yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
we're leaving here tonight
Monday, April 30, 2007
Today marks one week of not meeting sayang. Yikes. Planning to meet her tomorrow. This is last tuesday:
Evanescence's Anywhere is the hit song in my playlist for now. wohoo. heh.
One of the first few photos we took together. haha.
Had rock climbing camp last friday till yesterday. At first, i joined the cca because i think rock climbing is cool and fun. You climb the rocks with a rope attached to you. Cool right? Plus, i thought it was easy. Well, i thought wrong. Theres more to rock climbing. Like usual, theres always more to something before you really get to know it. Rock climbing includes using techniques to climb to the top. The same rock wall doesn't mean you'll be climbing the same way over and over again. Theres other routes you can make out. Even more routes if you want to include some crazy techniques. Now i see it as a challenge. It'll be fun uh.
The camp started with a rock climbing clinic. Taught us some of the techniques. At night was the I Bet You Will game. Very very sporting groups out there. Crazy i tell you. In the morning is the Night Walk. While other CCAs walk in groups, we, as in those in rock climbing have to walk individually. Walking alone in campus with a blue light stick following yellow light sticks on the ground. There were some shit ass ghosts, but they weren't scary uh. Just shocking. next morning, theres the games. Tug-of-war and Lord of the Rings. The ground was bloody muddy. My group won 2nd. Lord of the Rings is like those strategic games on computer where you attack the enemy's base. Only this time, its a reality kind of thing. Using water bombs to bomb each other's newspaper base and faking your enemy that u'r one of them to get close enough to their base to bomb it. Haha. I did it multiple times. When i got there, i was like, what the hell? I'm at their home base and destroying it is first on my mind. They were like, mindless, thinking i'm one of them. haha. it was cool i tell you. The feeling was crazy. At night was the amazing race. I fucking abseiled down the red bridge. Three of us wanted to do it. Ended up doing oyapeyasom. i was the odd one out! wohoo! haha. Out of all the probabilities. Half way down the bridge, i was supposed to say out all the names of the group members uhh. I got one of them wrong. Gary let loose the rope until i nearly touch the ground. haha. I screamed! haha. It was fun. Crazy-fun. When we got out last clue, home run, some thought it was at the stadium, so we ran there like fuck sia. Turns out wrong. Next we ran back to the rock gym. Home run mah, so we went back to where we started. All the way there we shouted as if we need finished the last challenge at the stadium uhh. haha. Actually its called paiseh. So, we ended up first. Before the race right, we had this fear factor thing uhh. haha. One group gets to eat pizza, WITH MEALWORMS IN IT. haha. Another, which was shafiq's team, gets to drink H2O with frogs inside. Yikes. After amazing race was spartan followed bbqing. Then there was this fire show uhh. Coolness. Next morning, the camp ended with a mini competition. Overall, the best camp ever.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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changes, yet again
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I dun quite like changes. Not that i dun like the change, but the difference later on. You're so used to something, you like it a lot, so you wait for it. Then the change occurs. You might still get what you were doing before, but maybe for a shorter time. Haizz. Why it has to be so is understandable. Nothing can be done except to cope with the change and get used to the new situation. Everything is getting lesser and lesser. Haizz.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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why can't i just have a girlfriend, spend time with her without anyone bothering. come on. its my life. now i'm stressed. not allowed to meet her on weekdays anymore. only weekends. weekends also, must see if her parents allow. this was what i was thinking about the other day. why can't we be together when we're older, or when i'm working or something. but then, theres always the thing called fate. it just sucks. sayang oh sayang... haizz... tkpe. if its really fate, then we'll get through it. oh yah syg, btw, i'm listening to my last breath right now. =)
haizz haizz haizz
till we meet again sayang.
just not in the perfect situation
Monday, April 23, 2007
went out last sunday with the girlfriend. it was my first time shopping with her. i wanted to get a bag and a pair of shoes. last time when i went out with the guys, shopping seems to be a hassle. picking out a couple of nice shoes is one thing. picking out the one to buy is another. this applies to anything and everything that me or one of the guys wanted to buy uh. its not the fickle-mindedness, but the lack of, err, pointing out i guess. so this time, shopping with the girlfriend is much much easier and fun compared to the guys. heh. of course. the girlfriend picked for me both bag and shoes. it was easy lah. heh. i would have not realised those stuffs if she had not pointed them out. haha.-----
why can't i just have a girlfriend, spend time with her without anyone bothering. come on. its my life. now i'm stressed. not allowed to meet her on weekdays anymore. only weekends. weekends also, must see if her parents allow. this was what i was thinking about the other day. why can't we be together when we're older, or when i'm working or something. but then, theres always the thing called fate. it just sucks. sayang oh sayang... haizz... tkpe. if its really fate, then we'll get through it. oh yah syg, btw, i'm listening to my last breath right now. =)
haizz haizz haizz
till we meet again sayang.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
1)I miss my sayang(eventhough we met yesterday)
2)I'm the class rep
3)My CCA is photography and rock climbing
4)It's not fair that my syg's campus have all the techy facilities and all, unlike erhmmm
5)Money is currently an issue
6)I have 8 bucks in the bank
7)I need a new bag and a pair of shoes
Well, thats all i guess. Oh yar, my laptop cant get into SPWIRELESS again!!!! Urghhh. Stupid laptop.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Never had i imagined that having a girlfriend would bring about such "events". Unexpected events, not with the girlfriend but the family. And its not just something that happened. It was quite, serious, or tensed. To me was like, come on lah, i'm just having a girlfriend, not running away from home to marry her or something. Maybe that was exaggerated, but the reaction was something similar lah. They're just worried for me lah, coz i've just got into poly. It's something that will determine my future. Yerp. The thing is, they have no idea how i feel towards the course. I am totally interested in whatever that is being taught, maybe not so when it comes to mathematics but i'm forcing myself to pay attention and absorb. Just now i had problem doing some problems, but i made a point to understand it once i got home, and i did just that. And also, i've filled up the first two pages of my notebook with notes. So, yah. The "events" also got me thinking of many many things like how i got to become the person i am today. Not academic wise, but character wise. Many many maybes passed my mind, but they're just maybes. I think i can become a psychologist, really. Hah. I can read minds you know, well, not literally.Randomness
1)I miss my sayang(eventhough we met yesterday)
2)I'm the class rep
3)My CCA is photography and rock climbing
4)It's not fair that my syg's campus have all the techy facilities and all, unlike erhmmm
5)Money is currently an issue
6)I have 8 bucks in the bank
7)I need a new bag and a pair of shoes
Well, thats all i guess. Oh yar, my laptop cant get into SPWIRELESS again!!!! Urghhh. Stupid laptop.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
Okay, back to today's post.
I think this month would be the recordbreaker for The Most Time I've Been To Pasir Ris, since forever. I've been on the train to and fro until i know which station comes next on the east side of the island. All the effort to see my syg. This week was fun. It started with a surprise visit on Monday. If only i didn't sms her, then it'll be a total shock. But then, she was still surprised. Went to mac to wait for her. Took a bite as well. Wanted to do the prep a math thing for school, but i didn't bring along rough paper, so i aborted the idea. I ended up playing online games and msn-ing. Wednesday and Thursday i dropped by Bata again. Hang out in the store. I mean, the store of the store. hah. It was fun uh, got to know the other guys working there. I find the job interesting and fun also. Who wouldn't, with such colleagues. If only i'm still in vacation. I guess i like working, especially when it involves interaction with customers. But for now, study comes first i guess. How i'd love to continue working. So anyway, this is the last week before school starts. Meaning no more hanging out at Bata and most of all no more sending her home from werk. Just when i'm getting used to things. Thursday was supposedly the last day i'm sending her home. It was sad uh, i dunno why. haha. krazi. I made another trip to Bata on friday. Another surprise visit. hah. Started the weekday with a surprise and ended it with another one. heh. cool. Lucky y'all who have Gfs/Bfs staying nearby. Nevertheless, my love for you will stay strong despite the distance. Its back to the old days i guess. Till we meet again, weekly, until we're 27 aite. hehe. =)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
its been some time since i have critics in my blog. well, to andrew whatevershit your front name or nick is, get a life. =) poor little andrew too scared to leave any trace of himself behind. psychologists believe that people who bully or in this case talk bad about others have low self-esteem or have a troubled background. so, i understand your situation. its ok. go see a consellor aite. cheer up. =)Okay, back to today's post.
I think this month would be the recordbreaker for The Most Time I've Been To Pasir Ris, since forever. I've been on the train to and fro until i know which station comes next on the east side of the island. All the effort to see my syg. This week was fun. It started with a surprise visit on Monday. If only i didn't sms her, then it'll be a total shock. But then, she was still surprised. Went to mac to wait for her. Took a bite as well. Wanted to do the prep a math thing for school, but i didn't bring along rough paper, so i aborted the idea. I ended up playing online games and msn-ing. Wednesday and Thursday i dropped by Bata again. Hang out in the store. I mean, the store of the store. hah. It was fun uh, got to know the other guys working there. I find the job interesting and fun also. Who wouldn't, with such colleagues. If only i'm still in vacation. I guess i like working, especially when it involves interaction with customers. But for now, study comes first i guess. How i'd love to continue working. So anyway, this is the last week before school starts. Meaning no more hanging out at Bata and most of all no more sending her home from werk. Just when i'm getting used to things. Thursday was supposedly the last day i'm sending her home. It was sad uh, i dunno why. haha. krazi. I made another trip to Bata on friday. Another surprise visit. hah. Started the weekday with a surprise and ended it with another one. heh. cool. Lucky y'all who have Gfs/Bfs staying nearby. Nevertheless, my love for you will stay strong despite the distance. Its back to the old days i guess. Till we meet again, weekly, until we're 27 aite. hehe. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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So, yah. This is my take on fate on us.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
What is fate? How does one define fate? How to know what is fate and what is not? Was on the phone with her just now. She asked me whether it is fate that brought us together. Being me, i can't straight away say yes even though it would be a good answer. I'll need to think about it because i dun agree with saying something just because it might have a good outcome. At first i was thinking about it in my head, only being able to pull out certain points. Then, she started. Talked about how we got to know each other, how long we have been friends and how we are now. After much thought, i can surely say it was fate. Me fated to visit Siti's blog which got me interested in having a blog to wondering how to make my own blog skin, to me learning HTML which i later on used the knowledge to make blog skins for people to use it for free. Out of the many people who used my skins, one of them just happened to be my syg.Not only that, she added me in msn. So from a bloghopper to an msn buddy to a best friend, and now, should i say lovers? Thinking back when we barely know each other, we definitely did not expect ourselves to in our current situation. Things happen but we're still together after three years. Things like her internet connection that got cut off. Like my ex-literature teacher always say, if you want to find the importance of the character or item, take it out and find out how it affected other things or someone else. So when her net connection got cut off, i was somehow worried about her. What happened to her? Why hasn't she been online?Bottomline, i missed her. It was quite some time until she came back online. Phew... The past three years was somehow interesting because most the begining conversation was done online. Texts and texts with a smiley face or a *sigh* to show emotions or feelings and followed with the imagination of how the person is like in real life. Yerp. Things happened and certain events take place, the outcome is now and the present. It will definitely be a happy ending if our story were to end here, but i hope the story will not end yet. May it continue until forever. So, yah. This is my take on fate on us.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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tissue advertising?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
just feel like blogging abt this. last sunday after sending her home, i was at the interchange on the way to the mrt station. was walking from the interchange when this guy put his hand out wanting to give me tissue paper. i saw the back side, plain tissue paper. i have 2 packets of tissue in my back pocket, so i didn't bother to take one. then another guy tried to give me tissue paper also, but this time he showed me the picture side. so i thought, what the hell. so i took one. when i looked closer, it was an ad for this Live Hot Chat thing. haha. with the nurse model posing like so, being given to passerby, like, hello? haha. it is funny though, promoting such services using tissue papers.

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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first of april. met the birthday girl at pasir ris mrt. i was waiting for her at the entrance of the station. the last sms she sent was asking where i was waiting for her. replied telling her to pick one. the time that she received the message was when i saw her enter the station. quickly i turned towards the gantry. waited a few seconds and turned back. then, i walked towards her with her back facing me and tickled her. heh. didn't do that last time coz i was afraid it'd be a wrong person. this time i was pretty sure it was her. so, off to marina, watched mr bean's holiday. the movie wasn't that hilarious, but it was a good mix between comedy and touching the audience. she kept feeding me popcorn, so i fed her gummies. overall, the movie watching was great, because of the movie and also because she was present. next, we ate at KFC. this is where the plan sort of 'spoiled' lah. i was at the front ordering food. when i got back, she was smiling away as if something happened. i asked her what happened, she said nothing. i knew something happened, but shes just denying it uhh. so i kept on asking until she gave up. she told me she read the card already. then i was like, what?!? oh shit. what the hell. this can't be happening. how can she know IT when i haven't even asked her. like, aiyoo. i was in the state of, i-dunno-what-to-do-next. yikes. she asked me, what am i gonna ask her. then i asked again uhh, you read everything aleady? she said she only gave the paper a glance. she read the card proper. so, my mind settled down a bit uhh. A BIT ONLY!!! haha. then she kept insisting on reading the paper again. i kept saying no. wait2, this 'thing' is not over yet ah. so we went to times, then head to the "bay". next was the walk with no sense of direction. heh. somehow it ended on an mrt trip to pasir ris. all the while i was thinking, when when when am i gonna ask her. thought of doing it while walking her home, but she was tired and sleepy. got that look on her face. so we took the bus. my mind wasn't at ease while waiting for the bus. i was like, how how how. die die must ask her on that day before letting her read the card again. the bus ride wasn't a gd on either, but pinching her cheeks was fun. haha. so we alighted. last minute, i asked whether we can like sit2 for a while. so we did, at her void deck. so, i asked her uhh. first time!!!! a bit kancheong, but must maintain cool. rite? heh. sent her up later and head for home. at first i felt bad lah coz the settings was like, like so uh, at the void deck. budden she said nevermind. it was romantic enough. well, it was night. at least something. sorry again eh awak. =) okok, fast forward to when i got back home. was on the phone with her. then she said, if she were to tell me somthing, i would not get angry. straight away i asked her, you read the paper already? turns out that she did not only read the paper while at KFC, but she read it twice! ok lah, a bit swayed cause it didn't turned out how i planned it to, but it all ended well. its ok syg. =) i'm happy you liked the present. save the best for last. hehe.
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
three years in the making
Monday, April 02, 2007
1st of april was her birthday. few days before that, i went out to look for a present. it wasn't as easy as i thought it will be. well, it wasn't a present for just anyone. its a present for HER. so after much walking around jurong point, going in and out of shops, and in again making decisions on which gift would be the best, i made up my mind on this winnie the pooh in a netting bag with hearts thingy inside. got it because she likes winnie the pooh and aside from that, theres the hearts thingy. so, cute and lovely at the same time. then i moved on to the next shop to look for a card. similar to the bear, much time was spent on picking a card. though many cartoon cards were around, it must have a meaningful message uhh. i settled upon this rabbit, or should i say, wabbit card. then it was off to another shop to get a bag. three shops for three different items. cool huh. it was off to home then. while i was on the bus, something happened. i was sitting on the inside. when the bus reached this bus stop, a girl in school uniform boarded the bus. out of all the available seats there were, she chose to sit beside me. i was like, okay... then things went freaky. she was sitting very much close to me. then her bag was like, resting on the side of my leg. serious shit man. was she thinking straight? if shes like, trying to attract me or something, that was way too over. anyway, i've got someone else already. you'll just freak me out. whatever it is, that was the scariest ordeal ever. yikes. so, i got home in the end. some time later at night, i started getting busy uhh. i was thinking of what to write on the card. i decided to write on fullscap paper first in case i made a mistake or something. first i wrote a bit, then more things came up. later on i made up my mind that the fullscap is gonna stay, but re-written of course. what i planned was, the card was supposed to be read after i had asked her uhh. somehow, that plan didn't happen. you'll know later. first of april. met the birthday girl at pasir ris mrt. i was waiting for her at the entrance of the station. the last sms she sent was asking where i was waiting for her. replied telling her to pick one. the time that she received the message was when i saw her enter the station. quickly i turned towards the gantry. waited a few seconds and turned back. then, i walked towards her with her back facing me and tickled her. heh. didn't do that last time coz i was afraid it'd be a wrong person. this time i was pretty sure it was her. so, off to marina, watched mr bean's holiday. the movie wasn't that hilarious, but it was a good mix between comedy and touching the audience. she kept feeding me popcorn, so i fed her gummies. overall, the movie watching was great, because of the movie and also because she was present. next, we ate at KFC. this is where the plan sort of 'spoiled' lah. i was at the front ordering food. when i got back, she was smiling away as if something happened. i asked her what happened, she said nothing. i knew something happened, but shes just denying it uhh. so i kept on asking until she gave up. she told me she read the card already. then i was like, what?!? oh shit. what the hell. this can't be happening. how can she know IT when i haven't even asked her. like, aiyoo. i was in the state of, i-dunno-what-to-do-next. yikes. she asked me, what am i gonna ask her. then i asked again uhh, you read everything aleady? she said she only gave the paper a glance. she read the card proper. so, my mind settled down a bit uhh. A BIT ONLY!!! haha. then she kept insisting on reading the paper again. i kept saying no. wait2, this 'thing' is not over yet ah. so we went to times, then head to the "bay". next was the walk with no sense of direction. heh. somehow it ended on an mrt trip to pasir ris. all the while i was thinking, when when when am i gonna ask her. thought of doing it while walking her home, but she was tired and sleepy. got that look on her face. so we took the bus. my mind wasn't at ease while waiting for the bus. i was like, how how how. die die must ask her on that day before letting her read the card again. the bus ride wasn't a gd on either, but pinching her cheeks was fun. haha. so we alighted. last minute, i asked whether we can like sit2 for a while. so we did, at her void deck. so, i asked her uhh. first time!!!! a bit kancheong, but must maintain cool. rite? heh. sent her up later and head for home. at first i felt bad lah coz the settings was like, like so uh, at the void deck. budden she said nevermind. it was romantic enough. well, it was night. at least something. sorry again eh awak. =) okok, fast forward to when i got back home. was on the phone with her. then she said, if she were to tell me somthing, i would not get angry. straight away i asked her, you read the paper already? turns out that she did not only read the paper while at KFC, but she read it twice! ok lah, a bit swayed cause it didn't turned out how i planned it to, but it all ended well. its ok syg. =) i'm happy you liked the present. save the best for last. hehe.
I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...