yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
Friday, January 11, 2008
some people want to be leaders in a group, but cant seem to take the workload because they've got too much in their hands already. fucked up ass shits. some people just want to take the role as a leader because they want the rep maybe? from my understanding, the leader is the person who finalises everything in a project. thats their job. u can give people tasks and ask for them when they're done. whatever it is, its your leadership. now you're pissed coz its due really really soon. i was the one compiling asking each member for their part and you fucking team leader handed me not even a slide bt merely raw and soft copy materials. i slept late to compile everything. when it comes to being the leader, you have to rise huh. the leader must speak first AND STEAL MY FUCKING INTRO. now take the damn stress you ass.lesson is, dont be a leader if you dont know your responsibilities and if you can take the pressure caused by your team members. asshole.
Labels: releasing frust
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Tuesday, January 08, 2008
things change. i dun like changes. how i wish we could go back to the times of cupid's chokehold, crazy and fish food. things are definitely unlike before. why oh why. back then was like said, floating above the clouds. now? raining cats and dogs once up once down. haizz.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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With love
Mohammad Hanif
great start to the new year
Saturday, January 05, 2008
the happiness to the new year didnt last well. izzit a ritual couples do at least once a week? people say couples fight, but, does it happen all the time. personally i have no idea because this is my first relationship. so far, the happiness that i felt with you is out of this world and so are the fights. well, i love you too but this fuck has got to stop. if it continues, there'll just be a day when either of us can't take it anymore and let whatever is going to happen, happen. when it comes to fights, there are always faults. whose fault is it? somehow i always seem to be the rebuttative one? am i not at fault? or am i trying to put it in a way that i wasn't at fault? i do realise sometimes that i am insensitive about the topic or whatever that came out of my mouth. i cannot promise to change, but i will try. that i can promise. sometimes, i say things but i don't mean them literally. somehow it relates to your past and it brings tears to your eyes. i am sorry. i didn't mean then also. if you feel that you can't take this any longer or you can't stand some parts of me that will affect you for life, then say it now.With love
Mohammad Hanif
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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i worked part-time at shopNsave and it was fun. 2 weeks i think. the pay went everywhere. i wasn't money-concious at that time. then i got my O'level results. somehow, i was emotionless when i got my results. well the results were damn good lah, but i was in this pass fail heck care state of mind. 2 of my buddies with good results were tearing away, bt nt me. then, an internet buddy of mine didn't quite get good results. i thought she was joking or sumthing, but it was real. but its ok. turned up ok now. i worked some more until eve of chinese new year. somewhere after that i got my course application result. good news, i got into my first-choice course. i was quite happy lah. picking a course that will determine your life isn't simple ok. then comes first of april. went out with my internet buddy as it was her birthday. treated her to the movies, ate at long john silver and spent some time at the esplanade. then i sent her home. just before she went up, i asked if she'd be my partner. she said yes! =) and we are still together hopefully forever. the last day i met her before my first day in school, i was damn emotional coz theres not gonna me much meetups and going out like before. my trip home was fucked up. school starts, fun in the begining, got to know some more people from my "dunno ex or still am cca". still thinking of her, trying to cope school with a girlfriend with ups and downs. and time goes on, new plans are made, meet-ups after school or weekend time together. oh ya, i was made the chairman of my 1A/02 class. i didn't vote myself ok. i got closer with my classmates and we have this clan tingy uh. we always go places together. some students dun quite have that lah, so, i should be thankful. (i forgot that i was typing this post and went on watching stargate atlantis. haha) school3 until end of sem 1. thats when things start to change cca wise. i stopped going for cca and i tink i got fatter until now! aiyooo. sem 2 started and its way tougher than sem 1. but, the aeronautical teachers said that the common year is an easy year for us. so, thats gonna be a worry. along the way, me and the gf have our ups and downs, world war taking place like fucking shit i tell you. pisses me off. but at the end of the day, the need to be together just brings us back together and we're fine again. today is the last day of the mid-semestral vacation. tomorrow, school will start and i'm sure it'll suck. for the next three weeks, i have to be serious because after that the exams starts to come. i really need help on thermo and mechanics. i hope i will put my mind to this and get the same gpa as last sem. just above 3, i'll be happy. =)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
recap of 2007:i worked part-time at shopNsave and it was fun. 2 weeks i think. the pay went everywhere. i wasn't money-concious at that time. then i got my O'level results. somehow, i was emotionless when i got my results. well the results were damn good lah, but i was in this pass fail heck care state of mind. 2 of my buddies with good results were tearing away, bt nt me. then, an internet buddy of mine didn't quite get good results. i thought she was joking or sumthing, but it was real. but its ok. turned up ok now. i worked some more until eve of chinese new year. somewhere after that i got my course application result. good news, i got into my first-choice course. i was quite happy lah. picking a course that will determine your life isn't simple ok. then comes first of april. went out with my internet buddy as it was her birthday. treated her to the movies, ate at long john silver and spent some time at the esplanade. then i sent her home. just before she went up, i asked if she'd be my partner. she said yes! =) and we are still together hopefully forever. the last day i met her before my first day in school, i was damn emotional coz theres not gonna me much meetups and going out like before. my trip home was fucked up. school starts, fun in the begining, got to know some more people from my "dunno ex or still am cca". still thinking of her, trying to cope school with a girlfriend with ups and downs. and time goes on, new plans are made, meet-ups after school or weekend time together. oh ya, i was made the chairman of my 1A/02 class. i didn't vote myself ok. i got closer with my classmates and we have this clan tingy uh. we always go places together. some students dun quite have that lah, so, i should be thankful. (i forgot that i was typing this post and went on watching stargate atlantis. haha) school3 until end of sem 1. thats when things start to change cca wise. i stopped going for cca and i tink i got fatter until now! aiyooo. sem 2 started and its way tougher than sem 1. but, the aeronautical teachers said that the common year is an easy year for us. so, thats gonna be a worry. along the way, me and the gf have our ups and downs, world war taking place like fucking shit i tell you. pisses me off. but at the end of the day, the need to be together just brings us back together and we're fine again. today is the last day of the mid-semestral vacation. tomorrow, school will start and i'm sure it'll suck. for the next three weeks, i have to be serious because after that the exams starts to come. i really need help on thermo and mechanics. i hope i will put my mind to this and get the same gpa as last sem. just above 3, i'll be happy. =)