yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
Friday, June 30, 2006
fuck asshole chibai kaninaif can i'll vomit all those vulgarities. fuggin shit man.
dropped by just now. her pictures, as in pictures she took was overly superb. you should check em out. the clearity, reflection on the water, etc. vow. and then it kicks in. if you dont know, i'm in the photography club in skool. photography is fun, especially with the school's DSLR. it can work wonders. SLRs are fun too, but films are not how the world works nowadays. they're still cool though. so aniwae, my like for photography suddenly came in. then i was like, why cant i have a digital cam. i thought i should get one, but i dun have the money sia. so i tried thinking of ways to get money lar. know what, i looked at my electric guitar and thought for a moment. then i was like, NONONO. i'm not gonna friggin sell my friggin electric guitar. its friggin sickening to have thought of it. then i tried finding photography competitions on the net. ones i found are all over. one even ended today. suwey. aiyoyo. lets just see how thing goes.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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there are two guys. one guy is childish but didn't agree that he is and was quarrelling with his friends. the other guy is matured. he was also quarrelling with his friends on whether he is childish or not, but later on he confessed to his friends, "okok, i AM childish. i confess.".
so what makes me ponder is, is the matured guy still considered matured taking the fact that he confessed to his friends of his childishness or is he considered a childish guy as he confessed he is so. it doesnt make sense. its like, which comes first, the egg or the chicken.
(ermm, using childish GUYS as an example is not quite, err, something good thing to think abt. heh.)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
school was ok. just as usual. what i really wanna post is below. hah.there are two guys. one guy is childish but didn't agree that he is and was quarrelling with his friends. the other guy is matured. he was also quarrelling with his friends on whether he is childish or not, but later on he confessed to his friends, "okok, i AM childish. i confess.".
so what makes me ponder is, is the matured guy still considered matured taking the fact that he confessed to his friends of his childishness or is he considered a childish guy as he confessed he is so. it doesnt make sense. its like, which comes first, the egg or the chicken.
(ermm, using childish GUYS as an example is not quite, err, something good thing to think abt. heh.)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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the term started with be yourself day. so it was supposed to be fun and all, but right after the lessons was friggin common test. ENGLISH PAPER 1. and i wasnt even aware of the test till sunday. i would have known it sooner if i had known that the mock exam list was printed on BOTH pages. ass rite. so then we had the assembly, blablabla. quite hilarious ar, but the student performances are lacking behind unlike my lower sec years. all the seniors were performing and the kakaks were shaking their butts off. literally. yar. those were the days.
got a nu phone on sunday. 6020. it's sort of a cheapskate phone lah. the camera and video mode are just soso. then theres a voice recorder. no radio. no bluetooth. but its all ok lah. free phone. what to expect. the pic on top is taken by the phone. i was playing with you know what in my room. i've no more use for the nail polish remover, so i made sure it didnt go to waste.
been scowering the net for "i will stay" by ultima thule for quite some time. its a cover of the band hurriganes. ultima thule is a skinhead band if i'm not wrong. heard the song while bloghopping. i was at this girl's blog. she was into skinhead and ska music. i was stuck to the song for quite some time and now i wanna hear it again. really really nice song. its like, skinhead agressive attitude meets love song.
one last thing. this might help you remember crude oil's fractional distillation output. it goes from the top to the bottom.
Petroleum Petrol Naphta Kerosene Diesel Lubricating oil Bitumen
remember this
Peter Pan Nonok Konek Dalam Lobang Berak
nu free fone
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

the term started with be yourself day. so it was supposed to be fun and all, but right after the lessons was friggin common test. ENGLISH PAPER 1. and i wasnt even aware of the test till sunday. i would have known it sooner if i had known that the mock exam list was printed on BOTH pages. ass rite. so then we had the assembly, blablabla. quite hilarious ar, but the student performances are lacking behind unlike my lower sec years. all the seniors were performing and the kakaks were shaking their butts off. literally. yar. those were the days.
got a nu phone on sunday. 6020. it's sort of a cheapskate phone lah. the camera and video mode are just soso. then theres a voice recorder. no radio. no bluetooth. but its all ok lah. free phone. what to expect. the pic on top is taken by the phone. i was playing with you know what in my room. i've no more use for the nail polish remover, so i made sure it didnt go to waste.
been scowering the net for "i will stay" by ultima thule for quite some time. its a cover of the band hurriganes. ultima thule is a skinhead band if i'm not wrong. heard the song while bloghopping. i was at this girl's blog. she was into skinhead and ska music. i was stuck to the song for quite some time and now i wanna hear it again. really really nice song. its like, skinhead agressive attitude meets love song.
one last thing. this might help you remember crude oil's fractional distillation output. it goes from the top to the bottom.
Petroleum Petrol Naphta Kerosene Diesel Lubricating oil Bitumen
remember this
Peter Pan Nonok Konek Dalam Lobang Berak
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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terra naomi
i clicked on the link with many2 reservations thinking that it'll be a dood and i'll be wasting my time watching the vid, but it turned out to be a babe instead. not say babe lah, but shes ok. so i watched her playing and i was like, stuck. her voice is like really really nice. below is the video. dun be shock to find such content here ok, when the bg music here is like, . . . . you get the point.
mom thinks i watch porn
Thursday, June 22, 2006
the door was closed. the lights were off. the tv and monitor were on. i clicked a link to watch this youtube video. my mom came in, told me to pray, followed by asking what i was watching. "tengok aper jer eh". she closed the door leaving a gap. i turned and saw her PEEPING. what the toot. i mean like, come on man. aiyoyo.terra naomi
i clicked on the link with many2 reservations thinking that it'll be a dood and i'll be wasting my time watching the vid, but it turned out to be a babe instead. not say babe lah, but shes ok. so i watched her playing and i was like, stuck. her voice is like really really nice. below is the video. dun be shock to find such content here ok, when the bg music here is like, . . . . you get the point.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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"We already know that the entertainment industry loves to try to get people to pay for every possible use of their content. Remember the filmmaker who almost couldn't release his documentary because there was a four and a half second clip of The Simpsons playing in the background in one scene? It seems that with the rise of user-generated video, a lot more people are learning about the fun of licensing rights. The RIAA is apparently sending out cease-and-desist letters to YouTube users who dare to put up videos of things such as themselves dancing to music they haven't licensed. It's difficult to see how the RIAA can make a credible claim of "losses" in this case. Clearly, some kids videotaping themselves bopping along to some song aren't going to pay a license fee -- and these sorts of viral videos tend to help build up more interest in artists. So what good does it do to go after these videos?" -
still unsure whether it is a hoax or not, but if this thing is real then, HOLY SHITTOS.
posting videos of you dancing to a copyrighted song is wrong!
"Some YouTube users have reportedly received cease and desist letters from the RIAA, demanding that the posted video be taken down. YouTube, however, is confident in its copyright policy because it warns people about violation, and pulls material upon request of the copyright holder." -"We already know that the entertainment industry loves to try to get people to pay for every possible use of their content. Remember the filmmaker who almost couldn't release his documentary because there was a four and a half second clip of The Simpsons playing in the background in one scene? It seems that with the rise of user-generated video, a lot more people are learning about the fun of licensing rights. The RIAA is apparently sending out cease-and-desist letters to YouTube users who dare to put up videos of things such as themselves dancing to music they haven't licensed. It's difficult to see how the RIAA can make a credible claim of "losses" in this case. Clearly, some kids videotaping themselves bopping along to some song aren't going to pay a license fee -- and these sorts of viral videos tend to help build up more interest in artists. So what good does it do to go after these videos?" -
still unsure whether it is a hoax or not, but if this thing is real then, HOLY SHITTOS.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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"Commonwealth Secondary School began as Tanglin Integrated Vocational Secondary School in 1964 and became an academic institution named Tanglin Secondary in 1969. In 1972, the name was changed again to Commonwealth Secondary to commemorate the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting in Singapore that year." - wikipedia
so commonwealth secondary skool was not actually named because of where it was located but in commemoration to the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting in Singapore in 1972. hah. so now everyone can put their mind to peace coz everyone(especially me) was cock talking abt the distance between commonwealth(the place) to commonwealth(the school). so, since the school was not actually named after its former location, theres nutting to fuss abt anymore. its ok to go anywhere it wants now. hah.
komenwelf sekenderi skul
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
i bet even the teachers dont know why commonwealth secondary is named so. "Commonwealth Secondary School began as Tanglin Integrated Vocational Secondary School in 1964 and became an academic institution named Tanglin Secondary in 1969. In 1972, the name was changed again to Commonwealth Secondary to commemorate the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting in Singapore that year." - wikipedia
so commonwealth secondary skool was not actually named because of where it was located but in commemoration to the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting in Singapore in 1972. hah. so now everyone can put their mind to peace coz everyone(especially me) was cock talking abt the distance between commonwealth(the place) to commonwealth(the school). so, since the school was not actually named after its former location, theres nutting to fuss abt anymore. its ok to go anywhere it wants now. hah.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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no theres no pron if you click on it. but it did get your attention didnt it.
free pron?
Monday, June 19, 2006
clickno theres no pron if you click on it. but it did get your attention didnt it.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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the whole thing felt quite real. its amazing that i can still remember how the netball girls looked like in the dream when it never actually happen. a memory that never was.
pulmonary artery
Sunday, June 18, 2006
last night's dream was a cool yet a freaky one. what i dreamt was, it was my first day in poly. so i walked in the campus and passed by a group of netball girls all lined up taking fotos. then there was my grandfather. he was holding a bottle of whatever fluid it is with a needle. i forgot why the injection was important. then i asked him if theres a less painful area where he can inject me instead. he said no. the fluid must go in the pulmonary sumthing sumthing. cant remember. then know what, he poked that thing in my ear. as in the flesh in my ear lah, not into the hole. then he injected it. so then the next scene was me outside the campus with my little brother. a human one, mind you. i was playing with him when azizah, walked pass. made eye contact, look2. its like weird ar. why'd i be looking at her. but, i've had weirder dreams. so aniwae later on i was thinking, as if the whole thing was really happening, how cool it was for my grandfather, my GRANDFATHER to give me an injection. hes like old, then hes a doctor. then i think again. wait, he used to work as a postman! then stuff are like jumbled up. then i recall that he usually give me medicine. be it fever, runny nose or sore throat, he seemed to know which is for which. after realising that, it was back to reality. woke up. my brother was knocking on the door loudly. the whole thing felt quite real. its amazing that i can still remember how the netball girls looked like in the dream when it never actually happen. a memory that never was.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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its a funny vid abt this emo gerl named Hope. she saw a duster drop off the chalkboard. then the dust. . . . .
shes cute, with her acting and her about-to-cry voice. "and now like, those words are just, ddead. you know they're just, ddust." cool rite, the way she said that.
"Hope Is Emo is from the guys at and Crista Flanagan of MADtv. Hope gets advice from the net and tries to stop being so emo." - digitalfilmmaker
Saturday, June 17, 2006
gawd! didnt realise that i've been posting youtube vids in most of the posts. i'm a youtube freak! arghh. k, dats lame.HOPE IS EMO
its a funny vid abt this emo gerl named Hope. she saw a duster drop off the chalkboard. then the dust. . . . .
shes cute, with her acting and her about-to-cry voice. "and now like, those words are just, ddead. you know they're just, ddust." cool rite, the way she said that.
"Hope Is Emo is from the guys at and Crista Flanagan of MADtv. Hope gets advice from the net and tries to stop being so emo." - digitalfilmmaker
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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so anyway, what comes to your mind when you see the word cock fighting? bull fighting, yes you picture a bull. but what about cock fighting. for those with not-so-clean heads(like me), you'll imagine a cock, as in the dick. so what i pictured was, two guys using their dicks as light sabers(like those from star wars) and, well, fight lah. then, insert the sound effect. ermm, vishew vishew. something like that. heh. cool rite? haha. okok, dun get me wrong. i'm not some freak thinking dirty stuff all the time. i'm open. =)
okok, heres one video. first of foremost, if you dun wanna see a bare nake butt, dun click play.
the user who posted this said that she videocammed her girlfriend(the one in the video). i dun know if its just me, but theres something fishy abt the girlfriend. the figure is not feminine. the boobs dun look real at all. my guess would be that, SHES A HE! hah. at the begining whenshehe turned, you can see that there this white things at the boobs. tissue? socks?
he or a she, you judge. =)
cock fighting
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
i'm not an incredible tale virgin anymore! ahahaha. so anyway, what comes to your mind when you see the word cock fighting? bull fighting, yes you picture a bull. but what about cock fighting. for those with not-so-clean heads(like me), you'll imagine a cock, as in the dick. so what i pictured was, two guys using their dicks as light sabers(like those from star wars) and, well, fight lah. then, insert the sound effect. ermm, vishew vishew. something like that. heh. cool rite? haha. okok, dun get me wrong. i'm not some freak thinking dirty stuff all the time. i'm open. =)
okok, heres one video. first of foremost, if you dun wanna see a bare nake butt, dun click play.
the user who posted this said that she videocammed her girlfriend(the one in the video). i dun know if its just me, but theres something fishy abt the girlfriend. the figure is not feminine. the boobs dun look real at all. my guess would be that, SHES A HE! hah. at the begining when
he or a she, you judge. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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ok lah. my neck is aching. below is a clip from the upcoming NDP. hah. enjoy.
bright lights
Monday, June 12, 2006
it should be past 2400hrs by the time i publish this post. aniwae i'm just gonna type abt the night. the first thing you think of when you hear the word night is darkness. well, most of you should. the night-darkness concept doesnt seem to be possible nowadays. with the street lights only abt 10m away from each other, the whole nighbourhood is orangey. the light from the lamp post is reflected on the road to the building walls. yes the sky is dark, its quiet most of the time, but the whole surrounding is lighted up. maybe its because the blocks are painted mostly white. thats what caused the orangey atmosphere. if anyone of you has been to malaysian kampongs, you'll see the difference.ok lah. my neck is aching. below is a clip from the upcoming NDP. hah. enjoy.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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images are quite big sized. so if you cant wait, then, dun lah.

boredome = desperation
heard of roller coaster tycoon(RCT)? its a game where you manage a themepark. not just manage, but build the park itself. the simple rides like the ferris wheel or the bumper car comes as it is, but roller coasters, monorails and some other track rides, you can actually put you 'creativity' to use. for me, i like to build rollercoasters that moves too fast that it gets off its track and, well, crashes to the ground. hah. so, yar. btw, i'm not a game person. games come only after boredome. so boredome made me play RCT and later on made me post pictures of it here.images are quite big sized. so if you cant wait, then, dun lah.

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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metal cartoons!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
bumped upon these 2 vids. really cool.shrek