yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
longkangs and tabong amals
Saturday, September 23, 2006
went to the library just now. sepol was the planner, but he fucked things up(my last cuss before poser tomoro). he didnt even call me. i found out in the morning from teo. citot. so anyway, did revision on the red chair. nice scenery and awesome angles too. can see everyone passing by, unlike the deserted table i used to sit at which was right at the back corner. then, i went scouting* with halim. looked for nice books'. i was looking for malay ones. then we saw some longkangs" and tabong amals`. so yar, it was fun. wakakaka. the past few days have been really crazy. i've never been this serious, in fact, never have i been serious about studies until now. somehow, theres this fengshui or aura or something thats making me want to revise and stuff. and more crazy is that, i've just read up the prayer guide book, to, refresh some things that was meant to be done everyday. heh. dont know why. you're probably thinking i'm lame or something, but this is whats happening. hopefully, i'll complete this year's fasting with regular prayers. hmm. then can celebrate for hari rayer!!! but, only for some time lah. Os MAN!!!
*scouting: walk around looking for girls
'books: girls
"longkangs: cleavage
`tabong amals: err, butt cleavage?
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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L1R2B2 = 19 but no use
Thursday, September 21, 2006
got my overall marks today. class position, 11th. L1R2B2, 19. first in class for english. not bad right, my results. theres a catch though. i flunked my maths. got a 7. so basically, the 19 is no use with my maths failed. the first 3 days of this week, my mindset has like, totally given up. my results are like, really bad. budden the next day, got to know that i got 2 for malay. then another 2 for DnT. DnT. its really amazing because i got 53, unlike some who got 60+, but yet able to get an A2. just now was the waking up call. still have a chance. just need to tweak some of my maths, english and science. Dnt and malay, a bit of revision here and there. geog and combined humanities, gonna say bubye to them. humanities is not need for my intended engineering course. jonathan teo got a friggin 10 siot. that was MY planned grades. said i wanted to get a 10, but now its 19. nvm. mids was like 22 i think. now its 19. need to minus off 9 and i'm at 10. yea bebeh. totally psyched up right now. wohoo.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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then on the net was this Idiot Test For Prefessionals. you know the riddle, "How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?" i bet most of you only think of it a riddle slash joke. some might think its lame. well, it is. but anyway, there is another purpose to that riddle. it tests people to see how simple that person's mind is. the site says that this test/riddle has been given to professionals and 90% got it wrong while four year olds who did it get most of the Qs right. so if you've never seen/heard the riddle, you can try it here. the answer is in black font, so you have to highlight it to see the answer. *highlight in between the ----
The Idiot Test for Professionals
Question 1
How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?
open the fridge, place the giraffe in the fridge, close the fridge
Question 2
How do you place an elephant in a fridge?
open the fridge, take the giraffe out, place the elephant in the fridge, close the fridge
Question 3
Lion King calls all animals to his place because he just got a son. All animals went except for which one?
the elephant. its in the fridge.
Question 4
You need to cross a crocodile infested river. How would you cross?
you simply swim across the river. the crocs are at Lion King's place.
how'd you did? simple minded people will probably get it right, while those with complicated thinking brains get 'em wrong and might also think its a lame. which it is lah.
*this is the second time i edited this post. because i forgot to blacken the answers. wakakaka*
study? yea right.
Monday, September 18, 2006
first post-prelim school day. got back half of the malay paper, english paper and combined humanities paper. the problem with my languages i think is that my essays are good, but the comprehension is pulling me down. yikes. thats bad. then social studies, i failed. got 42%. but nvm. theres still literature, which i hope will balance the marks to pass my combined humans. had assembly after that and school is done for the day. was outside, making a decision whether to stay or go home. i decided to go home so that i can revise. crazy right. but that was in my head at that time. so i went home, had a rest, ate, bath, and then took out the english five year series. so i read the passage and try to understand it fully. when it comes to answering the questions, my mind was OFF! felt lazy and stuff. moved to the right and guess what i did. NEOPETS! wakakakaka. 17 year old playing neopets. buat malu jer. heh. but i played for the money k, not that i care for the neopets. they're always starving but never will they die! lame seh. i played some games and spent the money gambling. sort of. bought two lottery tickets. first one i picked to the multiple of 6. second, i tore small pieces of paper to pick the numbers. wakakakaka.

then on the net was this Idiot Test For Prefessionals. you know the riddle, "How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?" i bet most of you only think of it a riddle slash joke. some might think its lame. well, it is. but anyway, there is another purpose to that riddle. it tests people to see how simple that person's mind is. the site says that this test/riddle has been given to professionals and 90% got it wrong while four year olds who did it get most of the Qs right. so if you've never seen/heard the riddle, you can try it here. the answer is in black font, so you have to highlight it to see the answer. *highlight in between the ----
The Idiot Test for Professionals
Question 1
How do you put a giraffe in a fridge?
open the fridge, place the giraffe in the fridge, close the fridge
Question 2
How do you place an elephant in a fridge?
open the fridge, take the giraffe out, place the elephant in the fridge, close the fridge
Question 3
Lion King calls all animals to his place because he just got a son. All animals went except for which one?
the elephant. its in the fridge.
Question 4
You need to cross a crocodile infested river. How would you cross?
you simply swim across the river. the crocs are at Lion King's place.
how'd you did? simple minded people will probably get it right, while those with complicated thinking brains get 'em wrong and might also think its a lame. which it is lah.
*this is the second time i edited this post. because i forgot to blacken the answers. wakakaka*
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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was out just now. went photo-taking. got out of the house in the morning thinking that there'll be less people, but i was wrong. but wait, i wasnt the only one who was wrong. i looked at weather forecasts on the net and they all said its gonna be cloudy or it might even rain in the morning. who i folded my jacket nicely making sure than when fit into my bag, it wont bulge out. so when i got out of the esplanade, wait a minute, the sun is friggin bright. cloudy my ass. ps. i was at the roof of the esplanade when i first got out. nice place. so anyway, there are tents put outside. style. so i went down, walk2. i realised that the number of tourists are indeed higher. the last time i went there, only a small group of tourists were there. so anyway, i walked all the way to clark quay nel mrt station, whatever it is. i was lost btw. found it by accident. it also happens that there was a crowd with the cops everywhere. the crowd are all holding on to cameras. there were three cameramen if i recall properly. dunno what happened, so i went down to the station.
mrts are interesting. apart from the fact that they are trains that are not moving on the ground. can you imagine a proper train, maybe a steam train, on the tracks of mrts. weird right. so anyway, why are mrts interesting. mrts are like the best way you can look at people, close up. not that close up ar, just enough to see properly. it happened many times. all the time i was standing beside the door. you go in the train, stand beside the door and in front of you is this good looking girl that is "your type". so, you get attracted to her, and then she drops off. or you got off the train. then you wonder whether seeing that person again is possible. so its like, cool uh. kk. that was crap.
so i took the train to dhoby, then to somerset. i forgot to mention that i was wearing a pair of jeans. i dont know why, but i decided not to wear boxers inside. but i did put on something else eh. so by the time i was walking towards the train station, MY KELENGKANG SAKET, MELECET! wahlao. pain sia. but tahan. padan muker aku. at orchard, there wasnt much to take. okok lah. there are bulls outside of the heeren, dolls wearing bossini clothings sitting on the roof of the bus stop, bright yellow flowers, trees with a red bark with white polka dots on it. and they have balls too.
kk. want to sleep oready.
apek slept then knocked head on chair handle
Sunday, September 17, 2006
12.51 right now. dont feel sleepy at all.was out just now. went photo-taking. got out of the house in the morning thinking that there'll be less people, but i was wrong. but wait, i wasnt the only one who was wrong. i looked at weather forecasts on the net and they all said its gonna be cloudy or it might even rain in the morning. who i folded my jacket nicely making sure than when fit into my bag, it wont bulge out. so when i got out of the esplanade, wait a minute, the sun is friggin bright. cloudy my ass. ps. i was at the roof of the esplanade when i first got out. nice place. so anyway, there are tents put outside. style. so i went down, walk2. i realised that the number of tourists are indeed higher. the last time i went there, only a small group of tourists were there. so anyway, i walked all the way to clark quay nel mrt station, whatever it is. i was lost btw. found it by accident. it also happens that there was a crowd with the cops everywhere. the crowd are all holding on to cameras. there were three cameramen if i recall properly. dunno what happened, so i went down to the station.
mrts are interesting. apart from the fact that they are trains that are not moving on the ground. can you imagine a proper train, maybe a steam train, on the tracks of mrts. weird right. so anyway, why are mrts interesting. mrts are like the best way you can look at people, close up. not that close up ar, just enough to see properly. it happened many times. all the time i was standing beside the door. you go in the train, stand beside the door and in front of you is this good looking girl that is "your type". so, you get attracted to her, and then she drops off. or you got off the train. then you wonder whether seeing that person again is possible. so its like, cool uh. kk. that was crap.
so i took the train to dhoby, then to somerset. i forgot to mention that i was wearing a pair of jeans. i dont know why, but i decided not to wear boxers inside. but i did put on something else eh. so by the time i was walking towards the train station, MY KELENGKANG SAKET, MELECET! wahlao. pain sia. but tahan. padan muker aku. at orchard, there wasnt much to take. okok lah. there are bulls outside of the heeren, dolls wearing bossini clothings sitting on the roof of the bus stop, bright yellow flowers, trees with a red bark with white polka dots on it. and they have balls too.
kk. want to sleep oready.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i dont know whether anyone is reading any of this shitty posts i posted. but oh well. helps with my typing skills anyway.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
always be kiasu when buying stuff. compare prices, look at the quality, take the item at the back. get a new one from the store room if possible. you've got nothing to lose if you do so, but have something to lose if you dont. ermm, that sounds weird. my mom owes me a box of 108pieces 4r photo paper. so i was thinking that i should get the box witht the 36 pieces of paper instead, and use the rest of the money on an SD card. so i looked at the prioce at canon's site and guess what. 108 pieces cost $32.90 but 36 peices cost $15.90. hmm, lets do some calculation. $15.90 times 2 equals $31.80. aik. ot seems that 72 pieces of 4r photo paper is the same as 108 pieces. what the toot. so i decided not to get the 36 but the 108 instead. duhh.i dont know whether anyone is reading any of this shitty posts i posted. but oh well. helps with my typing skills anyway.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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went to the library just now. after that, we hang out at JE to play cards. firstly, we were playing cards at the library, but sabo singh say cannot. then went outside to JE, play cards. after a few rounds, the guard making his rounds say cannot play cards. then we went under the block ar. next to the church. played cards again. up till about ten rounds, guess who say cannot play cards. MR POLICEMAN! shit man. then they ask for ic and where we stay. wahlao. sepol asked if someone complained, then he replied that he cant answer that. wahlao. so bad ar the residents. play cards, never disturb them or even make noise oso cannot. chinot man. totally lame. and the lamest thing is that all of them said we're gambling. err, hello, "gambling, betting of money or valuables on, and often participation in, games of chance." - i guess we must go back to the UNO days. iyoohhh.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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still in assembly and testing

all done(close ups)

thank god for the macro macro mode

and the video evidence of it's, err, workness. that it works. wakakaka.
or as i call it, "the shocker"
Friday, September 08, 2006
haha. lame name right, but thats what it does. it shocks. this idea came to me long long long time ago. even tried it with the crocodile clips. only tonight, dunno why i decided to go on with making it compact. basically all you need is a transformer. can get one from a spoilt or unwanted adapter. you can take the transformer out or keep it in the casing. just make sure the wire is not cut off. a transformer basically changes the voltage of electricity by electromagnetic induction, blablabla. so bacically, you have the high voltage with the many coils and the low voltage with the lesser coils. so the high voltage will be made lower. BUT, if you turn it around, instead of getting a lower voltage, the voltage will increase. by just by using two AA batts, 3 volts, and the transformer, instead of the 3 volts, i'll have a higher voltage. now i dokno how much because i lost the adapter packaging. or not can calculate the ratio, blablabla. so anyway, i only planned to have one switch. the one at the front. then since i have another switch, i'll just add it for fun, but has a purpose also. top one is a push down swith while the bottom one is a push left or right switch. god knows the proper name of these switches. so anyway, the bottom switch is added as an on/off switch. if not, i might shock myself accidentally. so, yar. the two rods are where electricity are supposed to exit from. at first i wanted to place them close together, but after some trials, the voltage is high enough to travel a longer distance. actualy i was thinking of adding an LED to show that its turned on, but i have not done any testing and stuff. afraid that it wont work after soldering and stuff, so i decided not to. below are some of the pics.still in assembly and testing

all done(close ups)

thank god for the macro macro mode

and the video evidence of it's, err, workness. that it works. wakakaka.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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awesomest card trick ever
sial ah. found this on youtube. very neat card trick. very simple BUT very convincing indeed. must watch!Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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so anyway, theres two more upcoming photography competitions. one happening right now and another in october. few days before my Os start. current one is "photofun@sentosa". another one is the "Canon Digital Life Photo Marathon". 14th october. haizz. rush2.
just now benson gave me a link. at first he said is anime, so i tot hentai ai. wakakaka. then he said got many blood. i watch. wah lan. all the gore. the limbs all came off. ironically, i find it hilarious. i was laughing sia. you have to see it for yourself.
due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised.
you have been warned.
sadistic arse
Thursday, September 07, 2006
played soccer just now. BAREFOOTED. now theres blisters on my foot. should have worn shoes. then because i was sweating rite, i mean perspiring. animals sweat. we perspire. so because of that, now theres a sudden increase of pimples on my face. iyooh. so anyway, theres two more upcoming photography competitions. one happening right now and another in october. few days before my Os start. current one is "photofun@sentosa". another one is the "Canon Digital Life Photo Marathon". 14th october. haizz. rush2.
just now benson gave me a link. at first he said is anime, so i tot hentai ai. wakakaka. then he said got many blood. i watch. wah lan. all the gore. the limbs all came off. ironically, i find it hilarious. i was laughing sia. you have to see it for yourself.
due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised.
you have been warned.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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good mourning
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
was browsing youtube when i say this hilarious video. not that that extent lah, but its funny. first listen to the song playing right now, then play the video.Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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blur photo of the ticket counter at Tanjong Pagar train station. its in singapore btw:


before crossing the causeway, must "chop" passport for departure from singapore at the customs. or as we malay people call it, kastam.

tampin train station as you can see. about three quarter to KL train station:

old skool "crane train". been there for years. wonder if its still there now:

the "head" of the train:

so i reached the station safely, got to my uncle's, bla bla bla. now its going home time. not much to take on the way home because its NIGHT TIME. my most favourit train ride is one in the night in the, err, "sleeping" carriage. there are other carriages, like the one with seats which totally suck if you want to sleep, and theres the cabin carriage where you have a small room to yourself. never tried the cabin before, but maybe when i'm married. it'll definitely be fun. if you get what i mean. heh. so below is the "sleeping" carriage. i dokno the proper name lahhh. its at night anf everyone is asleep. so, yar. gets creepy at times.

thats all. no more photos. kthnxbye.
nothing to blog abt
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
nothing much to post. life is just neutral currently. anyway, i was looking at some old photos i have. well, not that old. oldest is from 2002. its been some time since i've taken a train. bumped onto pictures of "holiday in puchong". well, its just a train ride to my uncle's place. gonna post some train and train-related photos down here, for those who've never taken a train before. as in, the real train. not MRT train. thats the fake one. heh.blur photo of the ticket counter at Tanjong Pagar train station. its in singapore btw:


before crossing the causeway, must "chop" passport for departure from singapore at the customs. or as we malay people call it, kastam.

tampin train station as you can see. about three quarter to KL train station:

old skool "crane train". been there for years. wonder if its still there now:

the "head" of the train:

so i reached the station safely, got to my uncle's, bla bla bla. now its going home time. not much to take on the way home because its NIGHT TIME. my most favourit train ride is one in the night in the, err, "sleeping" carriage. there are other carriages, like the one with seats which totally suck if you want to sleep, and theres the cabin carriage where you have a small room to yourself. never tried the cabin before, but maybe when i'm married. it'll definitely be fun. if you get what i mean. heh. so below is the "sleeping" carriage. i dokno the proper name lahhh. its at night anf everyone is asleep. so, yar. gets creepy at times.

thats all. no more photos. kthnxbye.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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chinese people are thick skinned
Sunday, September 03, 2006
yes chinese people are thick skinned. literally. not that i'm being a racist or what. why? i've got two situations to back up my statement. one. go to the library and look at the chinese girls. i can bet that at least half of them are wearing shorts. the real shorts. the shortest of all shorts. with that, they stayed in the library for hours. some of them not even wearing a jacket. if they have thick skin, their body heat will stay inside making them immune to the polar-like freezing temperature in the library. ok, now for number two. at the beach. what do most chinese girls wear? bikini. yes. its too hot for them to wear swimsuits at the beach because they're thick skinned. their body heat will increase due to the heat from the sun, therefore, they wear bikinis. ahah.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i just woke up from an afternoon nap. usually i dont sleep in the afternoon. NEVER. only when i get tired or something in the morning. today i was at home the whole day. wonder why i slept. so anyway, i had this dream. a jump, from talking with shafiq about what course i'm gonna take in poly to interacting with this out-of-this-world man with me running on top of shelters to the end which ended with a crazy security guard getting caught.
the first thing i remember is talking to shafiq. we're in the mrt, i think. talking about poly. then i had this thought of joining SIA as an engineer for a couple of years to gain experience. with the money, go into business. so this train ride then moved on to this 'animated' scene. theres this man who can create mountains that looked like his head and on the top was his hair. lines of his hair. every time he achieved something, he would make a mountain. this is when i started running on top of shelters. the shelters on walkways. then on the side was a wall with sweet semen. i'm not sure from who or what, but thats what the "discovery channel-like" voice said. he said semen. when i realised what he said, i saw droplets on the wall. then the voice kept repeating something which only care to listen when i had trouble running. he said whenever i run on top of the shelter, because the shelter is not transparent, people below cant see me, so they would think that its raining. so this scene moved to the one in a building. we were in this blur room. we as in me and a couple of students, in a room. then this lady came in. suddenly we were talking about this chair that has a number of "move-ability". the back can be folded, yada yada yada. then theres this button on the arm rest. we pressed and the chair goes back to its original position, but then, it also acts as an emergency button. we went out and this other lady told us a small alarm sounded. or sumthing. then i remember two girls asking permission to go to the toilet, and they went. suddenly in another room, quite dark, got this guy sitting in an office table. then suddenly it got all violent. i think. he pulled out a gun. we struggled till we got out of the room/ then, someone else helped me. i said, careful of the gun, then a shot was fired. know what, i shouted "shot fired! shot fired!" then the police came and arrested that guy and all. haizz. lame dream.
Friday, September 01, 2006
the fascination of dreams. you can dream of people and places you've never met. hear people say out information which is trchnically true as if it is a fact. feel as if you are living in it, but it turns out to be a dream.i just woke up from an afternoon nap. usually i dont sleep in the afternoon. NEVER. only when i get tired or something in the morning. today i was at home the whole day. wonder why i slept. so anyway, i had this dream. a jump, from talking with shafiq about what course i'm gonna take in poly to interacting with this out-of-this-world man with me running on top of shelters to the end which ended with a crazy security guard getting caught.
the first thing i remember is talking to shafiq. we're in the mrt, i think. talking about poly. then i had this thought of joining SIA as an engineer for a couple of years to gain experience. with the money, go into business. so this train ride then moved on to this 'animated' scene. theres this man who can create mountains that looked like his head and on the top was his hair. lines of his hair. every time he achieved something, he would make a mountain. this is when i started running on top of shelters. the shelters on walkways. then on the side was a wall with sweet semen. i'm not sure from who or what, but thats what the "discovery channel-like" voice said. he said semen. when i realised what he said, i saw droplets on the wall. then the voice kept repeating something which only care to listen when i had trouble running. he said whenever i run on top of the shelter, because the shelter is not transparent, people below cant see me, so they would think that its raining. so this scene moved to the one in a building. we were in this blur room. we as in me and a couple of students, in a room. then this lady came in. suddenly we were talking about this chair that has a number of "move-ability". the back can be folded, yada yada yada. then theres this button on the arm rest. we pressed and the chair goes back to its original position, but then, it also acts as an emergency button. we went out and this other lady told us a small alarm sounded. or sumthing. then i remember two girls asking permission to go to the toilet, and they went. suddenly in another room, quite dark, got this guy sitting in an office table. then suddenly it got all violent. i think. he pulled out a gun. we struggled till we got out of the room/ then, someone else helped me. i said, careful of the gun, then a shot was fired. know what, i shouted "shot fired! shot fired!" then the police came and arrested that guy and all. haizz. lame dream.