yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
crazy experiment with speakers
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
one minute i was working on my folio, and next i was suddenly looking out for speakers that i have. one thing moved to another. i was actually testing the speakers to see which one works best for the mosquito frequency. below is the vid. i bet that this is probably your first time seeing a speaker(not sure of the real name tho) from a handphone! yes. BUT, its from a 3100. my mom's old phone. hah. i took it apart and found some interesting components. well, the speaker is meant for monotones, but i played a song through it. okok lah. its the only seaker thats meant to be giving out sound, but dunno why the right one played the song also, but softly lah.remember to stop the currently playing song ar.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i have a feeling more renovations are about to happen in my neighbourhood. last time a cargo office came was the time the flats get a new coat of paint. i wonder what is it now.

been listening to three days grace's i hate everything about you lately. somehow right now, that feeling, that damn feeling when you have a crush is something i'm having right now. i'm sure i'm not having one. hundred percent positive. but, fuck man. then listen to the song, friggin emo SIOT! wah lan.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
well some guys shop and are good at it, but most DONT. thats the "theme" for today's O'level oral. the invigilators asked when was the last time i shopped. i said the time i went to look for an electric guitar. well, that was way in june. i cant fuggin think coz shopping is not my thing. wahlao. then talk cock, said i went with my cousin coz he played for many years already so he has experience. which was what really happened. friggin ass man. i dont have a good feeling for this. last year during Nlevel orals, i had confidence i did good coz the invigilator was like, "wow, this is like a different perspective". so thats a good thing. but now, i dont think i gace that much of an impact to the invigilators. shit man. bluergh.i have a feeling more renovations are about to happen in my neighbourhood. last time a cargo office came was the time the flats get a new coat of paint. i wonder what is it now.

been listening to three days grace's i hate everything about you lately. somehow right now, that feeling, that damn feeling when you have a crush is something i'm having right now. i'm sure i'm not having one. hundred percent positive. but, fuck man. then listen to the song, friggin emo SIOT! wah lan.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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a trip to the library
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
eversince the library has been renovated, the perspective on it has changed. once a boring, quiet place where geeks meet to borrow books is now a hang out for most of us teens. considering the freezing temperature, carpetted floor, a vending machine and beanies, its almost like a second home. apart from being a second home, you can also have some fun gazing. "cuci mater". due to the overwhelming great fashion sense nowadays, not only you can look at faces, but, you-know-what as well. you can find valleys, on the top as well as at the bottom. some valleys are really deep due to the big mountains. well, some idiots were running around asking girls for numbers. one of them peeped at me in the toilet cubicle. luckily my thing is still inside. fuckyoukanninabuchaochibai. arsehole.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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this is the one i submitted. the rest are the ones i think dun quite fit. maybe this one has too many things in it.

i guess they were looking for simplicity
Sunday, August 20, 2006
went for Community Clicks again this morning. the theme was Our HDB. this time the GRC is quite small. you can only go to the HDBs around the CC, unlike the one in tanjong pagar where i went straight to red hill to snap2. i guess i didnt understand the theme well. they said HDB, so i thought we're only supposed to take HDBs, as a whole. but you can actually take parts of the HDB, like those metal rods sticking out for placing bamboo poles. its all ok as long as its, err, creative and looks good i guess. in the end, i didnt win anything. but it was fun. quite cool to see a neighbourhood with photographers walking everywhere.this is the one i submitted. the rest are the ones i think dun quite fit. maybe this one has too many things in it.

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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well, today is the second day after receiving the camera. i'm trying to familiarise myself with the camera. firstly, theres tons of cool features my previous camera doesn't have. okok, today i found out about the colour swap, colour accent and stitch assist feature. plus, i found out that you can manually select your wanted iso, flash brightness and the shutter speed.
colour swap is when you select one colour and swap it with another. colour accent is when you select one colour and the image you're going to capture will only contain that colour that you selected. something like the blue, or izzit green, screen. you know, like the weather man effect thingy. with the stitch assist feature, you can take one big heck of a panoramic photo. shoot one photo at a time, connect the camera to the com when you're done, use 'Stitch' program, click and click. you're done.

second day in operation
Saturday, August 19, 2006
theres this usual difference between males and females. upon receiving a product, a female will always read up the instruction booklets, then they will touch the product, whether the product needs assembly or not. but for males, we tend to try first, read later. most probably when a problem arises. so being a guy i am, i put the instruction booklet aside and explore the camera.well, today is the second day after receiving the camera. i'm trying to familiarise myself with the camera. firstly, theres tons of cool features my previous camera doesn't have. okok, today i found out about the colour swap, colour accent and stitch assist feature. plus, i found out that you can manually select your wanted iso, flash brightness and the shutter speed.
colour swap is when you select one colour and swap it with another. colour accent is when you select one colour and the image you're going to capture will only contain that colour that you selected. something like the blue, or izzit green, screen. you know, like the weather man effect thingy. with the stitch assist feature, you can take one big heck of a panoramic photo. shoot one photo at a time, connect the camera to the com when you're done, use 'Stitch' program, click and click. you're done.

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i collected the prize bundle at harbourfront just now. small compact camera but full of features. the macro mode is really good. below are some shots. the printer is way cooler. IT IS PORTABLE! theres a friggin slot behind for a friggin battery. you charge the batter at home, bring the printer out and you can print all the way. err, 36 prints i mean. aside from the direct printing from the camera, theres this one damn cool feature. YOU CAN SEND PHOTOS VIA INFRARED FROM YOUR PHONE AND PRINT IT WITH THE PRINTER! how cool is that. haizz. the wonders of technology.

Friday, August 18, 2006
the last camera i owned had a horrific macro mode. sickening cam. i collected the prize bundle at harbourfront just now. small compact camera but full of features. the macro mode is really good. below are some shots. the printer is way cooler. IT IS PORTABLE! theres a friggin slot behind for a friggin battery. you charge the batter at home, bring the printer out and you can print all the way. err, 36 prints i mean. aside from the direct printing from the camera, theres this one damn cool feature. YOU CAN SEND PHOTOS VIA INFRARED FROM YOUR PHONE AND PRINT IT WITH THE PRINTER! how cool is that. haizz. the wonders of technology.

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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checked the letter box upon reaching my block. letter from "Singapore Press Holdings", for ME. finally, dapat letter dier. i got the Powershot A700 bundle. which means i will receive a:
Canon Powershot A700 worth $569
Canon Photo Printer, CP600 worth 399
Canon Photo Paper, 108 pieces worth $32.40
all worth $1000.40 and i got it for free. yeh bebeh. but seriously, thank you straits times and canon for the wonderful prize. no way on earth can i get that stuff now.( coz later i can work for it mah) so, a big big thank you. =)
i'm gonna collect the camera tomorrow right after DnT remedial, just in time for this sunday's Community Clicks at Boon Lay Community Clicks. wohoo.
lagu jiwang siotz.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
it all started with me browsing my kuzz's computer. now, i've been looking for all the old2 songs. malay ones. best ar, dengar balek lagu2 lamer. still remember, Di Ambang Waitm long time ago, aku gi karaoke lagu tu. maser2 LD. yes, LASER DISC. time kindergarten tak salah. fun sak. skarang ader beberaper lagu jiwang2 kat dalam com, tapi lagu2 lamer ar. best nyer. wakakakaka.checked the letter box upon reaching my block. letter from "Singapore Press Holdings", for ME. finally, dapat letter dier. i got the Powershot A700 bundle. which means i will receive a:
Canon Powershot A700 worth $569
Canon Photo Printer, CP600 worth 399
Canon Photo Paper, 108 pieces worth $32.40
all worth $1000.40 and i got it for free. yeh bebeh. but seriously, thank you straits times and canon for the wonderful prize. no way on earth can i get that stuff now.( coz later i can work for it mah) so, a big big thank you. =)
i'm gonna collect the camera tomorrow right after DnT remedial, just in time for this sunday's Community Clicks at Boon Lay Community Clicks. wohoo.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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total amount spent: $14
$4: chicken briyani
$1: candy floss
$2: can drinks
$2: ice blended latte
$2: throw-marble game
$3: wasted on song dedications
ice blended latte
the queue was long. by the time i bought it, they said they only have eight cups left. lucky me? i guess not. the latte was like coffee with milk, but half the ingredients was replaced by water. very bitter. they added too little sugar. and, ice blended? my friend has ice bits in his cup while mine was mostly foamy. i expected better, but, what the toot.
song dedications
heres one method which you can use to set up a song dedication booth.
what do you need?
1) a computer
2) internet connection
3) one big speaker
4) booth with papers and pens
once you got all of them set up, use the computer and go to search the database for the wanted song that the person want to dedicate. then play it on the big speaker lor. tadaa. make money without any hassle of collecting and changing cds. well, THATS WHAT THE STUDENTS DID! anyone hear any songs dedicated by JELUTONG or MERANTI? thats me. wakakakaka.
one kid got a cut somewhere above his eyebrow. dunno how. but the blood was dripping. cool. ambulance came.
oh yar, cikgu hanita is my aunt's jc friend. hah. what a surprise.
farn fare
Sunday, August 13, 2006
its the second time the school is having a fun fair. imo, compared to last year, last year's was more 'happening' than this year's. last year, theres this band which mdm asnida invited. they played and it was booming, as in, the bass and volume, totally loud but everyone enjoyed it. this year, performances are dead boring. actually i expected shahril's band to perform coz they said ex-students. but its not his band. aiyoh. total amount spent: $14
$4: chicken briyani
$1: candy floss
$2: can drinks
$2: ice blended latte
$2: throw-marble game
$3: wasted on song dedications
ice blended latte
the queue was long. by the time i bought it, they said they only have eight cups left. lucky me? i guess not. the latte was like coffee with milk, but half the ingredients was replaced by water. very bitter. they added too little sugar. and, ice blended? my friend has ice bits in his cup while mine was mostly foamy. i expected better, but, what the toot.
song dedications
heres one method which you can use to set up a song dedication booth.
what do you need?
1) a computer
2) internet connection
3) one big speaker
4) booth with papers and pens
once you got all of them set up, use the computer and go to search the database for the wanted song that the person want to dedicate. then play it on the big speaker lor. tadaa. make money without any hassle of collecting and changing cds. well, THATS WHAT THE STUDENTS DID! anyone hear any songs dedicated by JELUTONG or MERANTI? thats me. wakakakaka.
one kid got a cut somewhere above his eyebrow. dunno how. but the blood was dripping. cool. ambulance came.
oh yar, cikgu hanita is my aunt's jc friend. hah. what a surprise.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i was on my way home just now. passed this block which has a table tennis, err, table(i guess). surprised to see this tall african dood playing with this other chinese uncle. what surprised me more was when i heard the african dood speak chines. i was like, what the fish. another uncle said something in chinese, so i expected the uncle playing the table tennis to reply. but the african dood replied instead. whats more is that, hes confident. as in like, he realy does know how to speak chinese. aiyoo.
"under the enlistment act, dot dot dot. . . . . ."
Saturday, August 12, 2006
i received the notification letter regarding the registration for NS quite some time ago. it was only til yesterday that i submitted the deferment online. reason was because i want so sure about what to type. like, 'current course attending' or 'course completion date'. so i asked my chia, my english/form teacher. after i got the answers, i went home confident that i can fill in the deferment smooth. guess what. theres actually more fields to fill in that what is printed on the notification letter. one example is, whether i have gone through primary 8. ermm, what the heck is primary 8? never heard of it. so i emailed them. it was like having a chat. is this, that that? yes, this is that yes. quite cool. heh. it was after 4 or 5 emails that i finally submitted the deferment. it was quite late that they sent me a reminder letter. hah.i was on my way home just now. passed this block which has a table tennis, err, table(i guess). surprised to see this tall african dood playing with this other chinese uncle. what surprised me more was when i heard the african dood speak chines. i was like, what the fish. another uncle said something in chinese, so i expected the uncle playing the table tennis to reply. but the african dood replied instead. whats more is that, hes confident. as in like, he realy does know how to speak chinese. aiyoo.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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how to sing Majulah Singpura
Thursday, August 10, 2006
some RP students made this video which shows how to sing the Majulah Singapura the proper way. theres also clips of some people who sang it wrongly. thats the fun part. the intro and ending are quite farni. Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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the one with the merlion. yeah bebeh.
aku menang camera. yeye.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
remember the post when i said that the only way to get a cam for free is to win it? well, i did. wakakakakaka. finally, i'm gonna get a camera. thats not all, it comes with a printer. how cool is that.
the one with the merlion. yeah bebeh.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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hah. i can become a psychologist seh.
today was one heck of a day. first i went to bugis to buy 2 10ohm resistors and a 9v battery holder. then went on to tanjong pagar to look for tanjong pagar cc. below is the map in which i've 'drawn'. map, thanks to i thought it would be better to take a bus coz its less tiring. well, i was wrong. i went all around the CBD area looking for one friggin bus stop. when i got to the cc, i walked around a bit, ONLY A BIT, "aik, that looks like an mrt sign. IT IS!". its friggin tanjong pagar. so it took me about an hour to get from TP mrt to TP cc riding a bus but less that 15mins to get back to TP mrt by walking. fish man. luckily i went 'exploring' today. if not, tomoro i'll definitely be late for the competition.
dots = stop
arrow = direction
red = path i took to get to bus stop
blue = bus path of 196 that i rode
green = walking path back to TP mrt.
black = how to get to and back from TP cc the fast way
Saturday, August 05, 2006
recall back to the days when you dislike someone, be it a male or a female. think of why you dislike that person. one reason i realised is that it might be due to intimidation. somehow, when you feel intimidated by someone, you'll want to 'outrun', or be better than the other person. however sometimes, its impossible. lets say the other person pierces their lips or something and furthermore they're of the oppostie sex. but you are either too fearful of piercing yourself or that you arent allowed to do so, by your parents. the 'pressure' somemore is more when the disliked person is of the opposite sex, if you're a guy, intimidated by a girl. the aftermath is that you'll try 'outrun' the person by disliking them. when disliking them is not enough, you do something more to add to the dislikeness to make yourself feel better, that you are somewhat 'stronger' than the person. 'something more' refers to hurting the person. emotionally or physically. emotional pain works best in my opinion. hah. i can become a psychologist seh.
today was one heck of a day. first i went to bugis to buy 2 10ohm resistors and a 9v battery holder. then went on to tanjong pagar to look for tanjong pagar cc. below is the map in which i've 'drawn'. map, thanks to i thought it would be better to take a bus coz its less tiring. well, i was wrong. i went all around the CBD area looking for one friggin bus stop. when i got to the cc, i walked around a bit, ONLY A BIT, "aik, that looks like an mrt sign. IT IS!". its friggin tanjong pagar. so it took me about an hour to get from TP mrt to TP cc riding a bus but less that 15mins to get back to TP mrt by walking. fish man. luckily i went 'exploring' today. if not, tomoro i'll definitely be late for the competition.
dots = stop
arrow = direction
red = path i took to get to bus stop
blue = bus path of 196 that i rode
green = walking path back to TP mrt.
black = how to get to and back from TP cc the fast way

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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brothers and sisters beware for their innocence is the disguise of the devil in them.
fuggin brothers
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
remember my last post when i talked about my brother and all the nuisance stuff did? well, i'm friggin pissed at him now. a while ago, i fried 4 hotdog rolls. i need to bring 4 rolls to school tomorrow. since theres 5 sausages, i decided to fry 5 instead. budden my brother merengek(cried) to my mom. he wanted one. so she asked me to give him one, so i did lor. then i'm left with 4. just the exact amount i needed. so after frying, i placed them in the fridge. about 10mins later, i went back to check the rolls and wanted to tell my mom to fry it again in the morning. to my fucking horror, theres only 3/THREE/TIGA/SAN/MUNDRU rolls left. my freaking brother took a roll and ate it WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION! i was at the brink of spitting vulgarities man. asshole. brothers and sisters beware for their innocence is the disguise of the devil in them.