yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
"last day of skool" sucked.
Friday, October 28, 2005
dunno what mood i had todae. kept having this type of feeling. i wasnt happy, nor sad. just neutral i guess. i think i'm sick. maybe theres this "thing" that makes ppl feel/act haywire. alvin did. he was like, mad abt something and had an argument with ms lim. tried asking him whats wrong, but he didnt tell. he was in a really bad mood. then when its report book collecting time, he was still the same. haizz. if me, dats not how i wanted to end skool for the year. aniwae for me, i still ended skool like this. this as in the current situation ar. not how i imagined it to be. k, i AM sick. the feeling, dats unexplainable, is still stuck in my head. i dunno whats wrong. arghh! tried to sleep, but cant. tried surfing the net, but its the same ol pages that i kept viewing again and again everyday., 3 card sites, and and indeed, i am bored right now. bored bored bored. thought for a while, the cause might be coz i saw these 5 ppl, IN ONE DAY. in what ratio izzit possible for me to see all of them in one day of skool. like, a million to one. who are they? juzz ppl i guess. yes, i know, i'm lame. X|while the lower sec stoods ended skool today, mine would end on 18th nov instead. its crap i tell you. furthermore, we're having lessons ON HARI RAYA! totally sick planning. haizz.
another news, i put down my name on the SOFT "music" camp list. its more like a fun2 camp i guess. aniwae, hope i wun regret doing so. *inserts eye rolling emoticon here*
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Time cant be seen,
yet it is there.
Time cannot be controlled.
Instead, Time can control us.
One can either watch Time pass by
Or make full use of it.
Time is one of the wonders of life.
Yes, life.
Time is just too unimaginable.
Time can give us opportunities,
but if we're too late,
it'll be our loss.
Time can change our feelings.
Be it happy or sad.
Time can cause death and birth.
Yet more wonders of life.
Time should be cherished.
One should forget about past times,
plan for the future,
and live in the current.
one should make full use of their time,
for once time passes,
it can never come back.
interesting how Time is huh. the thought of time just suddenly came to my mind, then i was abt to blog abt time, when i decided to make a "poem" of some sort instead. this time thing really gets me thinking. time just passes by so fast. t'was like yesterday when we're doing rayer rounds, and here is hari rayer again. and now, sec 4 life is ending. a new chapter, starting next yr. wakakaka. chapter siot. aniwae, sec 4 is done. luckily i have one more yr in css. i cant bear to leave the skool. secondary skool life is so fun. i'll miss it. and if you've been keeping up to my entries, u'd have realised how many times i've posted, saying how precious time is, or how fast time is. time.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Time cant be seen,
yet it is there.
Time cannot be controlled.
Instead, Time can control us.
One can either watch Time pass by
Or make full use of it.
Time is one of the wonders of life.
Yes, life.
Time is just too unimaginable.
Time can give us opportunities,
but if we're too late,
it'll be our loss.
Time can change our feelings.
Be it happy or sad.
Time can cause death and birth.
Yet more wonders of life.
Time should be cherished.
One should forget about past times,
plan for the future,
and live in the current.
one should make full use of their time,
for once time passes,
it can never come back.
interesting how Time is huh. the thought of time just suddenly came to my mind, then i was abt to blog abt time, when i decided to make a "poem" of some sort instead. this time thing really gets me thinking. time just passes by so fast. t'was like yesterday when we're doing rayer rounds, and here is hari rayer again. and now, sec 4 life is ending. a new chapter, starting next yr. wakakaka. chapter siot. aniwae, sec 4 is done. luckily i have one more yr in css. i cant bear to leave the skool. secondary skool life is so fun. i'll miss it. and if you've been keeping up to my entries, u'd have realised how many times i've posted, saying how precious time is, or how fast time is. time.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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previously, when i got home from skool, i got so red. my picks were NOT on my keyboard. all 5 of them. and my coins are all in the drawer. brothers. haizz. luckily i only have one. from today onwards, gonna make sure i lock my door everytime i went to skool. damn.
roxy? wtf?
Monday, October 24, 2005
juzz got back from the lib. tot i saw an ex-classmate classmate of mine. been a long time seen i've seen her. in fact, its been a long time since i've seen any of them. and today, the day we're supposed to buker together outside WAS CANCELLED. haizz. was looking forward to it. aniwae, the ex-classmate i saw, was wearing a blue bag. very similar to those of roxy bags. if she was wearing it, then i'm like, wtf? cant imagine her wearing roxy and stuff. blueks. 8X previously, when i got home from skool, i got so red. my picks were NOT on my keyboard. all 5 of them. and my coins are all in the drawer. brothers. haizz. luckily i only have one. from today onwards, gonna make sure i lock my door everytime i went to skool. damn.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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anep.rise against
another skin done
Saturday, October 22, 2005
okok, juzz finished another skin. planned to make a rayer skin, but rise against was made instead. well, like usual, a simple bg with a simple layout. and also my first time using css scripts at the same time understanding it. so aniwae, follow the link below. thats all to update.--anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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this one is my first ever skin.

so thats it.
tomoro, will be going to town again. shafiq is gonna buy an acoustic. mimi was supposed to a buy strings, but shafiq said her guitar broke or sumthing. the plan of buker-ing out didnt happen. however, on the 24th, monday, gonna go out with primary skool buds and buker. cant wait. long time no see. currently on tv is hitler. hitler is one friggin guy. he even kissed his NIECE. he's sick. coming up next at 12 is boston legal. good stori, bad time slot.
aniwae, i made this "irritating" webpage when aziha pointed me out to an "irritating" site, which is not quite irritating. well, you hav to click 150 oks in order to view the webpage. i came up with a page which needs more clicking than the real irritating page. but the text innit keeps repeating though. "click ok". so, if you have nutting better to do, click here
200th post anniversary...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
wakakaka. nice title huh. i was just abt to blog when i saw that i had 199 previous posts. so this IS the 200th post. coincidentally, i popped upon my very first skin, and also a skin that i dun tink i had used. aiyar, wth. we'll start with my never-been-used skin. the one on top is without the "thing" in the background, vice versa for the one at the bottom. and also a bit different in colour tone.

this one is my first ever skin.

so thats it.
tomoro, will be going to town again. shafiq is gonna buy an acoustic. mimi was supposed to a buy strings, but shafiq said her guitar broke or sumthing. the plan of buker-ing out didnt happen. however, on the 24th, monday, gonna go out with primary skool buds and buker. cant wait. long time no see. currently on tv is hitler. hitler is one friggin guy. he even kissed his NIECE. he's sick. coming up next at 12 is boston legal. good stori, bad time slot.
aniwae, i made this "irritating" webpage when aziha pointed me out to an "irritating" site, which is not quite irritating. well, you hav to click 150 oks in order to view the webpage. i came up with a page which needs more clicking than the real irritating page. but the text innit keeps repeating though. "click ok". so, if you have nutting better to do, click here
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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yesterday, went to town with shafiq. looked at guitars in swee lee, then walk to peninsula, then took train to doby, went to citymusic, then to yamaha at ps. one whole day of walking. tiring siot. aniwae, theres this Dream Guitar thing that Swee Lee is doing. you post you dream guitar with your dream price. cool huh. so, i put an Ibanez GRG270 for a dream price of $250. original price is $500. half price. ok right? so, just my luck, theres a BLACK one at the showroom. hope they'll pick me. only lose $250, unlike others, want $1000 off. =D
got back to some old songs. god called in sick today by afi.
tiramisu music
Friday, October 14, 2005
lately when the ad for tiramisu was on tv, i got stuck to the music. i know i know, wth, listen to metal and punk, then suddenly like that type of music. its the voice i think. very captivating.yesterday, went to town with shafiq. looked at guitars in swee lee, then walk to peninsula, then took train to doby, went to citymusic, then to yamaha at ps. one whole day of walking. tiring siot. aniwae, theres this Dream Guitar thing that Swee Lee is doing. you post you dream guitar with your dream price. cool huh. so, i put an Ibanez GRG270 for a dream price of $250. original price is $500. half price. ok right? so, just my luck, theres a BLACK one at the showroom. hope they'll pick me. only lose $250, unlike others, want $1000 off. =D
got back to some old songs. god called in sick today by afi.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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rise against
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
anyone heard of rise against? heard before ar? ok lah, maybe i'm wols. aniwae, i got stuck to give it all while watching this cool ninja-like dood video. the background music was give it all. took me quite some time to find out that it was titled give it all. rise against is a punk band, i think. quite nice ar the song. i downloaded the video, and it was like, wtf? some ppl wear dark clothes at night, then vandalise the streets, two of them changed this big screen to show of the war, then some pasted this "i've spent my entire life trapped in a cage" sticker. then when day comes, they went into an alley, changed their clothes, and then they look like ordinary WORKING ppl. those in offices. haha, the phrase, dun judge a book by its cover really fits in this time. aniwae, if you like the music, enjoy it. if you dun, then press the stop button. its the circle with a square innit. wait2. i wonder who the heck made the square shape into a stop symbol? think abt it.--anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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late for papers! oh no!
juzz wanna post a short entry here. and yes, it is 5.24a.m.. i just had my, ermm, morning breakfast. so aniwae, i got this damn dream that i was late for an N level paper. mother tongue, if i'm not wrong. so aniwae, the paper starts at 9 but i was still at home at 8.45. it all felt so real siar. it was raining. then my new dvs shoe right, the sole dunno how, ripped off. so i took super glue and stick it back. then when i got down, tried to get a cab, but theres many ppl also looking for one. everything that happened seems to make me late for the paper. scarry sia. really felt real. what happened in the end? dunno. my mom woke me up for sahor. so, after my sahor i came into my room, switch on the com and start typing this entry. "-.---anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i'm bored and pathetic
Sunday, October 09, 2005
i'm bored dats why i decided to blog. i'm pathetic coz i kept refreshing at anyone wanna recommend me a website or a forum where its fun or sumthing, coz i'm getting really sick hitting the refresh button again and again. talking abt sick. i'm getting better, i think. got sore throat on friday, maybe coz of the singing and goring i did at home while fasting. i know, its stoopit. aniwaes, then i got runny nose. some time in the library then made me start hachoo-ing. what luck. on the tv now is meet the parents. boring. cant wait to go back to skool, but thats until next week, coz this coming week is a holiday/break after the Nlevels. i forsee this coming week, a week of boredome at home. ARGHH!--anep--
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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(i was bored, nothing to do.)
making plans for next yr's Be Yourself Day
Thursday, October 06, 2005
since next yr will be my senior yr, why not be a bit over the edge. i was thinking, gothic. eyeliner, black lips, get one of those "barb wire" wrist thingys, but no crosses ar. still looking for a pentagon necklace. then, maybe a black tee, other than band tees, or a black shirt maybe? my black cargo works just fine. then have to go johor look for a pair of black shoes. black lipstick. wah. really hardcore. maybe a black tie also. nah. (i was bored, nothing to do.)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i cant believe this. i thought skeleton key was already in cinemas when i watched it at the starlight cinemas, coz its a free tix ok. but turned out otherwise. we, as in the whole crowd there, must be the first peeps to watch the movie in singapore. wow. so when i was watching the tv, the skeleton key trailer pop up. i was like, wtf?
today's geog was juzz okok. cant get A. but maths was easy.
tomoro is lit. sucky2 lit.
memories oh memories...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
currently listening back to some old songs. like desecrate through reverance, ever and a day, "the current song" and more. well, they do bring back memories. memories of when i was still a noob to blogs. then, i bloghopped to this blog playing the nephilim. was then stuck to that song, then to afi. at that time, i was also a noob to band music. was still in between some hip hop rnb crap and rock, metal and punk. haizz. the memories. then, this particular song, "love song", reminds me of my first crush. aahh. well, then was then. put the past in the past and stick to the present.aniwae, oh yar, SKELETON KEY HAS NOT YET BEEN PLAYED IN CINEMAS!!!
i cant believe this. i thought skeleton key was already in cinemas when i watched it at the starlight cinemas, coz its a free tix ok. but turned out otherwise. we, as in the whole crowd there, must be the first peeps to watch the movie in singapore. wow. so when i was watching the tv, the skeleton key trailer pop up. i was like, wtf?
today's geog was juzz okok. cant get A. but maths was easy.
tomoro is lit. sucky2 lit.