crap lah them. why cant they enjoy the music. then, some small fights while skanking. finally, theres this band. the basist asked for two more songs, but onli get one. so he shout all fuck, crap into the mic.. stoopit right. thats not the only band that did the same. some previous bands were also alike. so, that resulted in time shortage, then some other bands(i dunno which) didnt get to perform. i came too late. i think ars nove performed already. their guitarist is quite good. aniwae, no metal music today. WASTE OF MONEY SIOT! haizz. whole thing was soo boring. i'm sick of ska music already. so like i said, the ska band finished playing, i thought another band was gonna perform, but the thing ENDED. kimek. like, WTF sia. so went home. took 169 to woodlands, then 187 to home. haizz. this is worse than sanitarium.could have revised geog, which is tomoro, but didnt. haizz.
k lah.
my eyes are screaming for me to start sleeping so i can be dreaming about that girl who made my world swirl.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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today was literature paper. OM was easy, but the prose was a whole load of crap. edmund and joseph hooper. haizz. dun think i can pass combined humans. aniwaes, tomoro is maths. hope its easy.
aiyar, no more mood to blog ar.
mother fuckers shared Do or Die on the net... wtf?
Thursday, September 15, 2005
this is really bad. our very own local album, Do or Die by Ronin has now been illegally distributed by torrentreactor. what the fuck? this is really bad. something has to be done. oh was literature paper. OM was easy, but the prose was a whole load of crap. edmund and joseph hooper. haizz. dun think i can pass combined humans. aniwaes, tomoro is maths. hope its easy.
aiyar, no more mood to blog ar.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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ANIWAE, theres these three gigs i wanna spread the word abt.
11th September : Riding For Life 2005
Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Youth Park
Zero Sequence
Parking Lot Pimp
18 September : Music Revolution 2005

21st September : Punk Rock Nite, the rediscovery of punk

there u go.
music has changed....
Thursday, September 08, 2005
did u realise that nowadays' music is very different from pasttimes'. last time, ppl listen to ass fuggin pop. backstreet boys, blue, aqua, all that. okok, i admit that i USED to like BSB and Blue. then, my kuzz saved me from the pop world, into the world of band music. and it started with system of a down. then i did some browsing at, got stuck to Cradle's Devil Woman, so i bought Nymphetamine S.E. THEN, i moved from there on. this metal, that metal. okok, back to the point. observing at the current world around me, pop music has suddenly disappeared HOWEVER BSB suddenly decided to make a comback. damn. aniwae, so, we actually moved into a new era of music without realising it. or izzit just me? well, thats what came to my thought just now. thats why i decided to post this post. lame huh.ANIWAE, theres these three gigs i wanna spread the word abt.
11th September : Riding For Life 2005
Time: 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Youth Park
Zero Sequence
Parking Lot Pimp
18 September : Music Revolution 2005

21st September : Punk Rock Nite, the rediscovery of punk

there u go.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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social studies was, err, okok....
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
today was the swayest day ever. it's all becoz of this morning. so, me and saiful just reached skool. then sepol mentioned about entry proof and ic. then, i check my back pocket. MAMPOS! no wallet. so, i gave al my stuff to sepol and ran back home. and i do mean run. when i got back at skool, at 3/8, theres not even a friggin teacher in the class. seems that the exam starts at 8.30. kimek. so i was all weat with my perspiration. my head feels weird. my legs are aching. after the exam, decided to stay in skool and wait for the social studies exam. luckily we met mrs png, or not she would haf gone to the hospital with her son. i really appreciate her staying in canteen teaching us again how to do SBQs, eventhough she has to take her son to the hospital. hope i atleast pass this time. 8)--anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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(click to get the full view)
well, guess which one am i..................TAAT!!!..............
too late. third row, third guy from the left. fierce huh? kwang3.
aniwae, yar, got the class foto. know what, the foto itself was a friggin SCAM! u can print that for less than a dollar ok. instead, we haf to pay 4 bucks each. who scammed us? my friggin photography instructor! haha. easy money eh. go to skool, snap2, edit the photo. print, then sell each for 4 bucks. so, if i do the ROUGH calculations(coz i dun friggin know how many students there are). so LETS SAY 1000 students bought a formal foto. printing each foto is one dollar, lets say. so dats a 3 dollar profit PER foto. so we take 3 dollars, times 1000 students. 3000 DOLLARS!!!!
kimek!!! how good is that. easy money sia. then if 500 students bought a formal foto. 3 times 500 plus 3000 is 4500. damn. can get a guitar already sia.
aniwae, i went to the library today. did some malay and social studies revision. then syafiq came after his jempotan. it was friggin cold. not only the air-con was like, full blast, IT WAS RAINING. so i spent most of the time in the toilet with the hand drier.
well, tomoro is the MALAY PAPERS. hope i'll do great. wish me luck.
ok lar, good luck to y'all hus also doing the papers tomoro.
class footoo...
Sunday, September 04, 2005

(click to get the full view)
well, guess which one am i..................TAAT!!!..............
too late. third row, third guy from the left. fierce huh? kwang3.
aniwae, yar, got the class foto. know what, the foto itself was a friggin SCAM! u can print that for less than a dollar ok. instead, we haf to pay 4 bucks each. who scammed us? my friggin photography instructor! haha. easy money eh. go to skool, snap2, edit the photo. print, then sell each for 4 bucks. so, if i do the ROUGH calculations(coz i dun friggin know how many students there are). so LETS SAY 1000 students bought a formal foto. printing each foto is one dollar, lets say. so dats a 3 dollar profit PER foto. so we take 3 dollars, times 1000 students. 3000 DOLLARS!!!!
kimek!!! how good is that. easy money sia. then if 500 students bought a formal foto. 3 times 500 plus 3000 is 4500. damn. can get a guitar already sia.
aniwae, i went to the library today. did some malay and social studies revision. then syafiq came after his jempotan. it was friggin cold. not only the air-con was like, full blast, IT WAS RAINING. so i spent most of the time in the toilet with the hand drier.
well, tomoro is the MALAY PAPERS. hope i'll do great. wish me luck.
ok lar, good luck to y'all hus also doing the papers tomoro.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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today was the longest day i'd spent in skool. around 13 hours i guess. so, heres a summary of today. morning assembly, maths, ss, "power" geog, recess, free period for 3 periods, then get back my pregress report. and know what, i got 6 for my top 3 subs. BUT!!! I FAILED FRIGGIN ENGLISH!!! got friggin 45.5. damn. what a waste huh. 6 for tops, but failed english. if that was the n'levels, i would haf surely been retained sia. its like, FUCK u know. eh, 6 is good ok. 1 for DnT, 2 for geog and 3 for combined science. SWAY!!! oh, i failed 2 subs btw, english which u already know and combined humans. i'm aiming for straight As for the Ns, but it seems that its a bit too late. onli thing i can do now is brush up on my english, FIRST PRIORITY, maths, geog and science. haizz.
four words to choke upon; Look At Me Now!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
quite nice ar the song? shafiq sort of introduced it to me. has a bit of metal, and a bit of emo. not actually emo lar, juzz that the vocals is like, "THAT".today was the longest day i'd spent in skool. around 13 hours i guess. so, heres a summary of today. morning assembly, maths, ss, "power" geog, recess, free period for 3 periods, then get back my pregress report. and know what, i got 6 for my top 3 subs. BUT!!! I FAILED FRIGGIN ENGLISH!!! got friggin 45.5. damn. what a waste huh. 6 for tops, but failed english. if that was the n'levels, i would haf surely been retained sia. its like, FUCK u know. eh, 6 is good ok. 1 for DnT, 2 for geog and 3 for combined science. SWAY!!! oh, i failed 2 subs btw, english which u already know and combined humans. i'm aiming for straight As for the Ns, but it seems that its a bit too late. onli thing i can do now is brush up on my english, FIRST PRIORITY, maths, geog and science. haizz.