yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
i really want to pee right now
Friday, June 29, 2007
i just cant stand it man. all the pressure. i just need to go there and let it all out. i just cant take it anymore. haizz. why can they make a freaking toilet i the library!!!! aiyooo.... am on the phone with sayang right now. looks like syg sort of hangus-ed her chili paste. heh. saaaayaaanggg... esok jadik kan kluar tgk transformers kan? =) ok lah. dats all for now. am waiting for the guys to finish their movies. cik aziha just gave me a lecture. heh. love you syg. MUAHHKSSS....
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
my mom 'won' some tickets to this business talk thingy. i followed her this morning. its supposed to teach you how to start a business, how not to fail at a business, blablabla. fuck dat sak. i mean, really. fucks that crap. half of the programme was regarding business stuff, but not concentrated. merely guidelines for the audience to follow when dealing with their business stuffs. the next half of the session was a fucking advertisement. from how to succeed in u'r business to how to buy their business. the talker was fucked up with jokes, lame jokes. first he was working as this, then as that, this aunty this that aunty that. i bet their aim was not even to get people to sign up for their courses but to get people to sign up as their member just so they can earn money out of that. of course i cant say what company it is, where, who all dat coz you never know those fucked up guys. i mean its like, i got cheated sia. WE got cheated. eventhough its a free thing. maybe the whole idea is to put it as a free talk kind of thing when the real aim is to recruit new meembers. halfway through the advertising, i got pissed off. makes me think unlike the other audiences uh. like, this is crap while the rest are "thats a cool product". i mean, is this supposed to be a talk or an advertising show. stupid organisers. i got a few pointers to starting up a business, really basic pointers that some people can actually figure out by themselves? stupid. really stupid. bravo for the technique to get new recruits, but you suck! haha. i was observing the other audiences. i was like, dun you realise that u'r here for a business success talk, not ask questions on the product they're selling. ite more like a scam sak.
i just realised something that definitely points out their real intention - which is to recruit more members. the advertising started when they showed how to start up a small home-based business. got 2 methods. first method, blabla, the second method. for the second method, he goes to the next slide which is the advertising slide. he continues until he is finished and stops there. stops at the advertising slide. if it is to be a real business success talk, he'd have ended the slide regarding their courses and stuff. sell more of their courses, not the products. fuck ya asses.
haha. i'm quite pissed of at them. i followed the mother in the morning out to town hoping to get something out of it, seriously, but what i got is some fucking advertising, real-life up-front advertising which i cant even buy coz i dun work! assssss..... pfffttt....
oh ya, syg, i still miss you. cant wait till you get back tomorrow. tell me all abt the trip aite. =) MUAHH...
shes coming home!!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
shes coming home tomorrow!!!!! yeeayyyy!! heh...---------
my mom 'won' some tickets to this business talk thingy. i followed her this morning. its supposed to teach you how to start a business, how not to fail at a business, blablabla. fuck dat sak. i mean, really. fucks that crap. half of the programme was regarding business stuff, but not concentrated. merely guidelines for the audience to follow when dealing with their business stuffs. the next half of the session was a fucking advertisement. from how to succeed in u'r business to how to buy their business. the talker was fucked up with jokes, lame jokes. first he was working as this, then as that, this aunty this that aunty that. i bet their aim was not even to get people to sign up for their courses but to get people to sign up as their member just so they can earn money out of that. of course i cant say what company it is, where, who all dat coz you never know those fucked up guys. i mean its like, i got cheated sia. WE got cheated. eventhough its a free thing. maybe the whole idea is to put it as a free talk kind of thing when the real aim is to recruit new meembers. halfway through the advertising, i got pissed off. makes me think unlike the other audiences uh. like, this is crap while the rest are "thats a cool product". i mean, is this supposed to be a talk or an advertising show. stupid organisers. i got a few pointers to starting up a business, really basic pointers that some people can actually figure out by themselves? stupid. really stupid. bravo for the technique to get new recruits, but you suck! haha. i was observing the other audiences. i was like, dun you realise that u'r here for a business success talk, not ask questions on the product they're selling. ite more like a scam sak.
i just realised something that definitely points out their real intention - which is to recruit more members. the advertising started when they showed how to start up a small home-based business. got 2 methods. first method, blabla, the second method. for the second method, he goes to the next slide which is the advertising slide. he continues until he is finished and stops there. stops at the advertising slide. if it is to be a real business success talk, he'd have ended the slide regarding their courses and stuff. sell more of their courses, not the products. fuck ya asses.
haha. i'm quite pissed of at them. i followed the mother in the morning out to town hoping to get something out of it, seriously, but what i got is some fucking advertising, real-life up-front advertising which i cant even buy coz i dun work! assssss..... pfffttt....
oh ya, syg, i still miss you. cant wait till you get back tomorrow. tell me all abt the trip aite. =) MUAHH...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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"I am a SingTel Mobile customer and currently overseas. Would I be charged for receiving SMS from the Internet SMS Chat Portal?
You would not be charged when you received SMS from the Internet SMS Chat Portal. However, there might be standard SMS roaming charges depending on the overseas network operator."
this so sucks. haha. luckily i saw this on time. sayang, i'll pay for the overseas sms fee k syg. heh. sorry awak. kite kan belo. =)
on a side's note, lets just hope u kept that flight mode on throughout your trip. but then, you might have changed it to silent mode. warghhh... haha. tkpe. learn from experience. but, lets just hope. =)
i miss you already syg. i'm gonna spend the night watching dvds. pfftt.. heh. take care k syg. 1 day down, 3 more to go. actually 2, coz sunday u'll be back. yeay!!!! heh. muahhkss.. love you..
internet smsing
Thursday, June 21, 2007
so today is the first day i'm having my day without my sayang to reply to my smses. shes in bangkok. cant call or sms her coz it'll cost money, right? so i thought i'd internet sms her since its free. so, yah, sending one is free. receiving is also, but not when u'r overseas. the overseas provider might charge you. "I am a SingTel Mobile customer and currently overseas. Would I be charged for receiving SMS from the Internet SMS Chat Portal?
You would not be charged when you received SMS from the Internet SMS Chat Portal. However, there might be standard SMS roaming charges depending on the overseas network operator."
this so sucks. haha. luckily i saw this on time. sayang, i'll pay for the overseas sms fee k syg. heh. sorry awak. kite kan belo. =)
on a side's note, lets just hope u kept that flight mode on throughout your trip. but then, you might have changed it to silent mode. warghhh... haha. tkpe. learn from experience. but, lets just hope. =)
i miss you already syg. i'm gonna spend the night watching dvds. pfftt.. heh. take care k syg. 1 day down, 3 more to go. actually 2, coz sunday u'll be back. yeay!!!! heh. muahhkss.. love you..
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)
Should anything happen to me while you were gone
Sayang, i'd like to thank you for being my best friend throughout the 2 years, sticking to me all the time, waiting for me, hoping we'd be a couple. Now that we're together, thank you for being my first love, letting me feel how it is to be loved and putting up with me through the times. Remember me always k syg. You can ask my mom for my bantal bushuk if you want. heh. Take care ok. Love you always. Muaahhkss. =)
4 days
The girlfriend is going off for a trip to Bangkok for holiday. I'll miss her. No morning and night calls. Lets just hope i can sleep and wake up without the need to hear her voice. Haizz. Then theres also the worry if something happens to her over there. I can probably think of multiple incidents than can take place, but then, nothing is going to happen to her. Insya'Allah. She'll go there safe, enjoy herself there safely and come home safe. *I just had my last convo with her on the phone.* Should anything happen to me while you were gone
Sayang, i'd like to thank you for being my best friend throughout the 2 years, sticking to me all the time, waiting for me, hoping we'd be a couple. Now that we're together, thank you for being my first love, letting me feel how it is to be loved and putting up with me through the times. Remember me always k syg. You can ask my mom for my bantal bushuk if you want. heh. Take care ok. Love you always. Muaahhkss. =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
(back to the top.)

The parents have been in malaysia since last thursday. And since then, it has been quite fun indeed. Got to meet up with sayang without any nagging and stuff. On saturday was the anniversary/my late b'dae celebration. haha. It has been two months and things are going just smoothly lately, unlike last time, right sayang? So we watched shrek 3. To be honest, i can't recall much about the movie. I remember the stupid prince starting, shrek and fiona wearing those costumes, the donkey-dragon kids and the damn magician who we find obscene since hes wearing his robe only covering above his knee and when he jumps around, you know you know. haha. Why i can't recall much about the movie? haha. guess the answer. After the movie, we ate at LJ. Not much time to walk around coz its already late. We went off.
so heres a recap during ICANDOANYTINGIWANT 'week'. Thursday, picked her from work. Friday, picked her from skool. Saturday, watched shrek3. Sunday, picked her from work. thats 4 days straight. heh. I have something in mind right now, so i can meet her on a weekday. heh. so, yah. Thats it for this post.
Monday, June 04, 2007

The parents have been in malaysia since last thursday. And since then, it has been quite fun indeed. Got to meet up with sayang without any nagging and stuff. On saturday was the anniversary/my late b'dae celebration. haha. It has been two months and things are going just smoothly lately, unlike last time, right sayang? So we watched shrek 3. To be honest, i can't recall much about the movie. I remember the stupid prince starting, shrek and fiona wearing those costumes, the donkey-dragon kids and the damn magician who we find obscene since hes wearing his robe only covering above his knee and when he jumps around, you know you know. haha. Why i can't recall much about the movie? haha. guess the answer. After the movie, we ate at LJ. Not much time to walk around coz its already late. We went off.
so heres a recap during ICANDOANYTINGIWANT 'week'. Thursday, picked her from work. Friday, picked her from skool. Saturday, watched shrek3. Sunday, picked her from work. thats 4 days straight. heh. I have something in mind right now, so i can meet her on a weekday. heh. so, yah. Thats it for this post.