yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
chop suey headbanging compilation
Monday, May 29, 2006
in no particular orderthe original chop suey headbanging video, first ever to went on the net
girls headbanger. well, they tried.
threesome headbanging
twosome headbanging. started too fast.
father and son. amazing huh.
no-sure-whether-male-or-female-headbanger. krazi.
crazi ass girls headbanger wannabe. nice try.
another twosome headbang. this one started too slow.
sporting. headbang alone. boring.
this one. jackasses. spoil.
gay boys.
nerd looking guys. nice vid.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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something for you guys to think abt.
If a 7-11 store is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a "ship"ment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called "car"go?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
3 failed subjects, 2 borderline passes, 1 b3 and 1 a1. L1R5 is 30. its all stupid mistakes i tell you. all can be avoided, well, except for combined humans. english, i blame the comprehension and some parts in composition. malay i blame totally on paper 2. i could have done better in letter writing though, and listening compre! combined humans is just a so-so subject. dun care. geography i really am scratching my head abt it. maybe i should have read up more and understand the questions better before attempting. science, i expected better but turned out otherwise. physics is a killer i tell you. chemistry gave me an extra 0.5 marks to get a 50.5. dnt, nothing much to say. got a1. maths, well, suwey. need more revision and stuff. didnt actualy prepare for it. this saturday is the meet-the-parent session. hope it goes well. my mom went kaput when i told her i failed 3 subs, expecially english. aiyoyo.something for you guys to think abt.
If a 7-11 store is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a "ship"ment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called "car"go?
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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righteous hatred
what have you wrought?
a shadow of betrayal as perceptions seep.
once we tasted innocence,
untainted and hand in hand,
but your thirst soured.
a deadened cloud of hatred -
thoughts follow memory, follow pain,
love consumed.
in a haze of bitterness,
i reject you.
how? haha. click to make your own.
want to make a gothic poem?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

righteous hatred
what have you wrought?
a shadow of betrayal as perceptions seep.
once we tasted innocence,
untainted and hand in hand,
but your thirst soured.
a deadened cloud of hatred -
thoughts follow memory, follow pain,
love consumed.
in a haze of bitterness,
i reject you.
how? haha. click to make your own.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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so people, take my advise from this little experience of mine.
never try anything that might affect someone or something that you'll die without its existence.
'die' as a figure of speech, not literally. but, literally also can lah, coz you never know right.
just wanna add something here. i know this thing is old, but it never stops cracking me up.
what NOT to do when you're "inventive"
Monday, May 22, 2006
my cpu always heats up, mostly when its doing a lot of processing. coz of that, it always shuts down suddenly. then i tried opening the cover and placed an external com fan near the opening to let it blow the hot air out. the problem stopped. i thought i should add in more fans to cool things down. today i spotted this portable battery-operated fan, you know, those kids usually play with. yar, those kind. bought two of them. just abt 30mins ago, i soldered the motor to a pair of wires and connected it to the external com fan. not knowing that the voltage supplied is much more than i had expected, the fan blade spun *place an over-exaggerational word for 'very fast' here*. it spun so fast that one of its blade flew off. just as i was abt to enjoy the fun of playing with the super-dooper fast fan, know what happened, THE COM SHUT DOWN! this time not because its hot. i think its because i blew the fuse or something as it wont start when i pressed the button. so like every com freak, i panicked. i thought if i blew the fuse, it should be able to be replaced, but it better not blow the motherboard or the precessor because if it did, i'll be suffering from noseepeeyouitis. heh, thats lame. quickly i swithched the plugs off and on. luckily it started running again. thats when i decided to post this up. so people, take my advise from this little experience of mine.
never try anything that might affect someone or something that you'll die without its existence.
'die' as a figure of speech, not literally. but, literally also can lah, coz you never know right.
just wanna add something here. i know this thing is old, but it never stops cracking me up.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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apart from that, today's the opening day for "The Da Vinci Code". i was hoping to catch it today but i guess it wont be happening. aniwae, do watch it coz its an awesome movie. well, it should be coz the book really is. its cool watching them cracking codes, cryptex all those stuff. and you can actually see an old man lying naked with his arms spread out like the vitruvian man. i'm not sure whether you can see the dick or not. watch it aite.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
my friends insisted that i write what happened today here, but i insisted that i'm not going to. however, i shall type it out instead. hehe. so aniwae, i'm 17 today. the day went quite well. woke up in the morning, checked my hp for the time. surprisingly there were 2 messages. "hapi b'dae". totally unexpected. a very good morning indeed. thnx eh. then it was in class. no teacher, so we played cards. suddenly, someone asked whether it was my b'dae, so i replied yes. i continued playing cards when the class started singing a b'dae song. thats not the last. heh. then during maths class, another b'dae song. the same for geography and chemistry class. just when you think it was over, another b'dae song but this time in malay during malay remedial. ok lah, its a great last-year b'dae remembrance in secondary skool. all together they sang 5 times. coincidentally its my fith year is css. i guess its to make up for all the previous years. heh. kidding. so, yar. unforgettable b'dae indeed. thnx eh guys.apart from that, today's the opening day for "The Da Vinci Code". i was hoping to catch it today but i guess it wont be happening. aniwae, do watch it coz its an awesome movie. well, it should be coz the book really is. its cool watching them cracking codes, cryptex all those stuff. and you can actually see an old man lying naked with his arms spread out like the vitruvian man. i'm not sure whether you can see the dick or not. watch it aite.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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so fast
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the net speed is insanely fast right now. ok, maybe i'm exaggerating, but its really fast. maybe it is so coz everyone is in skool and i'm at home! hah. having this post polling day holiday. holidays are never fun without homework rite. so, the teachers are kind enough to make us do homework through the net. all this e-learning crap. somemore, then website is so damn slow. maybe its not made to sustain 1000+ connections to it. hopeless man. wanted to save a .doc file from the site, have to wait abt a min for the save as window to pop up. BORING SIOT!!!!!
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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the video is nsfw, not safe for work. theres a little dicky at the end but just a quick peek. if you tink its too much for you to handle or u'r com is in the living room where everyone is around you, it'll be my pleasure to type for you a summary.
click here to view the video.
ok, this clip is about a guy and a girl. they're in a room alone and the guys wants something. he asks if he can get a blowjob but the girl said no. then he asked if she could do a hand job. the girl said she dunno how to, but the guy told the girl to treat his dick like a bottle of ketchup. so the idea is, you shake the bottle up and down until the ketchup comes out. so the guy sticked his dick out and the girl grabs the dick. next she did the ketchup method. SHE HIT THE DICK STRAIGHT FROM THE FRONT!!!! wakakakaka. so basically, the way she gets ketchup out of the bottle is by hitting the back of the bottle. hilarious i tell you. watch the video for better laughter. =)
The Ketchup Effect
Sunday, May 07, 2006
heres the thing. i'm having this big ulcer in my mouth. i watched this video clip and it made me laugh till it hurts. literally. the ulcer was like expanding or something when i was laughing. because laughing is not a one second kinda thing, i'm hurting as well as enjoying the laugh. the video is nsfw, not safe for work. theres a little dicky at the end but just a quick peek. if you tink its too much for you to handle or u'r com is in the living room where everyone is around you, it'll be my pleasure to type for you a summary.
click here to view the video.
ok, this clip is about a guy and a girl. they're in a room alone and the guys wants something. he asks if he can get a blowjob but the girl said no. then he asked if she could do a hand job. the girl said she dunno how to, but the guy told the girl to treat his dick like a bottle of ketchup. so the idea is, you shake the bottle up and down until the ketchup comes out. so the guy sticked his dick out and the girl grabs the dick. next she did the ketchup method. SHE HIT THE DICK STRAIGHT FROM THE FRONT!!!! wakakakaka. so basically, the way she gets ketchup out of the bottle is by hitting the back of the bottle. hilarious i tell you. watch the video for better laughter. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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hardchallenging. some say its just the mids. to boost your confidence. but if i failed the mids, gain confidence your head. ok lah, maybe i'll get to know my weaknesses. aiyar, all this for a bright future.
kk, i've got some ridiculously cool/funny stuff below.
i saw mr. reaper
new motorcycle-car breed vehicle with a pinch of an arcade simulator
check out this awesome body modification.
ok, this one is seriously out of this world. first thing i recall when i see the word replicator is stargate. damn spider-like machines that can, well, replicate. perhaps this one is just the begining.
lastly, theres nothing ridiculous here. its only LOST season 2 scripts!!! yes. as in the tv series LOST. an episode is never ended without a suspense. for those who cant stand suspense, this should be your lifesaver. err, u need an imaginative mind though to imagine how the scene looks like.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
its the exam period. i'm stressed out. coz i'm afraid i might flunk, not that i revised my butts off. the papers that i've done are quite kk, i've got some ridiculously cool/funny stuff below.
i saw mr. reaper
new motorcycle-car breed vehicle with a pinch of an arcade simulator
check out this awesome body modification.
ok, this one is seriously out of this world. first thing i recall when i see the word replicator is stargate. damn spider-like machines that can, well, replicate. perhaps this one is just the begining.
lastly, theres nothing ridiculous here. its only LOST season 2 scripts!!! yes. as in the tv series LOST. an episode is never ended without a suspense. for those who cant stand suspense, this should be your lifesaver. err, u need an imaginative mind though to imagine how the scene looks like.