yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
life is different in other's shoes
Sunday, March 25, 2007
just when you think your position in life is just okay to go by, there are always others getting much less than you do. twice i've realised this, not just by thinking of it, but knowing it from the people themselves. i think i'm spoilt. just when i have something, i want more. money is one of them. i get most of what i wanted, do pretty much what i want to and still its not enough. i'm not sure whether the correct word is spoilt though. whether i am to be blamed or not, i'm not quite sure either. maybe it's in the parenting? i dunno. all i know now is that i'm gonna try change myself uh. see, i just realised my previous post is abt moeny. money money money. note to self:
-don't buy food if i'm not hungry
-never buy junk food
-try save at least 2 dollars every day
-spend wisely
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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The first job was for this 2nd hand office furniture company. The job is to carry out all the furnitures, like partitions, parts of tables, padestals, stuffs like that. We have to carry them out from the building, then load them to the lorry. The pay was 5 bucks per hour. Worth it for the job? I dun think so. The full-time workers get 7 bucks while we part-timers get 5 bucks. It physically demanding uh, and requires you to stay up till the next morning. 16 hours of work. though tired and all, after 5 days of work, i got ard 300+. Not bad.
My second job was at a factory, as a QC. It wasn't physically demanding, but bores you to death lah. You look at white plastic cards all day long. I did this for abt 3 weeks everyday non-stop. It was a sickening routine uh. Dunno how the workers can tahan. The pay was also sick. 4 bucks per hour. When its all done, the pay was ard 990.
Then comes the 3rd job. Shop n Save. It was quite fun this time around. Some physical work plus some relaxed work, plus the air con. The manager was quite gd also lah. Buy water for us, once a McD meal and a western food meal on chinese new year's eve. Want to say stressful, it wasn't for me uh. But, might be for the full-timers. Worked there for 3 weeks plus, 4.50 per hour, get my pay cheque weekly. The best job so far.
Last one is a temp one day job. Run a game stall during a family day. It was hot, quite tiring, but i love the pay. 50 bucks. Ok, 47. Have to minus entrance to Sentosa. haha. Got there at 8, went home at ard 1.30. The job was done. More interaction with people this time. It was fun lah.
The whole working life experience is quite rewarding uh. You get something to do during your longest vacation since never, receive pay and also learn things. The money was there, but without control and thought before using it, it will disappear easily. Now i'm no longer working, the money in the bank is sort of decreasing uh. Later on, no more anyhow spending. And of course, things will go back to last time when i have to wait for my monthly allowance. Hah. Those days. Maybe i got stuck to the current life, thats why it feels so fucked up to be without money in the bank. haizz. really. fucked up, seriously. haizz...
where did all my money go to?
Friday, March 23, 2007
It was fun while it lasted. The completion of the O'levels was followed by multiple job hunts with the ever-together friends, in alphabetical order, halim, saifullah and shafiq. Though most of the jobs i did were physical ones, they were somewhat located in different areas. The first job was for this 2nd hand office furniture company. The job is to carry out all the furnitures, like partitions, parts of tables, padestals, stuffs like that. We have to carry them out from the building, then load them to the lorry. The pay was 5 bucks per hour. Worth it for the job? I dun think so. The full-time workers get 7 bucks while we part-timers get 5 bucks. It physically demanding uh, and requires you to stay up till the next morning. 16 hours of work. though tired and all, after 5 days of work, i got ard 300+. Not bad.
My second job was at a factory, as a QC. It wasn't physically demanding, but bores you to death lah. You look at white plastic cards all day long. I did this for abt 3 weeks everyday non-stop. It was a sickening routine uh. Dunno how the workers can tahan. The pay was also sick. 4 bucks per hour. When its all done, the pay was ard 990.
Then comes the 3rd job. Shop n Save. It was quite fun this time around. Some physical work plus some relaxed work, plus the air con. The manager was quite gd also lah. Buy water for us, once a McD meal and a western food meal on chinese new year's eve. Want to say stressful, it wasn't for me uh. But, might be for the full-timers. Worked there for 3 weeks plus, 4.50 per hour, get my pay cheque weekly. The best job so far.
Last one is a temp one day job. Run a game stall during a family day. It was hot, quite tiring, but i love the pay. 50 bucks. Ok, 47. Have to minus entrance to Sentosa. haha. Got there at 8, went home at ard 1.30. The job was done. More interaction with people this time. It was fun lah.
The whole working life experience is quite rewarding uh. You get something to do during your longest vacation since never, receive pay and also learn things. The money was there, but without control and thought before using it, it will disappear easily. Now i'm no longer working, the money in the bank is sort of decreasing uh. Later on, no more anyhow spending. And of course, things will go back to last time when i have to wait for my monthly allowance. Hah. Those days. Maybe i got stuck to the current life, thats why it feels so fucked up to be without money in the bank. haizz. really. fucked up, seriously. haizz...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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- the cousin with the fish -

we head for home at around 6 plus. took a hilarious bus trip to sembawang interchange, took the train and then switched to bus no. 187 at woodlands. i felt sick while walking back home. once i got home, its off to the toilet for a shower. then i ate breakdfast. wait. have to order first rigth? i called up MacDelivery for the first time. bagel with omelette meal for me. on the tv it looks quite big and delicious uhh. when i got mine, it was senonet. small, in english. the bagel is quite tough. i think if they were to replace the bagel with buns, they'll taste better. so, thats all. i'm still feeling sick now. cough2, then feel like vomitting. aiyooooo.
- bagel with omelette, one bite taken by me -
Thursday, March 22, 2007
i went fishing last night with my kuzz at sembawang park. it was my second time there, but unfortunately, i caught no fishes. there were false alarms uh. twice. once was when my line got stuck to this guy's line. i was at the jetty while he was at the beach. the second time was a plastic carrier that got stuck to my line. the tide was strong enough to pull my line uhh. haha. 2nd time there, 2 false alarms, no fishes. my cousin however did get lucky. he caught one just a few moments after this guy beside us caught his. it was cool uh to see him reel it in. the fish which was from the front swam to the right side of the jetty. it was fast uh, and quite strong.- the cousin with the fish -

we head for home at around 6 plus. took a hilarious bus trip to sembawang interchange, took the train and then switched to bus no. 187 at woodlands. i felt sick while walking back home. once i got home, its off to the toilet for a shower. then i ate breakdfast. wait. have to order first rigth? i called up MacDelivery for the first time. bagel with omelette meal for me. on the tv it looks quite big and delicious uhh. when i got mine, it was senonet. small, in english. the bagel is quite tough. i think if they were to replace the bagel with buns, they'll taste better. so, thats all. i'm still feeling sick now. cough2, then feel like vomitting. aiyooooo.
- bagel with omelette, one bite taken by me -
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
next day, i operated on the pass to sentosa, and i found this.

just like the title of the current song, life is indeed wonderful thanks to that special someone. theres more in life to look forward to now. =)
life is indeed wonderful
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i went to sentosa last sunday for a one day job thingy thanks to Alvin. NTU was having a family day. my job was simply to take care of the game stall. first it was the wheel of fortune stall. there wasn't any clear instruction on how the game should be played, so i made the game up myself lah. haha. spin and win of some sort. so theres the wheel with numbers from 1 to 10. at first it was like this. 1 to 5 and you'll get a keychain or a ruler, 6 to 8 you get anything from the front, 9 and 10 you can choose any prize from the table. later on, i changed it a bit because the prizes was abt to run out, and it was only abt 1 hour into the opening of the games stall. so the revised game rule was, 1 to 6 and you'll get a keychain(no more rulers. all gone), 7 8 9 and you can pick anythig from the front, 10 and you can pick anyting from the table. later on, i went to the knockers stall. you know, cans filled with sand, stack them and let the people hit it with the ball. the thing abt this stall is that they only have one ball. that means i have to run to both sides of the table to pass the ball back to the people. one coupon entitles you to to three throws. it just sucks when someone passes you 5 coupons. that means 15 throws, meaning 15 times picking up the damn ball for the same person. aiyoo. but it was fun uh. next was this hoop throwing stall. there were no more prizes uh, but people want to play it just for fun. and after that stall, it was the packing up, eat brunch and went back home. it was like, half dead in the bus. then when it comes to the time to get off, i cant think straight uh. alvin said to alight together at the front bus stop and he'll take a cab from there. i didnt quite get what he said. in my mind was, get out of the bus. so i stood up, pressed the button. i only realised what he said when i was at the door. too late. like, shit sia. so alvin, sorry uh. i didnt mean it. day, i operated on the pass to sentosa, and i found this.
just like the title of the current song, life is indeed wonderful thanks to that special someone. theres more in life to look forward to now. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
i remember my life before you came into it. hours spent in front of the computer screen and the television. it gets really boring. many times i've realised how pathetic it is to sit in front of the screen for hours, browsing websites aimlessly forcing myself to kill time awaiting the next day. it sucks.
one day you dropped by my blog. first a bloghopper, then an msn buddy. you said hello everytime you came online. as time passes by, i got closer to you. i'll always check whether you were online or not. then there was this once where you weren't online for quite some time coz you have connection problem or something. i was thinking of all the might-be reasons, which were all bad ones. sick, hospitalised or worse. you know what. but fortunately that wasn't the reason why. hah. then somehow you got my number. started sms-ing. then one night you asked me to call you. i can still remember. you were laughing like crazy and i have no idea why you were doing so. more and more phone calls take place and i started to like you. but then, i wasn't the confessing type. plus, you were with someone else back then.
february 19th, we met. it was strange, but unforgettable. from then on, i looked at you differently uh. someone i like is no more a photo or a voice over the phone. you, yourself, there. it is strange and interesting how things can change just after one day. heh. much more on the 'met' part that i have in mind, but i think i'll just skip them. so, yerp. =)
we were once friends
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
before, after and met.i remember my life before you came into it. hours spent in front of the computer screen and the television. it gets really boring. many times i've realised how pathetic it is to sit in front of the screen for hours, browsing websites aimlessly forcing myself to kill time awaiting the next day. it sucks.
one day you dropped by my blog. first a bloghopper, then an msn buddy. you said hello everytime you came online. as time passes by, i got closer to you. i'll always check whether you were online or not. then there was this once where you weren't online for quite some time coz you have connection problem or something. i was thinking of all the might-be reasons, which were all bad ones. sick, hospitalised or worse. you know what. but fortunately that wasn't the reason why. hah. then somehow you got my number. started sms-ing. then one night you asked me to call you. i can still remember. you were laughing like crazy and i have no idea why you were doing so. more and more phone calls take place and i started to like you. but then, i wasn't the confessing type. plus, you were with someone else back then.
february 19th, we met. it was strange, but unforgettable. from then on, i looked at you differently uh. someone i like is no more a photo or a voice over the phone. you, yourself, there. it is strange and interesting how things can change just after one day. heh. much more on the 'met' part that i have in mind, but i think i'll just skip them. so, yerp. =)