yours truly,
xoxoxo. ![]() MohammadHanif |
babble here,
talk all you want. |
visit them. .Alvin .An .Aiman .Alif .Ayn .Candiee .Dayana .Faekah .Farhan .Fareehah .Faiz .Fern .Fieka .Filiana .Idayu .Mimi .Nad .NurNadiah .Nura .Siti .Shahrul .Shahilah .Sheila .Sofiahh .Suhaira .Syaz .YokeChee ancient times,
gone with the wind. |
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Last Saturday was meetup day with the guys. My first official outing after three weeks of attachment! haha. Eventhough it was only for a while, it was fun uh. We went to the esplanade, as usual. Got to catch this funk band(i think) playing. Cool music I tell you. And also i realised the usefulness of the manual mode. Once i thought that as long as i get the shutter speed right, i'd be able to get a good picture, but it turned out othewise. I even tried with a large aperture, but the pic still turned out bad. So i decided to go manual, selected the largest aperture and adjusted the shots to an appropriate brightness with respect to the stage lighting by changing the shutter speed. And it works. Haha. Was able to get a couple clear and nicely lit images like the ones below. So aniwae, after the perfomance we headed to Marina Square for food. Qi Ji was closed, so we had to settle for this "grilled" food stall. It was ok uhh. First time i tasted curry which tastes nothing like curry. hahahaha. below are some shots uhh.
blur shot, wasted, but the idea was there. ahahahaha

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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three more FUCKING weeks!!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
three more weeks of attachment. Haiyooo. Something happened at werk just nw. Got scolded, sort of, for nt picking up the phone and packing the stuff while i was free. I said back uh, u asked me to stand there, so i did. Like usual, was looking at customers if they need help. I didnt realise the phone rang. I told her i'm sori. I didnt hear it ring. I didnt mean for this confrontation with her. Then she said, ur hardworking. Only if ur hardworking in confronting. i was like, what the fuck is that supposed to mean. After that "thing", theres no more chatting with her. All conversation with her is work-related. Wahliaoehhh.. Fuck sak. three more weeks. I'm nt even hoping things will get better. I just want to finish this thing, n i'm done. Pfftt... Nabeii...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
i'm sick! pfft.. went to work just now with 4 packets of tissue. ended up buying another 4 coz my nose was dripping like a tap! haizz. the cold is one thing, the dust at work is another. haiyaaaa.i might not be heading to werk tomoro.
"Somebody saaaaaaaaveeee meeeee"
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
smoking is an addiction! hard to kick it away. haha. once i didn't smoke for a day, took a puff at night, then it was all goyyang goyyang... haha. smoking is one money robbing addiction i tell you. been trying to stop, but got so used to it lahh. like, walking to the bus stop, taking a break from werk, getting the stress off. it helps uhh, in a way, by exchanging 5 mins of your life every time. haha. i'm gonna try NOT smoke today. god help me.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
kecoh keperrrrr.....
just posting some old shots for fun, which are the bottom three.
this is my netbook. don't know if i've posted abt it or not. but check out the label. its CORE 2 QUAD!!!!! hahaha.. i wish.

if you ignore the stoink face of mine, you can see a rainbow in the background.

k this was taken during year one of poly, at seps' skool

this is the post-o'levels time when everyone is enjoying their no-skool days
(sume kental2 as always)

this is at a factory. its either in the morning or at night, shagged or tired.

siallahhhhh.... takde keje kaperr... otak sort ehh??? pfftt... sadded...
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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One week of attachment done by tomoro, 5 more weeks to go. I've learnt a lot uh. Got to know that IT retailing is not as simple as it seems, for the store owner. Knowledge of products is one thing, marketing knowledge is another. You dun just buy and sell. Its all tied to the U.S. currency. Today might be 35 dollars, tomoro might be 45. Wahliaooehhh.
I'm on d bus btw. Been using my phone to get online a lot lately. Confirm gprs charges will spike up. Bad thing is the phone is quite slow at loading siaa. Pfftt...
Tired lahhhhhh.....
Saturday, March 07, 2009
maner plaaaaak dekni pegi nie. MIA lagik. Haiyooo...One week of attachment done by tomoro, 5 more weeks to go. I've learnt a lot uh. Got to know that IT retailing is not as simple as it seems, for the store owner. Knowledge of products is one thing, marketing knowledge is another. You dun just buy and sell. Its all tied to the U.S. currency. Today might be 35 dollars, tomoro might be 45. Wahliaooehhh.
I'm on d bus btw. Been using my phone to get online a lot lately. Confirm gprs charges will spike up. Bad thing is the phone is quite slow at loading siaa. Pfftt...
Tired lahhhhhh.....
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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Aniwae, MJT, vhere have jou beenzz???????
holding a long stick between my legs on d train
Friday, March 06, 2009
am currently on d train towards ecp. finally, proper fishing after some time. Finished werk at 8 just nw, headed home, prepped and headed out. Here i am. Haha. Harap2 malam nie tak hujaaaannn!!!!!! HAHAHAHA.Aniwae, MJT, vhere have jou beenzz???????
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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technology turned us into idiots
Monday, March 02, 2009
I'm currently on the bus otw to sim lim for attachment. Behind me is this foreign worker dood who was sharing his phone convo with everyone on the bus! Talking on the phone so loudly as if the person on the other side can't hear him. He reminded me of this china woman i saw yesterday. While heading for the bus interchange suddenly i heard a female voice scolding some one. Turned out to be this china woman, scolding someone ON THE TELEPHONE!!! wtf rite. Crazy siaa, holding the phone to her mouth then scold2 out loud. Haiyoooo.
Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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what i did today - a request by miss MJT
Sunday, March 01, 2009
I went down to the basketball court this morning coz the guys were having a game(as always). game of soccer eh, not basketball. Like usual, all are supposed to meet at 10 BUT arrive like an hour later. sunds ye bdk2. while the guys were playing soccer, I was bz snapping them. Practice lah eh katekan. Next, I taught shafiq how to use a DSLR cam. My second student! =)After soccer-cum-shoot2thingy, me shafiq and seps(aka puqemak) headed to Jurong Point. That place is like huge lah. I like how they planned the basement. Coolness sehh. Oh ya, the agenda was to get polo tees for attachment and shafiq to cut his hair. So while shafiq was getting his hair cut, me and seps went shopping. Pusing2 that whole jp lahhhh. In the end I got two polo tees from John Little. Purchase at least 30bucks on first item, get 50% disc. on the second item. cool rite??? haha. just so happens that after getting the polo tee, shafiq was done. then, we headed home lorrr...
tu jerrrr...
oh ya, i name this shot, "moment of gayness". Goodnight!

Type-d by; ♥m.hanif
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back to square one
suddenly I feel like i'm back to square one. haiyooo.current playlist on repeat: AFI (on shuffle)
aniwae, just came back from town. RAIN RAIN RAIN. alhamdulillah. haha. should have worn jeans instead of berms. i waited for one friggin hour lahh, tunggu2 the binatangs(while having a heart donation STICKER on my neck! i placed it on my bag strap. tk tau how it can stick to my neck. paiseh siollll) two of them got a reason for coming late uh. the other two, haiyaaa. n'tah lahhh. NT PUNCTUAL! tsk3.
we headed towards raffles, then to lau pa sat. akmal came and we ordered. the meal was okok. overall ten bucks each, very worth it in my opinion.
pastu headed to esepelenade. got this pop-punkish band playing. sori kalau salah genre ye. then lepak pat raffles nyer starbucks. halim got a free frappe coz no one came for their order. puqewak! tk senonoh. then then, headed home.
AND ON THE TRAIN AKMAL ACCIDENTALLY HIT MY CAMERA LENS ONTO THE RAILING LAHHHHHHHH. sadded siol. i was silent for nearly a minute, to accept what had just hapened. yikes.
group shot! (akmal shot this, he was nt in the photo uhh.)
hopefully tomoro things will get settled and we'll get over this misunderstanding. and monday i'll start my attachment at sim lim. do drop by people!!! it'll be a boring 6 weeks.