yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
free u'rself from these things called subcultures
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
what urged me to type this post? well, the numbers of people listening to a7x that is.before we get to subcultures, lets talk abt a7x.
do i know them? yes, but not personally. do i like their music? yes i do. BUT, has my (so called)support for them increased after the release of City Of Evil? definitely NOT. infact, it has gone down. i used to think that City Of Evil was another awesome album by the band, but changed my mind later on. what my friend told me was true. the band has become too commercialized. u see, the "fierceness" of the songs are no longer there. the songs sounded poppish. very cheery. however, i cannot fight the fact that the lead in the songs are way cool. all of them. so here we have a commercialized band with poppish music but awesome lead. dun believe me? ok, try listening to Bat Country(from city of evil) and compare it with Darkness Surrounding(from sounding the seventh trumpet). infact, compare any songs from albums before City Of Evil and City Of Evil itself. dun tell me they sound the same. its not whether the songs sounded emo-ish/soft/soothing with the vocals, but its the music. there just this big difference. with all this said, we now have the reason why a7x's songs are listened by people who previously had never listened to metal in their whole life. including mats and minahs. seriously, the phenomenon of ppl listening to a7x nowadays are overcrowding. correction, a7x's City Of Evil. i'm not saying it is wrong, but like, wtf. its a sad thing, really.
now, lets move on to "free u'rself from these things called concepts or subcultures".
(we'll only concentrate on band stuff. hip hop, rnb, etc. can fuck off)
to get things straight, subcultures are actually a way of life. so listen properly. if you think u'r emo and u'r an emokid, well look at it this way. emo kids are emotional u see. EMOTIONAL. real ones are those with abusive parents or those who lived a crappy life. so crappy that they cut themselves just to ease their emotional pain. so now, i ask you. have you ever cut u'rself? if yes, was it because u were emotionally unstable because u'r parents are abusive and you have a junk home or izzit because you think its cool? if u'r answer is the second one, then too bad, u'r not it. same goes for the other subcultures.
so why free u'rself? ok, its like this. everyone cares abt how other people think about them right. well, most of us. so its like this. YOU listen to hip hop, dressed that way. then u liked techno the next day. but the next day, u got soo stuck to this emo song that u wanted to be emopunk. after that, u heard an a7x song. u call u'rself a metalhead. like, crap right. and just so coincidentally, someone realises that you've called u'rself many many diferent subcultures that u'r fallen into the category of the mats and minahs.
downsides of being in a subculture.
you can only listen to one type of song, if not people will critisize you. eg. hello. i'm a metalhead and i'm listening to my chemical romance. and fyi, mcr is not, i repeat NOT a metal band. so thats the irony. fashion wise, it'll be quite tough also. punks. u want the mohawk-spike. go to school with that hairstyle and you might get into trouble. punks are also know to be against the government. err, hello, we in singapore have an awesome government. so why would you want to go against it. goths. mostly associated with dressing black. if you havent notice, singapore is located VERY NEAR TO THE EQUATOR. and another point for general knowledge, black is a good conductor of heat. so coming out in the day as a goth would be stupid. unless u go out at night, then thats ok. same goes for those ska people. wear coat in singapore just for a gig. i mean, come on.
thats abt all the examples i have.
lastly, how to free u'rself.
firstly, dun call u'rself something lah. i mean, dun call u'rself a metal head/emo-pink, etc.
secondly, pick up an instrument. be it trumpet, guitar or trombones. when u can play music, u will not only be able to play but listen to many songs as well without being critisized. as my cousin said, be versatile. X|
thats abt it.
so, i hope this has helped you in finding u'r true path in life without being sidetracked by subcultures. aniwae, know more abt your culture first before having a second one.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
well, 4 days holiday? yea right. lets see. theres the DnT analysis, social studies hw, chemistry hw, physics hw and many more lah. uncountable. divide all that into 4 days and voila. just like any usual weekday, except at home.
i'm just gonna type random stuff in this post. so, be warned of boredom.
just now when i was in the kitchen, my bro was babbling the gransazers. i bet you(referring to halim hu is most probably is reading this right now) knows all abt gransazers. so aniwae, he was asking me why the "usga sagod"(ultra stargod) is transformed the way it is. he ask me why, i said i dunno, then he said, ooh, i think i know why. of course he said that in malay lah, i'm just translating it. so, babble babble babble. i'm out, he stopped.
this years' chinese new year celebration was more exciting than the previous years'. u know when theres chinese new year, ppl think of fire crackers right. well, we had one in school. wait2, we had MANY of them. and one of them is atleast 3 stories high. i'm serious.
something amazing happened this year. the fire cracker actually cracked! well, sort if. u see, the fire cracker is actually coke cans tied to a rope. i know. it's lame. so aniwae, theres a sparkler tied to the bottom of each "fire cracler". somehow, miraculously the rope caught fire thus it starts butning upwards. and as it goes up, each coke can is dropped. another miracle would be that TWO of the "fire crackers" which are burnt are side by side. coincidence? hope not. and fyi, when the sparklers were sparkling, popping sounds were played. come on. how lame is that.
new vocab for you to learn: pa chu cheng
dunno if its spelled correctly, but you can atleast pronounce it right. so if you dunno the meaning of it, ask u'r chinede frens. wait2, u'r perverted frens might also know the meaning.
that time we had a boxing match thing in class. with boxing gloves. violent siot. home someone will pass me a video. i might post it here.
i think my typing speed has gotten much faster. okok. crap. haizz. boring sak.
just wanna add this.
u remember the time when u were a small kid. whenever you watch the tv, you just HAVE to ask someone why this and why that. later that person u asked always wants you to shut up. NOW, i'm in the situation of the person being asked. so now i know how damnly irritating it is to be asked all the time unable to concentrate on the movie.
pa chu cheng
Saturday, January 28, 2006
i hate the holidays. holidays means no skool. no skool means no "someone". haizz. halim is probably reading this. fuck off.well, 4 days holiday? yea right. lets see. theres the DnT analysis, social studies hw, chemistry hw, physics hw and many more lah. uncountable. divide all that into 4 days and voila. just like any usual weekday, except at home.
i'm just gonna type random stuff in this post. so, be warned of boredom.
just now when i was in the kitchen, my bro was babbling the gransazers. i bet you(referring to halim hu is most probably is reading this right now) knows all abt gransazers. so aniwae, he was asking me why the "usga sagod"(ultra stargod) is transformed the way it is. he ask me why, i said i dunno, then he said, ooh, i think i know why. of course he said that in malay lah, i'm just translating it. so, babble babble babble. i'm out, he stopped.
this years' chinese new year celebration was more exciting than the previous years'. u know when theres chinese new year, ppl think of fire crackers right. well, we had one in school. wait2, we had MANY of them. and one of them is atleast 3 stories high. i'm serious.
something amazing happened this year. the fire cracker actually cracked! well, sort if. u see, the fire cracker is actually coke cans tied to a rope. i know. it's lame. so aniwae, theres a sparkler tied to the bottom of each "fire cracler". somehow, miraculously the rope caught fire thus it starts butning upwards. and as it goes up, each coke can is dropped. another miracle would be that TWO of the "fire crackers" which are burnt are side by side. coincidence? hope not. and fyi, when the sparklers were sparkling, popping sounds were played. come on. how lame is that.
new vocab for you to learn: pa chu cheng
dunno if its spelled correctly, but you can atleast pronounce it right. so if you dunno the meaning of it, ask u'r chinede frens. wait2, u'r perverted frens might also know the meaning.
that time we had a boxing match thing in class. with boxing gloves. violent siot. home someone will pass me a video. i might post it here.
i think my typing speed has gotten much faster. okok. crap. haizz. boring sak.
just wanna add this.
u remember the time when u were a small kid. whenever you watch the tv, you just HAVE to ask someone why this and why that. later that person u asked always wants you to shut up. NOW, i'm in the situation of the person being asked. so now i know how damnly irritating it is to be asked all the time unable to concentrate on the movie.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
*life saving note*
if you get stung by a jellyfish, get someone to pee on the affected area.
reason is because pee contains ammonia which can remove the sting.
ammonium + sodium hydroxide = stink bomb
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
stinks i tell you. pungeant smell of ammonia gas. thnx to the gas, i've got a headache. u want to try? ermm, try using a shampoo and soap. the shampoo must must contain ammonium salt. while the soap, a block soap, must contain an alkali of i'm not wrong. usually its a hydroxide. mix both shampoo together. there should be this distinct smell. the type which u smell if u'r damn sweaty.*life saving note*
if you get stung by a jellyfish, get someone to pee on the affected area.
reason is because pee contains ammonia which can remove the sting.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i have ONE ticket for a two day pass to Sembawang Fest.
the original price for the 2 day pass is 65bucks. i'm onli selling for 35 bucks. 30 bucks less.
interested? add me in msn.
2 day pass to sembawang fest for 35bucks
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
as the title says.i have ONE ticket for a two day pass to Sembawang Fest.
the original price for the 2 day pass is 65bucks. i'm onli selling for 35 bucks. 30 bucks less.
interested? add me in msn.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
music. there are many different types of music. the most popular ones nowadays would be band played by bands. for me, the first music/song that i had liked was this malay dangdut. "asyik, asyik, asyik". well, that was me when i was like, primary one i think. then it moved on to pop music. most unforgetable was bsb's everybody. with a cool music video, hell yeah that was the best at that time. i was so interested in them that i got their music video cd. it was a mistake actually. i wanted to buy the cd, not vcd. but again, i was still young at that time. theres also westlife and blue in my small collection of cds. as time goes on, different types of music starts to "appear" in my life. i was still stuck in between though. then i got stuck to slim shady. the eminem show. bought his eminem show and 8 mile soundtrack. the 8 mile soundtrack, i only listen to the first song, loose yourself. STILL stuck in between, but i got modern rock 2. the songs in there were still very catchy, no direction kinda songs. in modern rock 2, theres a song from linkin park. from there, i got to buy myself linkin park's meteora. though linkin park is metal. nu-metal. whatever it is, its still not there yet. still catchy music. i did buy linkin park's live in texas, which later on i gave the dvd to sepol coz i have no dvd player. next step is quite big. my kuzz let me listen to system of a down. toxicity album. i remember listening to prison song, toxicity and jump. i got stuck to prison song at first. i got "steal this album" from cd-rama. they still have it, after soo long. so thats the first step towards the metal me. i know it sounds stupid, "metal me", but wait, the story has not yet ended. so, "steal this album" was my first metal cd. aside from being stuck to the music, i got stuck to the music's concept, which was anti-government, hate governtment, that sort. but i didnt went into punk coz i didnt know much abt punk. my interest in music changed. i saw axis of justice in this cd store. because serj, singer of system, was in it, i bought the cd. and you guessed it, axis of justice is actually a concert, towards justice. with my interest of music towards that area, sum41's chuck caught my eye. we're all to blame, theres no solution, pieces. still in the same "group" of songs. reading a gerl's blog, she recommended listening to avenged sevenfold's chapter four. well, it took me quite some time, but i downloaded it and liked the music. now theres a change. eventhough avenged sevenfold is somewhat punk-metal, it is later on that i got to know of it. so it was the MUSIC that i was interested in now, not the concept of why the song was wrote. walking around hmv, i spotted system of a down's self titled album. without any thought, i grabbed and bought it. that was a decision which i later on regretted. i purchased it on the first floor, went up to the second floor and i saw Headbangers Ball Vol.2. its a compilation of all headbanging songs, obviously. but why i was most interested in it was because avenged's unholy confessions is inside. well, i was that sort of person. pay a lot just to listen to ONE song. like 8 mile's soundtrack. ok, back to HB's ball. i regretted so much buying system's album. but then, i also regretted spending the money on something else at first, if not i could have gotten both cds. at that time, i lack only 2 bucks. well, the cd was 34bucks. i made sure that i'd come back the next day and buy the cd. and, i did. and like what i said, i was only interested in one song. after listening to the album, out of 40 songs, only 6 was ripped. i was listening to less system at that time, but not out yet. somehow, i cant seem to remember, i heard to cradle's devil woman. that song kicks ass i tell you. aside from devil woman, i also heard nymphetamine. i mean watch. the video. did some research on the net. found out that cradle was about to release nymphetamine's special edition album. in it was ceontent from nymphetamine, the album, AND, bonus tracks PLUSS nymphetamine's music video. price is the same as nymphetamine's album. so its like, two for the price of one. not long later, the cds was mine. AND, that was the start of gothic me. some sort. i started thinking black, pentagrams, death metal. that sort. and system's concept was out. i always say i dun do concepts. well, its not a fashion statement for me. its just that i prefer to be that way. as time goes by, i started hating hip-hop, rnb, reggae, pop, etc. actually its not hate, but more to, dun-like-the-music-coz-its-not-band-music. then i started to only like metal stuff. all this shyt stopped when i got back to playing the guitar. having an acouctic, i cant be playing metal all the time coz it'll sound sucky. then i moved on to electric. i tried playing different types of music, and reflected. found out how stoopit i was. looking at sepol reminds me of how i was back in the old days. hah, his pm, anti-rnb,reggae,hiphop. he'll realise how silly he was when his time comes. my kuzz told me, versatility. dun just play one type of song. be versatile. so, here i am. my electric has no strings now, but luckily i have an acoustic.
so all of you into concepts/subcultures, my advise is that, pick up an instrument. it'll put you in the middle of all concepts. you can play/make any music you want, instead of sticking to one.
music, from my eyes.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
to most of us, music plays an important role in our lives. you'll find that without music, life would be a there are many different types of music. the most popular ones nowadays would be band played by bands. for me, the first music/song that i had liked was this malay dangdut. "asyik, asyik, asyik". well, that was me when i was like, primary one i think. then it moved on to pop music. most unforgetable was bsb's everybody. with a cool music video, hell yeah that was the best at that time. i was so interested in them that i got their music video cd. it was a mistake actually. i wanted to buy the cd, not vcd. but again, i was still young at that time. theres also westlife and blue in my small collection of cds. as time goes on, different types of music starts to "appear" in my life. i was still stuck in between though. then i got stuck to slim shady. the eminem show. bought his eminem show and 8 mile soundtrack. the 8 mile soundtrack, i only listen to the first song, loose yourself. STILL stuck in between, but i got modern rock 2. the songs in there were still very catchy, no direction kinda songs. in modern rock 2, theres a song from linkin park. from there, i got to buy myself linkin park's meteora. though linkin park is metal. nu-metal. whatever it is, its still not there yet. still catchy music. i did buy linkin park's live in texas, which later on i gave the dvd to sepol coz i have no dvd player. next step is quite big. my kuzz let me listen to system of a down. toxicity album. i remember listening to prison song, toxicity and jump. i got stuck to prison song at first. i got "steal this album" from cd-rama. they still have it, after soo long. so thats the first step towards the metal me. i know it sounds stupid, "metal me", but wait, the story has not yet ended. so, "steal this album" was my first metal cd. aside from being stuck to the music, i got stuck to the music's concept, which was anti-government, hate governtment, that sort. but i didnt went into punk coz i didnt know much abt punk. my interest in music changed. i saw axis of justice in this cd store. because serj, singer of system, was in it, i bought the cd. and you guessed it, axis of justice is actually a concert, towards justice. with my interest of music towards that area, sum41's chuck caught my eye. we're all to blame, theres no solution, pieces. still in the same "group" of songs. reading a gerl's blog, she recommended listening to avenged sevenfold's chapter four. well, it took me quite some time, but i downloaded it and liked the music. now theres a change. eventhough avenged sevenfold is somewhat punk-metal, it is later on that i got to know of it. so it was the MUSIC that i was interested in now, not the concept of why the song was wrote. walking around hmv, i spotted system of a down's self titled album. without any thought, i grabbed and bought it. that was a decision which i later on regretted. i purchased it on the first floor, went up to the second floor and i saw Headbangers Ball Vol.2. its a compilation of all headbanging songs, obviously. but why i was most interested in it was because avenged's unholy confessions is inside. well, i was that sort of person. pay a lot just to listen to ONE song. like 8 mile's soundtrack. ok, back to HB's ball. i regretted so much buying system's album. but then, i also regretted spending the money on something else at first, if not i could have gotten both cds. at that time, i lack only 2 bucks. well, the cd was 34bucks. i made sure that i'd come back the next day and buy the cd. and, i did. and like what i said, i was only interested in one song. after listening to the album, out of 40 songs, only 6 was ripped. i was listening to less system at that time, but not out yet. somehow, i cant seem to remember, i heard to cradle's devil woman. that song kicks ass i tell you. aside from devil woman, i also heard nymphetamine. i mean watch. the video. did some research on the net. found out that cradle was about to release nymphetamine's special edition album. in it was ceontent from nymphetamine, the album, AND, bonus tracks PLUSS nymphetamine's music video. price is the same as nymphetamine's album. so its like, two for the price of one. not long later, the cds was mine. AND, that was the start of gothic me. some sort. i started thinking black, pentagrams, death metal. that sort. and system's concept was out. i always say i dun do concepts. well, its not a fashion statement for me. its just that i prefer to be that way. as time goes by, i started hating hip-hop, rnb, reggae, pop, etc. actually its not hate, but more to, dun-like-the-music-coz-its-not-band-music. then i started to only like metal stuff. all this shyt stopped when i got back to playing the guitar. having an acouctic, i cant be playing metal all the time coz it'll sound sucky. then i moved on to electric. i tried playing different types of music, and reflected. found out how stoopit i was. looking at sepol reminds me of how i was back in the old days. hah, his pm, anti-rnb,reggae,hiphop. he'll realise how silly he was when his time comes. my kuzz told me, versatility. dun just play one type of song. be versatile. so, here i am. my electric has no strings now, but luckily i have an acoustic.
so all of you into concepts/subcultures, my advise is that, pick up an instrument. it'll put you in the middle of all concepts. you can play/make any music you want, instead of sticking to one.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
:Personality Test:

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
:Inner Blood Test:

You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day.
Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable.
And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success.
You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible.
You are most compatible with: B and AB
:"How Scary Am I" Test:
You Aren't Scary, You're Scared

Probably even scared to see how this quiz came out!
Friday, January 13, 2006
gawd, i'm becoming girl-like doing tests/quizzes.. XD:Personality Test:

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
:Inner Blood Test:

You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day.
Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable.
And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success.
You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible.
You are most compatible with: B and AB
:"How Scary Am I" Test:
You Aren't Scary, You're Scared

Probably even scared to see how this quiz came out!
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
in my opinion, there are 2 types of magic. one is called an illusion while the other is called SETAN. haha. firstly if you want to learn simple card "magic", u can download them using p2p softwares, like my friend. why not buy but download? firstly, the magic tricks are so damn ex. but of course, this is from the perspective of those who are not very enthusiastic in the art of "magic". for those who are however will look at things differently. optimistically. "wow, only 50bucks for this simple card trick." well for the other type of magic, its my belief that devils, ghosts, spirits, etc. are involved. i know, krazi right. if you see a person lavitate high up from the ground, BINGO. though in my religion, interacting with spiritual beings are not allowed, and its an instant ticket to hell. apart from that magic, the rest are all illusions.
so are they real? well, considering that its named "magic trick", well, its a trick of course, just not magic.
aiyar, the main reason for magic is just entertainment lah. awes, ahs.
some say magic is a secret that should not be spread. well, then how did they learn it in the first place(excluding those who make up their own moves). well now, theres quite a number of websites SELLING magic tutorials. yes. not only they're revealing the tricks, but SELL IT. desperate what. so there comes the easy money.
for me, who used to be so enthu abt magic but remained a total cheapskate, is now collecting decks. maybe make it into a hobby.
wow, its like "magic".
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
magic tricks. real or fake?in my opinion, there are 2 types of magic. one is called an illusion while the other is called SETAN. haha. firstly if you want to learn simple card "magic", u can download them using p2p softwares, like my friend. why not buy but download? firstly, the magic tricks are so damn ex. but of course, this is from the perspective of those who are not very enthusiastic in the art of "magic". for those who are however will look at things differently. optimistically. "wow, only 50bucks for this simple card trick." well for the other type of magic, its my belief that devils, ghosts, spirits, etc. are involved. i know, krazi right. if you see a person lavitate high up from the ground, BINGO. though in my religion, interacting with spiritual beings are not allowed, and its an instant ticket to hell. apart from that magic, the rest are all illusions.
so are they real? well, considering that its named "magic trick", well, its a trick of course, just not magic.
aiyar, the main reason for magic is just entertainment lah. awes, ahs.
some say magic is a secret that should not be spread. well, then how did they learn it in the first place(excluding those who make up their own moves). well now, theres quite a number of websites SELLING magic tutorials. yes. not only they're revealing the tricks, but SELL IT. desperate what. so there comes the easy money.
for me, who used to be so enthu abt magic but remained a total cheapskate, is now collecting decks. maybe make it into a hobby.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
literature is not just about humpty dumpty poems that rhymes. it is much more complicated.
one pointer if you were given a prose or poem. whatever content which is in the writing is never the answer to the questions. for example. "Mr. Loveday's Little Outing," the title. Mr. Loveday is not the main character. in fact, he is like the sub sub character. and he is not even related to the message.
just as we have 7 minutes left, then we know what the prose is about. it is about the current society in 1936 from Evelyn Waugh's(the writer) perspective. literature is like the mother of all subliminal messages. first you have to understand the story, then understand what the prose is actually about. hah, and i said the witer's intention is to tell people not to judge a book by its covers. yeah right.
Mr. Loveday's Little Outing
Monday, January 09, 2006
Mr. Loveday's Little Outingliterature is not just about humpty dumpty poems that rhymes. it is much more complicated.
one pointer if you were given a prose or poem. whatever content which is in the writing is never the answer to the questions. for example. "Mr. Loveday's Little Outing," the title. Mr. Loveday is not the main character. in fact, he is like the sub sub character. and he is not even related to the message.
just as we have 7 minutes left, then we know what the prose is about. it is about the current society in 1936 from Evelyn Waugh's(the writer) perspective. literature is like the mother of all subliminal messages. first you have to understand the story, then understand what the prose is actually about. hah, and i said the witer's intention is to tell people not to judge a book by its covers. yeah right.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
ok, next thing. i dunno abt you guys, but i have a perfectionist mom. not sure if the word "perfectionist" is used properly here, but aniwae. theres 2 telephones in the house. the one in the hall sounds crappy, unlike the one in my room. so, my room became the HQ for making and receiving phone calls. kk, back to my mom. imagine the tv, telephone and the bed is all aligned. so we have the tv, the phone and my bed. so i was lying down on my bed, watching the tv. my mom came in and made a call. on the table, theres some of my stuff ar. not arranged. so while making her call, her itchy fingers move about, arranging my stuff in neat positions. it was hilarious i tell you. ok, maybe not to that extent. but, haizz. she just cant stand looking at not-neatly-arranged-thing. everything has to be her way. her way on the highway.
my line in port is busted. just started recording, then things went silent. the thing is, it was totally my fault. knowing if i connect pedals to the com, it can bust an incompatible soundcard. luckily it just happened to the line in port. its useless now. so i can only depend on the microphone port for line-ins.
we're all to blame
Saturday, January 07, 2006
no. this post is not abt sum41. the main word is blame. parents/adults are always finding someone or something to blame when we do certain things they do not agree with. for example. i have not yet prayed and time was running. my mother caught me playing my guitar instead of praying. know what, she blamed the guitar. what she said was, translated in singlish, "see, got guitar oready never pray". when u've become a parent, remember this, "think before you speak". for your information, i've already had an acoustic guitar, since ages ago. now, just because i've got his electric guitar, its supposed to be better than the acoustic. ok, it is better. but the main point is, both are guitars. i play them. both the acoustic and the electric. so what the heck is the difference. totally lame i tell you. ok, next thing. i dunno abt you guys, but i have a perfectionist mom. not sure if the word "perfectionist" is used properly here, but aniwae. theres 2 telephones in the house. the one in the hall sounds crappy, unlike the one in my room. so, my room became the HQ for making and receiving phone calls. kk, back to my mom. imagine the tv, telephone and the bed is all aligned. so we have the tv, the phone and my bed. so i was lying down on my bed, watching the tv. my mom came in and made a call. on the table, theres some of my stuff ar. not arranged. so while making her call, her itchy fingers move about, arranging my stuff in neat positions. it was hilarious i tell you. ok, maybe not to that extent. but, haizz. she just cant stand looking at not-neatly-arranged-thing. everything has to be her way. her way on the highway.
my line in port is busted. just started recording, then things went silent. the thing is, it was totally my fault. knowing if i connect pedals to the com, it can bust an incompatible soundcard. luckily it just happened to the line in port. its useless now. so i can only depend on the microphone port for line-ins.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
-thought of lame idea-
-write on q cards-
-tot later transfer to blog-
-got com back-
-hack care-
-burn q cards-
back to skool. it was ok. most sub teachers were changed. NOT OK. they said that we were given better teachers. yeeaaa rite. mr chia is now the cm. THAT is ok. infact, its awesome.
so aniwae, if u'r reading this right now, you MUST tag. say i suck, i'm crap, wadeva. counter is moving, tag is zero. nit. kosong. egg.
so, remember to tag ar.
short update
Thursday, January 05, 2006
-when com was away--bored-
-thought of lame idea-
-write on q cards-
-tot later transfer to blog-
-got com back-
-hack care-
-burn q cards-
back to skool. it was ok. most sub teachers were changed. NOT OK. they said that we were given better teachers. yeeaaa rite. mr chia is now the cm. THAT is ok. infact, its awesome.
so aniwae, if u'r reading this right now, you MUST tag. say i suck, i'm crap, wadeva. counter is moving, tag is zero. nit. kosong. egg.
so, remember to tag ar.