yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
will be AWAY
Saturday, December 24, 2005
peepos. my com has seriously gone mad. it cant seem to detect my hard disk most of the time. every morning when i on my com, i'll have to keep it on the whole day. if it got shut down(whether intentionally or unintentionally), it cannot detect the harddisk. meaning it cant run windows. meaning i cant surf the net lar. such an ass. at first it was a bit troublesome, now it has gone worst. so this might be my last post. sucks you know. sucks. by the time i post here again, either i'll have a new hard disk, or a reformatted harddisk. wait, correction. re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-untildunnohowmanytimes-formatted. sian man.aniwae, merry christmas, and a happy new year.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Your color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them. your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness. trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.
and you were wondering, wtf am i doing posting this thing here. well, ask boredome. aniwae, the previous thurs's swimming didnt go ahead as previously planned, but theres a new date. this coming monday. or izzit tues. lets see if it does take place. haizz.
2005 is going away, and so is 2 of my classmates. haizz. goodbye 2005, hello 2006.
my true colour is black!!!!
wahlao. someone sent me this link to a test. "whats you true colour". something like that. aniwae, mine is black. what a surprise.
Your color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them. your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness. trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.
and you were wondering, wtf am i doing posting this thing here. well, ask boredome. aniwae, the previous thurs's swimming didnt go ahead as previously planned, but theres a new date. this coming monday. or izzit tues. lets see if it does take place. haizz.
2005 is going away, and so is 2 of my classmates. haizz. goodbye 2005, hello 2006.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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english: three
combined humans: four
geography: one
maths: three
science: two
dnt: one
malay: three
malay oral: merit
remarks: promoted (duhh)
best three subs totals 4. but, still like okok lor. the ironic thing was that mark was the top in our class/skool. we went swimming together just last saturday and he was like an ass/nerd/weirdo trying to get on top of the float. like wtf? and he topped the class. he beat yoke chee, jon. teo, wei sheng, hui zhen. all the usual class tops he beat. like, wahlao. so unexpected. then, there were two who didnt make it. but also surprisingly, andre didnt fail. what the make love.
aniwae, this thursday will be like a celebration of some sort. gonna go swimming at wild2 wet. luckily i stil have the fun key. abt 20bucks still inside. =)
kuik update. n'level results.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
i wanna thank god, my mom, my dad, the people who has supported me, my frens and most of all, my teachers. without them, i wouldnt have gotten a 4/four for my n'level results. wakakaka. lame. aniwae, yar, i got 4. happy i am, but dun have that overjoyed kinda feeling leh. like, get 4, so good lor. maybe coz i was expeting better. well, i didnt fail anything. english: three
combined humans: four
geography: one
maths: three
science: two
dnt: one
malay: three
malay oral: merit
remarks: promoted (duhh)
best three subs totals 4. but, still like okok lor. the ironic thing was that mark was the top in our class/skool. we went swimming together just last saturday and he was like an ass/nerd/weirdo trying to get on top of the float. like wtf? and he topped the class. he beat yoke chee, jon. teo, wei sheng, hui zhen. all the usual class tops he beat. like, wahlao. so unexpected. then, there were two who didnt make it. but also surprisingly, andre didnt fail. what the make love.
aniwae, this thursday will be like a celebration of some sort. gonna go swimming at wild2 wet. luckily i stil have the fun key. abt 20bucks still inside. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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thats it. no more mood to type. now waiting for my mom to come home.
that was fun
Sunday, December 18, 2005
posting abt yesterday's happenings. the plan was(what i tot) him to come over then play electric guitar together. but then, when i waited for him at the bus stop, onli see him carry an amp. then i was like wtf? then after leaving the amp at home, went to S.C. the jamming place that one to get a cable. then went to bkt btk to my very-far-uncle's house. saw this gerl. my type. waiting for her bus. wasted. i have to cross the bridge X( . why very far uncle? coz its my uncle's brother. no blood relation whatsoever. so. yerp. aniwae, my very-far-uncle gave me a distortion pedal. then was like, wow. but then, oready got metalzone. same stuff. at home, cooked some stuff together. then later sort of "jammed". i play a constant tune, then he do his solos. quite nice siar.thats it. no more mood to type. now waiting for my mom to come home.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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tip of the day: if you cant find new songs to listen to, try listening to old songs. remember macarena? bet you do. that one is fine also. not only u haf u'r listening pleasure, but it may bring back past memories.
dad's out, i'm homealone.
Friday, December 16, 2005
yes. just as the title says. i'm gonna be homealone till monday. kinda sick actually, coz after taking my results there'll be no one to share the joy with. my parents will be back at night. thats y. oh yar, along with my parents will be my uncle and his family. he has to come down again to interview ppl. so aniwae, when i was seeing my dad off at the door, as he was abt to go, know what he said. "assalamualaikum". i was like, what? fyi, thats the first time(i'm 99.9% sure) my dad said that to me. like, wahh, i'm becoming a man or something. wakakaka. so he went off. i went straight to kitchen, do laundry. then i was thinking. i can cook. i can do laundry. house cleaning, abit2 onli. can YOU?tip of the day: if you cant find new songs to listen to, try listening to old songs. remember macarena? bet you do. that one is fine also. not only u haf u'r listening pleasure, but it may bring back past memories.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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tomoro is swimming day.
stove still on fire
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
wahlao, i'm dead lucky man. if not for the plates, the previous post might be my last. this is what happened. my dad was supposed to buy me food(mom and bro in kl, remember?), but he was late. so my stomach was empty. decided to cook hashbrowns and sausies. so i turned the heat up to max, so it'll heat up the pan quickly. put in the hashbrowns and sausies and went to the basin to do some washing. skarli THERES A LOT OF SMOKE! the hasbrowns got burnt sia. SO, i turned down the heat to the lowest. coz of that, the flames are blue and not that noticeable. took out the hashbrowns and sausies, went in my room and eat. when i'm done, decided to put the plates and mugs in the kitchen.(why decided? coz i usually leave them in my room, piled up to the max, then bring them to the kitchen.). just got out from my room, then saw that blue flames still there not turned off. i was like, wtf? luckily the flame was small, if not the pan would've smoked away. wahlao. and my mom has always told me to pay attention to the stove when cooking. coz if anything happens, theres only one house. if it got burnt, where else do we go. yada yada yada. so, yar. i learnt my lesson.tomoro is swimming day.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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last night, something cool happened. ok, maybe not that cool. i was bloghopping. what happened was, one blog played kasihnya laila by jinbara while the other played tak bisakah by peterpan. know what, its like a mix or something. the starting of kasihnya laila fits well with the guitar intro of tak bisakah. so that got me using audacity trying to mix them. sort of.
ok, got to go. i'm the new housewife of some sort right now. i'll probably be washing the dishes and the clothes. speaking of washing, that reminded me of the lesson i had with my brother. i was trying to teach him to read lar, since hes going to K1 and all. so we came to the word washing. know how he pronounced it. wa-sing. got fed up sia. i said, waSHing. he said wa-sing. haha.
n'level results are out!!!!(in my dream)
Saturday, December 10, 2005
just need a quick post for 2 things. firstly is that my mom and bro has just left for the train station heading towards kuala lumpur. the first step of being alone. next step will be on the next saturday where my dad will go join them. so haf the house from now till friday but onli till my dad comes home which is at 6pm. planned to have some friends over and watch movies. its gonna be fun. haha. ok. second thing is the dream that i've just awoken from. and u've guessed it, its the dream-release of n'level results. well, halim got a 5. sepol also got a 5. i was abt to calculate mine when i heard my bro's voice and that instantly woke me up. to say bubye. it felt so real siar. ok i was happy for them, but man, that was a dream. few more days to the probable release date, which is 19th.last night, something cool happened. ok, maybe not that cool. i was bloghopping. what happened was, one blog played kasihnya laila by jinbara while the other played tak bisakah by peterpan. know what, its like a mix or something. the starting of kasihnya laila fits well with the guitar intro of tak bisakah. so that got me using audacity trying to mix them. sort of.
ok, got to go. i'm the new housewife of some sort right now. i'll probably be washing the dishes and the clothes. speaking of washing, that reminded me of the lesson i had with my brother. i was trying to teach him to read lar, since hes going to K1 and all. so we came to the word washing. know how he pronounced it. wa-sing. got fed up sia. i said, waSHing. he said wa-sing. haha.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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The Test
the past days was rather boring, but i did went out. went to far east to buy a 12 dollar watch and my first pair of converse shoes. then on went to bugis. bought a 15 dollar bag. then went to BK to eat. something happened. we got this BK coupons in the middle of the road. the traffic light that place. so aniwae, when we got to BK, non of us actually used it, so we put it aside. while eating, these two gerls went past us and suddenly started laughing. and know what, the coupons are gone! hah. they were still at the counter when we're done. a friend of mine went closer and looked at the counter. the gerls started laughing. they even waved at us when we're out. aiyoyo.
heres some useful links that i often use. just click on em'. | | channel5 programme guide | | html tags
Friday, December 09, 2005
i've bumped into yet another great resource of funny,entertaining videos. metacafe. not only you can watch videos from the site, they even have a software version. something like kazaa. it downloads videos of u'r preference into u'r com. about 5 are downloaded at one time, so by the time u'r finished with a video, the next one is ready. u guys have to check it out. u can even save the video or whatever file it is. then, i bumped upon this test. it kinda works. heres the result. my score is 39. for peeps with 31 to 40 points, this is the "reading". Others see you as a sensible, cautious, careful & pratical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken. well, most of it is true, i guess. what'd you ppl think?The Test
the past days was rather boring, but i did went out. went to far east to buy a 12 dollar watch and my first pair of converse shoes. then on went to bugis. bought a 15 dollar bag. then went to BK to eat. something happened. we got this BK coupons in the middle of the road. the traffic light that place. so aniwae, when we got to BK, non of us actually used it, so we put it aside. while eating, these two gerls went past us and suddenly started laughing. and know what, the coupons are gone! hah. they were still at the counter when we're done. a friend of mine went closer and looked at the counter. the gerls started laughing. they even waved at us when we're out. aiyoyo.
heres some useful links that i often use. just click on em'. | | channel5 programme guide | | html tags
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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and, i'm still awaiting a phone call.
new friends. somewhat.
Friday, December 02, 2005
lately, been going out with mark and alvin. never have we went out together, till now. actualy we got out for interviews. aniwae yesterday, after following the club from IMM to JP to make an order for our cca tee(it was kecoh i tell you), mark called me while we were eating at banquet. he asked me again whether i wanted to follow to suntec. this time, we went to an agency, instead of going straight to the company or whatever it is. the guy who sort of interviewed us was fun. we joked and all. so that was quite a good experience. after the interview, hanged out at suntec for a while. and fyi, it was my friggin first time to suntec. pathetic huh. haha. so aniwae, looked at stuff there. some at good prices, but mostly cost a bomb. later on followed them for their lunch/dinner at a NON-HALAL restaurant. its sort of a restaurant, but the food are very cheap. abt 6 bucks, u can get rice, a dish, a drink and tau huay(however it's spelled). but wasted, its NON-HALAL. alvin got for me coke. thnx ar. but, it was super exp though. 1.80 for a USUAL can of coke. aniwae, the guys got this cup which u can only self service u'rself coffee(of many types). maybe someone should open up a HALAL restaurant with low priced food at suntec. then, we went to the esplanade. actually, it was the merlion. we walked there. most of the ppl there were couples, while we, there, are three guys. ^.- sat down at chatted. we then decided to move off to city hall mrt via aboveground. dropped by the war memorial shrine thingy. it was dark. quite spooky. close up, i found it rather weird to have this tall tall tall structure which if you have a good sense of imagination will look like something from starwars. seriously. there were flowers on the floor too. spooky. okok, then we head on home. and, i'm still awaiting a phone call.