yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
listing it up on screen
Friday, November 23, 2007
results for this sem's mst, average. 96 for CAD, 54 for mechanics, thermofluid 64 and 81 for IDEA. have yet to know the results of OC and E.Math. I think i did quite well for OC and E.Math. CAD and IDEA are my favourite subs which explains the marks. the rest, like my gf said, is complacency. another factor is laziness. i was quite sure of mechanics regarding its method and calculation. i thought i got the whole concept, but i was wrong. i was complacent and put aside the revisions thinking i would ace the paper. basically the rule of the game practise. thats the only way to ace in something. practise similarly meaning doing it again and again until you get used to it and got it right. this is also where laziness kicks in. MY laziness. so, yah. thats why my thermo results were so bad. erm, very bad compared to the rest who most of them got full marks. but, i realised my mistake after the test and hoped that a pass would be thankful enough, which i got. but, gf wasn't quite happy with my results and started scolding me on the phone. i was hoping she'd be on the same side as me, the happy side, but she wasn't. i didn't get the congrats i was hoping for. instead, i got a hang-up from her. i was damn pissed lah. but then nw, ya, i messed up. and i deserved the scolding. for that, i am sorry for disappointing you.btw, hows the song? =)
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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-----------just another thought-----------
ok, i'm off to my bro's kindergarten graduation ceremony. he's the ketua penyamon in ali baba. haha. BUT, die dh bertaubat daahh. haha.
and to you, thnx for reading.
"the chase"
Sunday, November 18, 2007
last time i overheard someone saying that when you're getting in touch with someone, trying to get close to them, flirting, asking for their number, that is the only time you get this feeling. this feeling of you chasing for someone. then when you're a newbie couple, things are so happy, feel-good, loving. then, as time goes by, that feeling wears off. before, i guess that would reasonable and makes sense. now, it is somewhat, proven. i don't know. what is the main purpose of being in a relationship? i don't quite have a purpose when it first started, but now i see it as a person to rely on, share your thoughts with, your joy, your life. like said, "the chase" is only there in the beginning, but i've seen a few couples who have been together for quite some time, and they still look happy. is it a skin that they put on when in the public? do they quarrel later on? i guess every couple have their ups and downs, but is it to the same extent to what i'm experiencing right now? i hope things would change to how we were last time, in the beginning, both me and you. but, fat chance thats going to happen. well i guess i just have to cherish times when we're happy and just go ahead with it when its not. haizz.-----------just another thought-----------
ok, i'm off to my bro's kindergarten graduation ceremony. he's the ketua penyamon in ali baba. haha. BUT, die dh bertaubat daahh. haha.
and to you, thnx for reading.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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and i guess those words are for me. haizz. whatever it is, DON'T include my mom into this.
stress anger laughter joy
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Stress, anger, laughter and joy. These four feelings basically have one thing in common. They can be spread, easily. Laughter and joy. These two are like, good stuffs. Spread them around. Make the world a better place. However, its not laughter or joy that caused the reaction for me to post this. If you realise, my previous posts have been in the rather negative side of my life. And so will be this post. As contagious as laughter and joy are, so is stress and anger. When someone is stressed and/or angry, they're similar to that of a ticking bomb. It might sound a bit exaggerating, it might be, but you get the point. Basically that bomb will explode either in time or if you do anything wrong, and i mean anything. Of course i did not realise that my actions was wrong. In fact, i still don't think it is. So after what you did, the bomb blasted. Then, the bomb became a plush toy while the person who got blasted obviously got burnt and if in real life would have most probably died. But we're speaking metaphorically now. Anyway, blasted person now becomes the bomb. . . . . . . I'm just too lazy to continue with this. fuck fuck fuck. the point , it is a cycle. either the bomb will explode back at the plush toy or to another person. haizz. I'm sorry that you have to go through whatever you go through, but i'm a person and you can't expect me to take the heat and expect it to go away just like that. I'm sorry.and i guess those words are for me. haizz. whatever it is, DON'T include my mom into this.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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I am sorry.
so many questions
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i'm sorry for having too many questions that pulls back your past be it good or bad. Its not my intention to hurt you by doing so. I don't think i'm like others having mates just for a time-being partner to spend some time together needing each other all that. I'm different. I care for who you are and where you stand. I know it kills you to think back of the past, but it kills me more not being able to know that thing which is killing you. Of course for now, i do understand that we've only been together for some time and I've yet to deserve to know everything. but, i hope you'll be able to put this mind of mine to ease with all the past things so its much easier for me to get over it and go on. For US to go on. I just hope you understand me(and this), after knowing me for ard 3 years now.I am sorry.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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not what it used to be
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
things are obviously unlike last time. no happiness can come by, leaving as it is. luckily the feeling is still there, but happiness is just mild. why oh why? too young for a relationship? i don't think so. like said, either its me, or its her.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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no wires!!!!!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
I am now a proud owner of Linksys' Wireless-G Broadband Router =) heh. It's sort of a "renovation" if you want to call it. My previous pc[coz its bought with MY own money (diy btw)] somehow got spoilt. An autopsy performed by my uncle shows that one of the "metal thingies" on the motherboard(circuit board more likely) overheated therefore opening the circuit. Thats what caused the spoiled pc. My mother suggested the pc be placed in the hall so my bro and my dad can use it. She passed me some cash to get a new motherboard. When the new pc came back from the uncle(he fixed in the motherboard), it lacks one thing. Two things in fact. A big monitor and an internet connection. I bought this 17" Lcd Monitor last time used with the old pc. used it to bargain with my mom for a router. So, yah. I got it. heh. Everyone is happy. Haris and dad got a newrefurbished desktop pc, Atok can surf online without using my lappy(which i bring to skool at times) and I have a wireless internet connection at home! Weeeeee..... heh.
These are some snapshots of the router:
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Friday, November 02, 2007
i guess some people are just made that way, being cranky due to a few reasons. pfft.